Tipping your waitress?

Cythim;4559979 said:
My drink is typically my gauge as well, but it takes pretty terrible service for me to leave no tip at all. I have been getting bad service lately because restaurants have been using a minimal waitstaff and really not caring about quality of service. I feel bad for the server because you can see them covering more tables than they should , but it also means more tips for the server even if they are smaller.

I am pretty lenient on servers if I know the restaurant is busy and they can't possibly beckon to my every wish, but in the situation I explained way back at the beginning of this thread, the restaurant wasn't busy, there were several empty tables, and our server was actually sitting down in the booth with her friends talking and laughing while we were not getting any service at all. It took forever to get our drinks and food, and she never returned to the table. Not even to give the bill. We had to ask another waitress for refills and such. You think I would pay someone for that? Heck no. But we did tip the other waitress that we asked to help fairly generously for her troubles.
This thread has cost me money. If servers have to put up with nutcases like this, I will be a huge tipper, even if the service is lousy. I can't believe this nut is from the South. She has to be a transplant from California.
Cythim;4559986 said:
There is no legal right of way because it is not a roadway. The insurance company will decide who is at fault based on information provided but no laws have been broken, not tickets are issued, most of the time cops don't even show up.

But backing up is an AUTOMATIC YOU ARE AT FAULT FOR SURE WITHOUT ANY DOUBTS, DUHH!! You even ADMITTED I would be at fault in your post. I also don't have a right to just purposely slam into you. That means LAWS PERTAIN TO PRIVATE PROPERTY ALSO!!
Springs1;4559993 said:
But backing up is an AUTOMATIC YOU ARE AT FAULT FOR SURE WITHOUT ANY DOUBTS, DUHH!! You even ADMITTED I would be at fault in your post.

Okay, and what is the point to this statement?
JonJon;4559989 said:
I am pretty lenient on servers if I know the restaurant is busy and they can't possibly beckon to my every wish, but in the situation I explained way back at the beginning of this thread, the restaurant wasn't busy, there were several empty tables, and our server was actually sitting down in the booth with her friends talking and laughing while we were not getting any service at all. It took forever to get our drinks and food, and she never returned to the table. Not even to give the bill. We had to ask another waitress for refills and such. You think I would pay someone for that? Heck no. But we did tip the other waitress that we asked to help fairly generously for her troubles.

I agree, with service that terrible I would hope to have cash on me to tip the server who helped and leave no tip for my server.
Cythim;4559997 said:
Okay, and what is the point to this statement?

That the person backing out would get penalized, not the person letting the person in.

Even in the case of if the person that went around you if the car would have backed into him, the person backing out would have been at fault 100%. That means laws DO PERTAIN TO private property. The person backing out would be in the wrong, meaning you aren't supposed to be letting the person out, DUHH!! Not only is it illegal, but it's INCONSIDERATE to the people's time BEHIND YOU. WHY should you care just about them when they aren't in line? Cutting is rude, PERIOD!

Remember, you aren't a police officer directing traffic. It's *NOT* YOUR RIGHT to let someone out of a space. The person backing out should have refused to go and tell you to go. That would have been the morally right thing to do. You shouldn't have let them in. It doesn't matter if it's private property or not. The person backing out would be at fault in an accident, PERIOD!!

That person had EVERY RIGHT to be pissed at you for stopping traffic. You were letting CUTTING happen and that is RUDE. I HOPE YOU GET CUT IN FRONT OF, I REALLY, REALLY DO!!
jnday;4559991 said:
This thread has cost me money. If servers have to put up with nutcases like this, I will be a huge tipper, even if the service is lousy. I can't believe this nut is from the South. She has to be a transplant from California.

What are you saying about people from California?
Springs1;4559999 said:
That the person backing out would get penalized, not the person letting the person in.

Penalized how? There is no legal penalty in a parking lot.

Even in the case of if the person that went around you if the car would have backed into him, the person backing out would have been at fault 100%.

Incorrect. Traffic had already been stopped to yield to the backer. The second vehicle must adhere to my decision to stop.

That means laws DO PERTAIN TO private property. The person backing out would be in the wrong, meaning you aren't supposed to be letting the person out, DUHH!!

