Tiger gives up $750M in divorce settlement

It's hush money, plain and simple. She can't say one word about his affairs - even if he were to die - or she gets nothing.

Blah blah blah supporting the kids - I don't think so. It's about not dragging his dumb *** through the mud even more than it already has been.

He will write that check with a smile on his face.
Notice how none of these model citizens answered my question on if it was them, should their wife clean them out.

But, what does it say about the kind of person she is if Tiger's just signing it without a fight in court? He probably just wants her to go away.
Faerluna;3447960 said:
It's hush money, plain and simple. She can't say one word about his affairs - even if he were to die - or she gets nothing.

Blah blah blah supporting the kids - I don't think so. It's about not dragging his dumb *** through the mud even more than it already has been.

He will write that check with a smile on his face.

If I had earning potential like Tiger Woods, I would too.
Faerluna;3447960 said:
It's hush money, plain and simple. She can't say one word about his affairs - even if he were to die - or she gets nothing.

Blah blah blah supporting the kids - I don't think so. It's about not dragging his dumb *** through the mud even more than it already has been.

He will write that check with a smile on his face.

This really doesn't make any sense.

Why would he pay her $750M to keep her trap shut when all the women he slept with are dishing out all the sordid details?

$750M is $750M and I don't think there is a man on earth that would write that kind of check with a smile on his face.

Make no mistake, when they went to court, she held all the cards because she was a "victim" and whether folks want to believe it or not, these type of things, just like the death penalty is heavily swayed in favor of females.
I really thought she was going to stay with him though, Kinda like how Vanessa Bryant stayed with Kobe.

But, shes smarter than her hair color suggests.
South Park did a great episode on this. People are so full of ****.

Sorry but the VAST majority of the people looking down on Tiger about what he did are full of it, even if they believe it to be true. It's easy to say you'd have the willpower and self control to avoid **** like that when you make under 100k a year and aren't famous (or probably very attractive). Now try being a millionaire, famous, with decently good looks, and having hot chicks throwing themselves at you constantly.

Good luck with that. Tiger is human. No one deserves 750 million in a divorce. Did he do a ****ty thing? Yeah, he did. Does she deserve money? Sure. I expect she doesn't have a job, or an education to really support herself + 2 kids. Marrying rich probably means she never expected to have to work nor planned for it. Tiger should be responsible for making sure his kids are well taken care of, and his ex wife has everything she needs to support herself until she can make it on her own.

Yes, its a crap load of money, but who wouldn't go for as much as they could? For instance, you get hit by a car, would you sue only for $10,000, KNOWING you could get $100,000? My gut tells me you would go for the $100k every damn time.

She wasn't the person that cheated, she has all the right to go for that money. Plus, we have no clue what kind of or if they even had some kind of pre-nup.

Yes, of course we would all go for the $100,000. Humans are ****ing greedy, we all are. Being a greedy **** isn't better than cheating. Both should be considered bad.

Everyone would go for the 100k every time, which is why laws should be in place to prevent people from being GROSSLY OVERCOMPENSATED.

Just like the whole cheating thing. There will be people who take a moral stand and say "no i wouldn't go for that much money after a car accident" just like people will say "I would never cheat if i was a billionaire and famous and women threw themselves at me!". But hey, most of those people don't realize they are full of ****, and some of them actually would follow through with it and take the high road. That's humans for you.

I agree. You can't blame her for milking the system for all its worth.
It's the system that's screwed, she just rode the magic carpet to the bank, that's all.

That actually sums up what I was saying I guess. Doesn't make her any better than Tiger.

I don't want to get biblical on you guys, but when you enter into a marriage, you become one with that person. So everything you own belongs to both of you, no matter who accumulates what.

My prenuptial agreement highly disagrees with you. This whole scenario is why prenup should be mandatory before marriage.

Tiger cheated on her with not 1 but 17 women!!!!!! I say 750 million plus the kids is justified.

No difference between 1 and 17. Cheating is cheating. Murdering 5 babies isn't more acceptable than murdering 35.

I don't care if Tiger slept with 17 women, 8 guys, 3 Chimps, and a Dolphin; She still doesn't deserve that ****.

Heck yeah. Not expecting her to go after everything she can is foolish. He ruined a family. There's no price tag for that, but 750 million is a good start.

Ofcourse not expecting her to go after what she can get is foolish. But her actually getting it is.

