Tiger gives up $750M in divorce settlement

Thanks for the PM and links.

Probably won't post over there but very interesting conversations going on over there :laugh2: .
Maikeru-sama;3448138 said:
Thanks for the PM and links.

Probably won't post over there but very interesting conversations going on over there :laugh2: .
You better come post over there and shoot the crap with me.
casmith07;3447689 said:
It won't be a lump sum, but that still sucks. What a gold digger.
he chased her, not the other way around.
CanadianCowboysFan;3448055 said:
Isn't it a florida divorce?

Eldrick is paying a ton of spousal and child support, she is entitled to a similar lifestyle after breakdown of marriage as before.

He must also have some really dirty stuff she has on him that would basically ruined what is left of his reputation.

I think she filed in California. I did a quick search and I did not see anything that verifies that, but that was the speculation of what she would do.
Maikeru-sama;3447974 said:
Why would he pay her $750M to keep her trap shut when all the women he slept with are dishing out all the sordid details?

How long do you think that she could drag it out? A tell-all book? Interviews on Oprah? How miserable she was, her side of the story which would gain her even more sympathy?

All that could gain her several months of air time in interviews alone, let alone a book filled with all their dirty laundry that would surely top the best seller list for quite awhile, because people want to see whats going on behind celebrities closed doors.

All this would guarantee a year or more of constant humiliation, bad press and ill will toward Tiger. He wants it to all go away as of yesterday so he can get back to playing golf.

There's always more money to be made, but if your rep gets dragged through the mud often enough, you'll never get it back.

He's smart to pay her under those terms. She's the one who is publicly humiliated, too, having her husband screwing everything with two boobs and a heartbeat right under her nose.
Faerluna;3448170 said:
How long do you think that she could drag it out? A tell-all book? Interviews on Oprah? How miserable she was, her side of the story which would gain her even more sympathy?

All that could gain her several months of air time in interviews alone, let alone a book filled with all their dirty laundry that would surely top the best seller list for quite awhile, because people want to see whats going on behind celebrities closed doors.

All this would guarantee a year or more of constant humiliation, bad press and ill will toward Tiger. He wants it to all go away as of yesterday so he can get back to playing golf.

There's always more money to be made, but if your rep gets dragged through the mud often enough, you'll never get it back.

He's smart to pay her under those terms. She's the one who is publicly humiliated, too, having her husband screwing everything with two boobs and a heartbeat right under her nose.

Tiger Woods has the good fortune of still being able to play golf and just like Kobe Bryant, if he starts winning big, most people will forget that he cheated on his wife, no matter how long she tries to drag out how she was a "victim".

I really doubt the guy is happy to pay her $750M to keep quiet and like someone else has stated, she holds all the cards because she was cheated on and she is a female.

I'm sure he would like to put all of this behind him but as soon as he wins another Major, people will be talking about how great of a golf player he is and not that how he cheated on his wife.

Sucks for him that he probably only married her for her looks and once the novelty of her looks wore off, he probably lost all interest in her like a lot of guys do that marry for superficial reasons.

Must be nice to try to play the "victim" when your due for a $750M payout for basically doing nothing.
Maikeru-sama;3448187 said:
Tiger Woods has the good fortune of still being able to play golf and just like Kobe Bryant, if he starts winning big, most people will forget that he cheated on his wife, no matter how long she tries to drag out how she was a "victim".

I really doubt the guy is happy to pay her $750M to keep quiet and like someone else has stated, she holds all the cards because she was cheated on and she is a female.

I'm sure he would like to put all of this behind him but as soon as he wins another Major, people will be talking about how great of a golf player he is and not that how he cheated on his wife.

Sucks for him that he probably only married her for her looks and once the novelty of her looks wore off, he probably lost interest in her like a lot of guys do that marry for superficial reasons.

Must be nice to try to play the "victim" when your due for a $750M payout for basically doing nothing.

I think like many in the spot light be it athletes, musicians or actors Tiger got caught up in the temptation of easy women. This does not excuse his behavior but he is far from the only person who has cheated because of how high profile he is it was going to be more attention.

I see many who come down on Tiger more than they did Irvin who was screwing around with strippers and call girls but I think most Cowboy fans have forgiven Mike
Doomsday101;3448195 said:
I think like many in the spot light be it athletes, musicians or actors Tiger got caught up in the temptation of easy women. This does not excuse his behavior but he is far from the only person who has cheated because of how high profile he is it was going to be more attention.

Agreed. I highly doubt Tiger married her for "superficial" reasons. He was physically attracted to her because she is a beautiful woman who was a good nanny and probably was seen as someone who could raise his kids good since she did a pretty good job raising others that weren't even her own.

The ironic thing is Tiger's father cheated on his mother and he has stated he was depressed because of that, but he turns around as does same thing on his wife.

Tiger had probably two bad influences that led him into such a questionable lifestyle choices: Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan. You are who your friends are, and if your ethical code doesn't have a strong basis to it, temptation is easy to slip into.
SultanOfSix;3448230 said:
Agreed. I highly doubt Tiger married her for "superficial" reasons. He was physically attracted to her because she is a beautiful woman who was a good nanny and probably was seen as someone who could raise his kids good since she did a pretty good job raising others that weren't even her own.