The person backing out would be in the right because traffic is stopped to let them out. If I want to let someone out of a parking spot it is my right to do so, all you can do is wait for me to finish.
Springs1;4559705 said:
HOW can you blame US when we don't make the servers not write down orders after even ASKING them to, we don't make the servers not compare their written orders and the menu with what they are bringing us for obvious errors, etc.

A LOT of people get bad service. Go to complaints.com, my3cents.com, planetfeedback.com, etc. to see what I am saying is the TRUTH. If that were so true, then there wouldn't be surveys on most chain restaurant receipts now, because you know most people do the surveys if they aren't satisfied more than if they are.

you know there are a lot of discussions about how it is/isn't the servers fault over at these sites and I encourage you to go to them and spout your crazy there

Balance Bracelet
Crazy Waiter
Dinners From Hell
**** My Table
Funny Server T-Shirts
Gin and Bear It
Red Lobster Blog
Server Nightmares
Slightly Cranky Waitress
So you want to be a banquet manager
So You Want To Be A Waiter
Tales From The Shifts
The *****y Waiter
The Bitter Bistro
Tip 20!
Waiter Extraordinaire
Waiter's Friend
Waiting In Vegas
Springs1;4559993 said:
But backing up is an AUTOMATIC YOU ARE AT FAULT FOR SURE WITHOUT ANY DOUBTS, DUHH!! You even ADMITTED I would be at fault in your post. I also don't have a right to just purposely slam into you. That means LAWS PERTAIN TO PRIVATE PROPERTY ALSO!!

my girlfriend is a claims adjuster and I can definitively say you are 100% incorrect, backing up is not an automatic at fault, there are instances when it is your fault
Springs1;4560014 said:

It will not go on their record as police don't respond to a fender-bender in a parking lot.

NO, he doesn't have to do SH***!! I have gone around people who have waited for a space. I don't care if they are waiting for a space, that's their issue, not mine! I made the person wait to back up to go around someone. It's the person behind you's decision to go around you and has EVERY RIGHT TO!!

So long as he does not cause an accident doing it.

NO, because you aren't supposed to give that person enough room to back out. You aren't supposed to let cutting happen. THAT'S RUDE!!

This isn't the school cafeteria, it is not cutting.

NO, and I don't have to wait for SH**!! I can go around you just as the guy did. I DON'T HAVE TO WAIT FOR YOUR CUTTING *** TO LET SOMEONE IN MEANIE!! WHAT A MEAN, INCONSIDERATE PERSON YOU ARE!

Right, you don't want to allow someone out of their parking space and I am the mean, inconsiderate person. Is stopping traffic to help a stalled car off the road also mean and inconsiderate?

NO, you don't have a right. I NEVER let someone out of a parking space, NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER unless I actually want the space.

So it is only OK if you want the space? The car is leaving and opening spaces for other cars to park in. Once he is out of the way traffic will move easier.

Then I have a right when you are in line to get ahead of you in the store if you think you have a right to let cutting happen. SEE HOW IT FEELS?

That is quite a bit different, but I hear you are not above cutting in line at the store either. If I have a lot of groceries and someone only has a loaf of bread I have been known to allow them to go first because that is how nice I am. There is also the problem of no one allowing you to cut, you just did it because you are a rude person. It is sad that someone would let five seconds in a parking lot bother them so much.

Since when cutting was OK, HUH? The only times that I know is when you are in the ER, that's it, because lives are at stake, but that's IT!!

It takes a very simple mind to care so much about losing five seconds in a parking lot. You would probably also try to dart past a backing car that you know cannot see you and risk the accident because it will not be your fault.
"Gratuity Not Included" on the bottom of menus gets me. We always tip no matter what.
Waitresses/Waiters only make minimum waiters wage. $2.50 or something in that ball park.
They have bills too.
rkell87;4560063 said:
my girlfriend is a claims adjuster and I can definitively say you are 100% incorrect, backing up is not an automatic at fault, there are instances when it is your fault

HOW, tell me HOW? If I backed up into the car that went around Cythim, I wouldn't be at fault? I bet I would. I have to watch where I am backing up. It would be MY RESPONSIBILITY as the person backing up not to hit someone.
Springs1;4560069 said:
HOW, tell me HOW? If I backed up into the car that went around Cythim, I wouldn't be at fault? I bet I would. I have to watch where I am backing up. It would be MY RESPONSIBILITY as the person backing up not to hit someone.