I know very few people who do not come from divorced parents (it's more common than not). Hardly any of them would ever consider their families "ruined". "Ruined a family" is just a blanket statement with no meaning. Those kids will still have it better than the majority of kids in this country.

Breaking your nuptials means you lose every time.

Again, pre-nuptials! Know what my wife will get if I ever cheat? nothing. But she's free to call me a ***** and divorce me. If I have children however, they will be well taken care of.
The thread title is misleading and should be changed to say, "Every man in America has been emasculated while Tiger gets raped by the courts."
CowboyFan74;3447726 said:
The laws are beyond ridiculous in Cali. Who was murdered??? The only time people should get a settlement like that is in a wrongful death case.:confused:

Isn't it a florida divorce?

Eldrick is paying a ton of spousal and child support, she is entitled to a similar lifestyle after breakdown of marriage as before.

He must also have some really dirty stuff she has on him that would basically ruined what is left of his reputation.
Teren_Kanan;3448039 said:
South Park did a great episode on this. People are so full of ****.

Sorry but the VAST majority of the people looking down on Tiger about what he did are full of it, even if they believe it to be true. It's easy to say you'd have the willpower and self control to avoid **** like that when you make under 100k a year and aren't famous (or probably very attractive). Now try being a millionaire, famous, with decently good looks, and having hot chicks throwing themselves at you constantly.

Good luck with that. Tiger is human. No one deserves 750 million in a divorce. Did he do a ****ty thing? Yeah, he did. Does she deserve money? Sure. I expect she doesn't have a job, or an education to really support herself + 2 kids. Marrying rich probably means she never expected to have to work nor planned for it. Tiger should be responsible for making sure his kids are well taken care of, and his ex wife has everything she needs to support herself until she can make it on her own.

Yes, of course we would all go for the $100,000. Humans are ****ing greedy, we all are. Being a greedy **** isn't better than cheating. Both should be considered bad.

Everyone would go for the 100k every time, which is why laws should be in place to prevent people from being GROSSLY OVERCOMPENSATED.

Just like the whole cheating thing. There will be people who take a moral stand and say "no i wouldn't go for that much money after a car accident" just like people will say "I would never cheat if i was a billionaire and famous and women threw themselves at me!". But hey, most of those people don't realize they are full of ****, and some of them actually would follow through with it and take the high road. That's humans for you.

That actually sums up what I was saying I guess. Doesn't make her any better than Tiger.

My prenuptial agreement highly disagrees with you. This whole scenario is why prenup should be mandatory before marriage.

No difference between 1 and 17. Cheating is cheating. Murdering 5 babies isn't more acceptable than murdering 35.

I don't care if Tiger slept with 17 women, 8 guys, 3 Chimps, and a Dolphin; She still doesn't deserve that ****.

Ofcourse not expecting her to go after what she can get is foolish. But her actually getting it is.

I know very few people who do not come from divorced parents (it's more common than not). Hardly any of them would ever consider their families "ruined". "Ruined a family" is just a blanket statement with no meaning. Those kids will still have it better than the majority of kids in this country.

Again, pre-nuptials! Know what my wife will get if I ever cheat? nothing. But she's free to call me a ***** and divorce me. If I have children however, they will be well taken care of.
So a wealthy man like Roger Staubach has fooled around on his wife because that is what all rich, powerful, attractive men do when women throw themselves at them?

That post is full of more crap than a sewer.
casmith07;3447962 said:
If I had earning potential like Tiger Woods, I would too.

Do you actually think him writing a 750M dollar check doesn't bother him? Think about that for a sec...750M dollars. I think he's not fighting it in court cause he knows he cant do nothing about it.

I don't even think he's worth 750M. Yeah, there are reports that he's worth over a billion, but thats his net worth thats not what he has in the bank so to speak. Where is he going to find all that money?

And I doubt he'd make that back...

such bull****.
Who really cares about how much she gets? If he's stupid enough to put himself in the position he's in, how can you feel sorry for him?
It's like driving around with a big brief case of money in your convertible and making a big deal if someone steals it. You just don't put yourself in that position. Why have kids and get married if you're just gonna go nail skanks anyway? He's an idiot.
Hostile;3448059 said:
So a wealthy man like Roger Staubach has fooled around on his wife because that is what all rich, powerful, attractive men do when women throw themselves at them?

That post is full of more crap than a sewer.

