Titanic tourist submersible goes missing with search under way


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..does carbon fiber wear out? You know, like mileage on a car or your old T-shirt.
Pretty much anything will wear out under extreme pressure. Take a piece of wire, it's designed to bend and it will bend just fine, take the same piece and bend it back and forth repeatedly, it will eventually develop micro-fissures and snap in two.

As a concept, the carbon fiber hull worked, it made multiple trips, it just wasn't going to endure extended use under that type of pressure. Everything could have been checked and done exactly the way it should have been the day they launched, but any type of micro-fissures or imperfections from previous dives, that may not have been apparent to any visual checks without the use of testing equipment, may not have been caught. Under that kind of extreme pressure, any compromise or lack of integrity gets exposed instantaneously and catastrophically.


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I was actually relieved to hear that the sub imploded. They likely died before they even knew they were about to die. The thoughts I was having about them all being inside that cramped space for days waiting to die were disturbing.

Also, 500 men, women and children just drowned. Without so much as a blip on the radar and without a multi-national rescue attempt. That's disturbing too.
When did 500 people drown? And where?


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The problem with the sub was the window they used was only approved for 1,300 meters because Rush didn't want to pay for one approved for 4,000. I have no sympathy for him. He put dozens in danger. That's about as stupid as it gets though. Really feel for the kid. I dont think he had much deisre to even go..
His wife is the descendant. He has some pretty heavy duty lineage as well, I believe two of his relatives signed the US Constitution plus there is some pretty heavy duty money on his side of the family, something like that.
That's the only way this dummy got into Princeton. He was a legacy admission.
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No offense to you, but that's the disturbing part. Like I said, barely a blip on the radar.
Some people act like its just the US media that does this sort of thing; I can guarantee that it is not going to be a major story in a lot of countries media.


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Those moaning about the media ignoring that tragedy for this kind of forget that the blunt fact is that a lot more people -at least in the US and probably a lot of other places- are fascinated by anything to do with the Titanic and the media will play to that.


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No offense to you, but that's the disturbing part. Like I said, barely a blip on the radar.
You know, I wonder who would have gotten all the glory if it was something like the U.S. Coast Guard setting up a rescue mission to take the heat off of them for not assisting with this one. Meanwhile . . . the U.S. Coast Guard gets to play the hero, momentarily, only to have to play this whole thing fizz out, even when they knew there was a blast at the same moment they lost communication. So, they just stood up there knowing what happened. The one reporter who asked "what level of hope can we give the families," and he lost his poker face or baseline, and at that point, I was pretty sure they knew something.

Of course, we know our military is tracking every inch of every sea. We know what is out there.


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I found this on the internet..



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Nothing of worth came about in the whole sad enterprise.

supposedly some were calling them pioneers and explorers; what a joke. A very sad joke.

A con man and his marks is more the way I see it.
”Rich” con man.


Taco Engineer
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Supposedly the pilot of the sub was a descendant of a couple from the Titanic that survived; that is what I read somewhere this morning.

It reached out and took one to make up for those it did not get the first time around.
2-0 vs rich folk


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No offense to you, but that's the disturbing part. Like I said, barely a blip on the radar.
Perhaps it is a commentary on how we view news, but these migrant vessels are making these trips every day all over the world. Submersibles go missing almost never. It is the novelty of the incident that drives the news.


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Just as an fyi the Airbus A350 and the Boeing 787 Dreamliner are made mostly of Carbon Fibre as well. Carbon Fibre is much stronger than steel, I believe 3X and about 70% lighter than steel. The test with these planes will be how the Carbon Fibre holds up under long term pressurization cycles. Carbon Fibre is much more expensive than steel but people love it for its light weight and strength.

I have a car that has a complete Carbon Fibre tub, Rigidity, Strength and Weight are beautiful but when involved in an accident the Carbon Fibre tends to shatter and rip usually causing the car to be totaled as its tough to determine how much of the tub has actually been stressed or damaged Plus there are not too many firms out there in the Carbon Fibre repair business.

Also the Titan made 6 dives to the Titanic in 21 and 7 dives to the Titanic in 22. Thats 13 heavy duty pressure cycles on that Carbon Fibre hull, exactly why I said that the airline industry is very interested to see how their planes hold up long term. At this point I think it’s undetermined.
It's amazing how much lighter carbon fiber is compared to steel. Roughly around 5X. That's why they consider it 5X stronger. Because Steel is much denser but isn't any stronger. From what I understand, the same amount of steel as carbon fiber are equal in strength.