If it is clear when you start and some fool tries to dart past while you are already in motion then it would be their fault.
Cythim;4560067 said:
It will not go on their record as police don't respond to a fender-bender in a parking lot.

SO WHAT? If your insurance has to pay or you have to pay out of your pocket, does that really matter?

So long as he does not cause an accident doing it.

This isn't the school cafeteria, it is not cutting.
Doesn't have to be school to have CUTS. Cuts are EVERYWHERE EXCEPT FOR ER IDIOT!! GET WITH THE *REAL* WORLD!!

Right, you don't want to allow someone out of their parking space and I am the mean, inconsiderate person.
If there are cars in the back of me I am for sure not going to be rude to them. That's MEAN if I do that. WHY are you just considerate of the person backing out feelings? What about the entire line of traffic BEHIND YOU that their feelings should count more since they are in a LINE already and the person backing out is not.

Is stopping traffic to help a stalled car off the road also mean and inconsiderate?
YES, the stalled car should YIELD to the people that have right-of-way. Remember on the highway, they do have LAWS of rights-of-way.

So it is only OK if you want the space?
Yes, because then I have a reason to wait for them to back up, DUHHH!!

The car is leaving and opening spaces for other cars to park in. Once he is out of the way traffic will move easier.
NO the traffic would move easier if the stupid inconsiderate idiot would do as I do and go back into his space once he sees someone coming and not go until it is *CLEAR* as I do.

Traffic would flow MUCH BETTER without the cutting and backing up!! This is stupid what you are saying. HOW can traffic flow better if you have to wait for someone to back up? That's *IMPOSSIBLE*!!

That is quite a bit different, but I hear you are not above cutting in line at the store either.
It's *NOT* **********ANY************* DIFFERENT!! A LINE IS A LINE PERIOD!!

If I have a lot of groceries and someone only has a loaf of bread I have been known to allow them to go first because that is how nice I am.
I have done that as well. SO? IT was MY CHOICE THOUGH. I didn't have to. I also don't do this anymore considering I have had 5 people had the GALL to *ASK* if they could get cuts.

There is also the problem of no one allowing you to cut, you just did it because you are a rude person. It is sad that someone would let five seconds in a parking lot bother them so much.

What does this have to do with the people behind you? If you are in line whether you are first or the other person is first, that doesn't alter the person behind them(or you if you let them in front of you's time) does it? When you are in traffic, it *********DOES**********!! HUGE DIFFERENCE HERE!!

It takes a very simple mind to care so much about losing five seconds in a parking lot.
Well you seem to feel that 5 seconds that the person backing out is MORE IMPORTANT than that man that had to go around you because you *CHOSE* to be INCONSIDERATE TO HIS FEELINGS AND TIME.

I don't get WHY you feel the person backing out IS QUEEN OR KING OF FEELINGS AND TIME, but the people BEHIND YOU ARE JUST DIRT, HUH?


THAT *IS* ALTERING TIME whereas in the store, it would take the same amount of time for the 3rd person to get their stuff checked out, but in traffic, the backing out of a space is more time consuming and altering a person that could get a space after that space or even go into another lane or go home even.

You would probably also try to dart past a backing car that you know cannot see you and risk the accident because it will not be your fault.
NO, I just honk when someone is backing up, because they have NO RIGHT-OF-WAY, I DO!! As I said before, I back INTO my space when I see a car coming.
Springs1;4559983 said:
I truly don't feel it's mostly that. I feel it's more LAZY servers that don't want to BUST THEIR BUTT for their money more than anything. I am finding MORE AND MORE servers not knowing the menus, even MANAGERS, it's PATHETIC that I know MORE THAN THEY DO!!

Why don't you just stay at home and make your own food? Then you'll get exactly what you want. It'd probably save you a lot of time.
Springs1;4560069 said:
HOW, tell me HOW? If I backed up into the car that went around Cythim, I wouldn't be at fault? I bet I would. I have to watch where I am backing up. It would be MY RESPONSIBILITY as the person backing up not to hit someone.

if you are moving as you are backing up there will always be some % of blame on you, if you were already fully in the lane and stopped(and a third party corroborates that you were stopped) then you would not be at fault.

in your hypothetical the person that went around cynthim is partially at fault and you are partially at fault and the amount that is placed on you is determined by where you were in the lane and where the impact is.

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