Tipping your waitress?

Springs1;4560083 said:
Yes, because then I have a reason to wait for them to back up, DUHHH!!

So let me get this straight: You believe it's illegal for a car to let another car back out of a parking space unless you want said space, right?
daboyzruleperiod;4560068 said:
"Gratuity Not Included" on the bottom of menus gets me. We always tip no matter what.
Waitresses/Waiters only make minimum waiters wage. $2.50 or something in that ball park.
They have bills too.
I'm not sure where this even got started that it's the customers responsibility to pay a good portion of a restaurant employees salary...not many other businesses expect others to pay their employees.
rkell87;4560091 said:
if you are moving as you are backing up there will always be some % of blame on you, if you were already fully in the lane and stopped(and a third party corroborates that you were stopped) then you would not be at fault.

Then that would mean I wouldn't be backing up anymore, dUHHH!! That still proves I am right.

in your hypothetical the person that went around cynthim is partially at fault and you are partially at fault and the amount that is placed on you is determined by where you were in the lane and where the impact is.
The person that went around Cynthim shouldn't be at fault. He was in the line and NO ONE MADE the person decide to put it in reverse and let off the brake. I would go to court over that crap. That's UNFAIR!!

Also, Cynthim shouldn't be at fault, because the person backing out doesn't *HAVE* to do what Cynthim says. All the time, people motion me to go when I leave let's say a gas station or fast food restaurant, I tell them "NO, YOU GO AND WAVE THEM FOR THEM TO GO. I don't listen to them. Blame should be totally on the person putting their car in reverse.

Cynthim would in a moral sense be at fault that she let them in to begin with to cause the issue somewhat, but the person putting their car in REVERSE is truly the person responsible since it's *THEIR* DECISION to GO IN THE "R" POSITION and let off the brake. The person that went around shouldn't be at fault at all. TOTALLY UNFAIR!! That person didn't cause the situation and the person backing up knows that it's NOT OK to just back up with traffic, DUHHH!! COMMON SENSE!!
ScipioCowboy;4560092 said:
So let me get this straight: You believe it's illegal for a car to let another car back out of a parking space unless you want said space, right?

NO, if there is nobody behind me, then WHY should it matter if I wait for the space? I am not altering someone else's time.
Springs1;4560098 said:
Then that would mean I wouldn't be backing up anymore, dUHHH!! That still proves I am right.

The person that went around Cynthim shouldn't be at fault. He was in the line.

Also, Cynthim shouldn't be at fault, because the person backing out doesn't *HAVE* to do what Cynthim says. All the time, people motion me to go when I leave let's say a gas station or fast food restaurant, I tell them "NO, YOU GO AND WAVE THEM FOR THEM TO GO. I don't listen to them. Blame should be totally on the person putting their car in reverse.

Cynthim would in a moral sense be at fault that she let them in to begin with to cause the issue somewhat, but the person putting their car in REVERSE is truly the person responsible since it's *THEIR* DECISION to GO IN THE "R" POSITION and let off the brake.

um no it proves you are wrong and also proves you are delusional believing that it proves you right.

there is no such thing as 'morally at fault' just as there is no 'act of god' at fault
rkell87;4560107 said:
um no it proves you are wrong and also proves you are delusional believing that it proves you right.

there is no such thing as 'morally at fault' just as there is no 'act of god' at fault

NO, IT DOESN'T. The person that decided to put their shift in REVERSE AND LET OFF THE BRAKE IS AT FAULT IDIOT!! It's a *CHOICE* to do that. WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT, HUH? NO ONE MAKES SOMEONE COME OUT just because someone let's you. I decide not to, so could have that person have done the "RIGHT" thing and not cut. The person that causes the accident is the person backing out IDIOT!! If the person didn't back out like *ME*, there would be no accident DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
Springs1;4560102 said:
NO, if there is nobody behind me, then WHY should it matter if I wait for the space? I am not altering someone else's time.

Let's say that you're looking for a space in a full parking lot, and there's a line of cars behind you. Suddenly, a car starts to pull out of a space just ahead of you; however, you can't get the space without first stopping and waiting for the car to leave, thereby holding up traffic.

Based on the comments you've made here, I assume you wouldn't stop. You would zoom past the parking spot and continue driving around until you found a space for which you didn't have to stop and hold up the cars behind you.
The30YardSlant;4560106 said:
For the love of god somebody put this thread out of its ****ing misery.


It wouldn't be the off season without a neurotic rant from Springs1. It's make this place so much more entertaining.
Springs1;4559983 said:
I truly don't feel it's mostly that. I feel it's more LAZY servers that don't want to BUST THEIR BUTT for their money more than anything. I am finding MORE AND MORE servers not knowing the menus, even MANAGERS, it's PATHETIC that I know MORE THAN THEY DO!!

I truly think that cheap people will look for ANY excuse they can find to not tip. People KNOW when they go to a restaurant that a tip is part of the cost involved in eating there.

If it isnt about being cheap than it is about being a control freak who has to have people cater to their ego.

I always tip because it is the right thing to do. If you dont want to tip go to fast food or stay at home.
ScipioCowboy;4560112 said:
Let's say that you're looking for a space in a full parking lot, and there's a line of cars behind you. Suddenly, a car starts to pull out of a space just ahead of you; however, you can't get the space without first stopping and waiting for the car to leave, thereby holding up traffic.

Based on the comments you've made here, I assume you wouldn't stop. You would zoom past the parking spot and continue driving around until you found a space for which you didn't have to stop and hold up the cars behind you.

Correct, I don't do that. Now, sometimes the person has backed out their car just about completely and you cannot get around them, well, then I have not choice but to let them in.