The ironic thing is Tiger's father cheated on his mother and he has stated he was depressed because of that, but he turns around as does same thing on his wife.

Tiger had probably two bad influences that led him into such a questionable lifestyle choices: Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan. You are who your friends are, and if your ethical code doesn't have a strong basis to it, temptation is easy to slip into.

I agree of course that is not an excuse for Tiger or any one. However I think Tiger has paid the price and is still paying the price for his mistakes. Some will never forgive him and that is their right but just as I forgave Irvin for what he did I feel the same towards Tiger. I think many golf fans have based on the reception he has been given at the tournaments he has played this year. I do not think people will ever look at him the same as they once did and maybe that is a good thing not to be placed on a pedestal and to be recognized as a person who has faults
Doomsday101;3448195 said:
I think like many in the spot light be it athletes, musicians or actors Tiger got caught up in the temptation of easy women. This does not excuse his behavior but he is far from the only person who has cheated because of how high profile he is it was going to be more attention.

I see many who come down on Tiger more than they did Irvin who was screwing around with strippers and call girls but I think most Cowboy fans have forgiven Mike

I agree with you but my main issue is the payout she and many others like her have received. Like someone else stated, it may be time for the pendulum to swing the other way a bit and set some caps on some of these payouts. Tiger Woods will be paying her for the rest of his life and I just don't think that is right, even though it may be the law.

SultanOfSix;3448230 said:
Agreed. I highly doubt Tiger married her for "superficial" reasons. He was physically attracted to her because she is a beautiful woman who was a good nanny and probably was seen as someone who could raise his kids good since she did a pretty good job raising others that weren't even her own.

I highly doubt he would have married her if she had bucked teeth and was just plain ugly, no matter how well she treats kids.
Maikeru-sama;3448245 said:
I agree with you but my main issue is the payout she and many others like her have received. Like someone else stated, it may be time for the pendulum to swing the other way a bit and set some caps on some of these payouts. Tiger Woods will be paying her for the rest of his life and I just don't think that is right, even though it may be the law.

I highly doubt he would have married her if she had bucked teeth and was just plain ugly, no matter how well she treats kids.

I don't disagree but this appears to be a deal agreed to by Tiger and his wife not ordered by the courts
This sounds like an act of contrition on his part. If I were him, I would have taken my chances with the courts. Losing the kids was a foregone conclusion, but not $750M.
bbgun;3448267 said:
This sounds like an act of contrition on his part. If I were him, I would have taken my chances with the courts. Losing the kids was a foregone conclusion, but not $750M.

It maybe that but I think he just wants to get this behind him without some drawn out nasty divorce case that will play against him in the media. It is alot of money but the sooner he can put this behind him the better.
Maikeru-sama;3448245 said:
I highly doubt he would have married her if she had bucked teeth and was just plain ugly, no matter how well she treats kids.

I highly doubt he would have married her if she didn't want to have kids, she was someone who liked to shop incessantly, late night party, or she showed signs of being a gold digger.

What's your point?

You suggested that he married her for superficial reasons. I believe this wasn't the case because most people who are seeking companionship look at others holistically, considering various different aspects at differing levels depending upon personal values, and nothing from Tiger's past history seemed to suggest otherwise.
How does a person hitting a little ball into a hole get $1 billion? That is sick beyond belief.

I don't play golf, watch golf, or buy any of the products he endorses (that I know of). So it ain't my money.:) I hope.

$750 million/6 billion people on earth = $.125/person.
She married him for his money and fame.

He married her for her looks and body.

She didn't fulfill his sexual needs.

He sought satisfaction elsewhere.

She found out and took his money.
ninja;3448398 said:
How does a person hitting a little ball into a hole get $1 billion? That is sick beyond belief.

I don't play golf, watch golf, or buy any of the products he endorses (that I know of). So it ain't my money.:) I hope.

$750 million/6 billion people on earth = $.125/person.

Much of the money came through endorsements. As for why because so many people around the world do play golf and watch golf. In ways I wish more people were like you then I could play a round of golf without so many slow players on the course. :laugh2:
Maikeru-sama;3448245 said:
it may be time for the pendulum to swing the other way a bit and set some caps on some of these payouts. Tiger Woods will be paying her for the rest of his life and I just don't think that is right, even though it may be the law.

Umm, sure i suppose the gov't could step in and regulate/monitor the payout of all divorce awards/negotiated settlements.
Option B
Stupid married amoral billionaires could stop screwing sleazy skanks (17 times) or just be ready to pay
ninja;3448398 said:
How does a person hitting a little ball into a hole get $1 billion? That is sick beyond belief.

I don't play golf, watch golf, or buy any of the products he endorses (that I know of). So it ain't my money.:) I hope.

$750 million/6 billion people on earth = $.125/person.

Out of that 1 billion, maybe 3-5% is actually from playing golf, even less. Rest is all endorsements.

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