Then that would mean I wouldn't be backing up anymore, dUHHH!! That still proves I am right.
The person that went around Cynthim shouldn't be at fault. He was in the line and NO ONE MADE the person decide to put it in reverse and let off the brake. I would go to court over that crap. That's UNFAIR!!
Also, Cynthim shouldn't be at fault, because the person backing out doesn't *HAVE* to do what Cynthim says. All the time, people motion me to go when I leave let's say a gas station or fast food restaurant, I tell them "NO, YOU GO AND WAVE THEM FOR THEM TO GO. I don't listen to them. Blame should be totally on the person putting their car in reverse.
Cynthim would in a moral sense be at fault that she let them in to begin with to cause the issue somewhat, but the person putting their car in REVERSE is truly the person responsible since it's *THEIR* DECISION to GO IN THE "R" POSITION and let off the brake. The person that went around shouldn't be at fault at all. TOTALLY UNFAIR!! That person didn't cause the situation and the person backing up knows that it's NOT OK to just back up with traffic, DUHHH!! COMMON SENSE!!