I have truly passed up spots I could have gotten because I am ALWAYS thinking about the people's feelings and time *BEHIND* me. The person behind the person behind me can't get that space anyway, so it's holding them up.

I always think of people behind me not to hold people up and be considerate of others.
Springs1;4560098 said:
Then that would mean I wouldn't be backing up anymore, dUHHH!! That still proves I am right.

The person that went around Cynthim shouldn't be at fault. He was in the line and NO ONE MADE the person decide to put it in reverse and let off the brake. I would go to court over that crap. That's UNFAIR!!

Also, Cynthim shouldn't be at fault, because the person backing out doesn't *HAVE* to do what Cynthim says. All the time, people motion me to go when I leave let's say a gas station or fast food restaurant, I tell them "NO, YOU GO AND WAVE THEM FOR THEM TO GO. I don't listen to them. Blame should be totally on the person putting their car in reverse.

Cynthim would in a moral sense be at fault that she let them in to begin with to cause the issue somewhat, but the person putting their car in REVERSE is truly the person responsible since it's *THEIR* DECISION to GO IN THE "R" POSITION and let off the brake. The person that went around shouldn't be at fault at all. TOTALLY UNFAIR!! That person didn't cause the situation and the person backing up knows that it's NOT OK to just back up with traffic, DUHHH!! COMMON SENSE!!

since you added more I will respond again.

the person backing up believes the traffic is stopped and is ok to back up, if someone goes around that person, the person backing up can not reasonably be expected to know that their is another car coming but the car coming can reasonably be expected to see the the car backing out and is therefore at least partially responsible for causing an accident
Doomsday;4560120 said:
I truly think that cheap people will look for ANY excuse they can find to not tip. I say inexcusable because people KNOW when you go to a restaurant that a tip is part of the cost involved in eating there.

If it isnt about being cheap than it is about being a control freak who has to have people cater to their egos.

I always tip because it is the right thing to do. If you dont want to tip go to fast food or stay at home.

It's not the "RIGHT" thing to do if the server didn't do the "RIGHT" thing for you in your service. What goes around, comes around. We have had INTENTIONAL STEALING(a person in my party the waitress decided to not return $9 of his change and stated she didn't have a change bank) and gave me the wrong gift card that was the empty one(I had to give 2 to fully pay for our check)(we had separate checks). When you steal, I don't feel you should get a tip. THEFT IS THEFT. If YOU STEAL, I STEAL YOUR TIP AND YOUR JOB. THAT SERVER GOT FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SHE DESERVED IT!
Springs1;4560109 said:
NO, IT DOESN'T. The person that decided to put their shift in REVERSE AND LET OFF THE BRAKE IS AT FAULT IDIOT!! It's a *CHOICE* to do that. WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT, HUH? NO ONE MAKES SOMEONE COME OUT just because someone let's you. I decide not to, so could have that person have done the "RIGHT" thing and not cut. The person that causes the accident is the person backing out IDIOT!! If the person didn't back out like *ME*, there would be no accident DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

you can shout non-sense all you want but it doesn't change the absolute fact that you are wrong in the eyes of your insurance company.

you asked why I can't understand that so I will ask you the same thing?
rkell87;4560122 said:
since you added more I will respond again.

the person backing up believes the traffic is stopped and is ok to back up, if someone goes around that person, the person backing up can not reasonably be expected to know that their is another car coming but the car coming can reasonably be expected to see the the car backing out and is therefore at least partially responsible for causing an accident

But the person backing out should know people may do that and choose to do the SAFEST THING and not RISK IT. Understand what I am saying?

Not only do I do the right thing MORALLY, but also it's *SAFER* to not listen to the person that's waving you to go.

The person backing out should not go just because someone is letting them. It's called *PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY JUST AS I DO.

One time at a Taco Bell, this man tried to let me in from the highway, even honked for me to go, but I told him "NO, YOU HAVE RIGHT-OF-WAY and waved him to go. I DIDN'T LISTEN. I just sat for a few more minutes as I was *SUPPOSED* TO DO BY LAW!!

Sorry, but it's just simply not true what you are saying, because since I don't go, I don't cause the accident.
rkell87;4560131 said:
you can shout non-sense all you want but it doesn't change the absolute fact that you are wrong in the eyes of your insurance company.

you asked why I can't understand that so I will ask you the same thing?

Sorry, I would fight it in court and I know I'd win, because it's a PERSONAL *CHOICE* to PUT THAT CAR IN REVERSE AND LET OFF THE BRAKE.

It should be EXPECTED that someone will go around someone. It's COMMON SENSE people are impatient.
Springs1;4560134 said:
But the person backing out should know people may do that and choose to do the SAFEST THING and not RISK IT. Understand what I am saying?

Not only do I do the right thing MORALLY, but also it's *SAFER* to not listen to the person that's waving you to go.

The person backing out should not go just because someone is letting them. It's called *PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY JUST AS I DO.

One time at a Taco Bell, this man tried to let me in from the highway, even honked for me to go, but I told him "NO, YOU HAVE RIGHT-OF-WAY and waved him to go. I DIDN'T LISTEN. I just sat for a few more minutes as I was *SUPPOSED* TO DO BY LAW!!

Sorry, but it's just simply not true what you are saying, because since I don't go, I don't cause the accident.
lol, ok crazy lady
rkell87;4560140 said:
lol, ok crazy lady

It's true. When I decide to not do what the other person is saying to do and just trust *MYSELF* I don't cause the accident, understand?
Springs1;4560141 said:
It's true. When I decide to not do what the other person is saying to do and just trust *MYSELF* I don't cause the accident, understand?
Wow, you've been here this whole time.

YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. Seek medical advice.
theogt;4560146 said:
Wow, you've been here this whole time.

YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. Seek medical advice.

NO, I don't. I haven't been here this whole time.

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