Perhaps you should read my thread more thoroughly.

some of them actually would follow through with it and take the high road

Yes, there are plenty of good people who wouldn't do such a thing. Most, Majority, would not, sorry.

The fact is the average human makes stupid selfish greedy decisions all the time and either justify it or simply don't believe it to be true. This is especially the case when people judge others when they have no experience in the same situation at all. If there was a way to prove it, I would put everything I've ever owned on the line in a bet that the LARGE majority of the people condeming tiger for what he did, would do similar in the same shoes.

It's unsettling when people reply without reading the entire post, makes for terrible conversation.
Teren_Kanan;3448093 said:
Perhaps you should read my thread more thoroughly.

some of them actually would follow through with it and take the high road

Yes, there are plenty of good people who wouldn't do such a thing. Most, Majority, would not, sorry.

The fact is the average human makes stupid selfish greedy decisions all the time and either justify it or simply don't believe it to be true. This is especially the case when people judge others when they have no experience in the same situation at all. If there was a way to prove it, I would put everything I've ever owned on the line in a bet that the LARGE majority of the people condeming tiger for what he did, would do similar in the same shoes.

It's unsettling when people reply without reading the entire post, makes for terrible conversation.
I have a tendency not to read past the first 2 or 3 stupid remarks.

My apologies for missing that one line of sanity in a post full of crap.
Hostile;3448097 said:
I have a tendency not to read past the first 2 or 3 stupid remarks.

My apologies for missing that one line of sanity in a post full of crap.

Apology accepted :)

I wish the post was full of crap, I really do. Maybe I just have very little faith in humanity in general =p

Out of curiosity, are you a right wing christian? A republican? Not starting a debate, or being insulting, I'm genuinely curious.
casmith07;3447961 said:
Notice how none of these model citizens answered my question on if it was them, should their wife clean them out.

But, what does it say about the kind of person she is if Tiger's just signing it without a fight in court? He probably just wants her to go away.

Woods Lawyers know this going in: If she files in Florida, which is likely because they have primary residence there and it is a "no fault" state which makes filing divorce a snap, she is automatically entitled to half of his assets due to the Florida laws, plus continuing spousal support. The estimate on his net worth would be anywhere from 600 million to over 1 billion depending on what is to be believed, a majority of which he earned after they were wed. So, she is entitled to hundreds of millions right out of the box simply due to the laws in the state of Florida.

Now, if the rumors on the internet are true, he has had up to 14 publicly aired affairs (very likely more), which would probably brandish more than enough evidence for her attornies to poke holes in most prenuptuals no problem. Tiger's lawyers also know that a "Tell all memoir" written by a vengeful spouse would not only rake in boat loads of cash for Elin, but would literally crush hundreds of millions of earnings that Tiger could potentially receive years down the road in the form of endorsements and appearences. Some of the details that she knows would probably ruin him on a personal level for life.

Tiger has two choices in this scenario.

Choice #1: He can fight this in court, where more details of his dirty laundry can be aired and his then totally enraged "ex-wife" can take her hundreds of millions of dollars in divorce settlements and continuing spousal support due standard from Florida laws while still going on revenge laden talk show interviews and book tours to promote her memoirs. Tiger will be ruined in this scenario.

Choice #2: Tiger can negotiate a settlement for a few more hundred million dollars more than Elin would receive standard that involves a hush money clause (as is rumored) and most likely calls for no additional spousal support. That clause prevents Elin from publicly speaking badly about him in the future or face severe financial penalties. It also prevents Tiger from bringing any of his girlfriends around their kids during visits. This scenario allows Tiger to rework his reputation with the likelihood that his ludicrous gravy train will get rolling again.

Tiger has zero leverage here and Elin literally hates his guts right now, so she is making him pay the only real way that she can by hitting his wallet.

To answer your first question. I took my marriage vows and no one held a gun to my head. Unlike Tiger Woods, I know the law quite well and accept the fact that my wife can and will clean me out under that scenario. My wife is a stay at home Mom and I am the bread-winner. She has been the best wife she could be and if I drug her through the mud like that I would deserve to be gutted.
Teren_Kanan;3448104 said:
Apology accepted :)

I wish the post was full of crap, I really do. Maybe I just have very little faith in humanity in general =p

Out of curiosity, are you a right wing christian? A republican? Not starting a debate, or being insulting, I'm genuinely curious.
We have a political forum where you can ask me these questions. On here, please don't ask them.

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