News: TLH: Cowboys owner Jerry Jones refuses to apologize for radio outburst

I can't bring myself to turn my back, but all respect I had for the organization is gone. What was aired on radio was borderline fascism, and that's being generous. The owner of America's team, gentlemen. I think it's time for all of us to voice our displeasure of the piss poor job this jackass has done for the last three decades. If he won't hear it from a radio host, maybe he will listen to know...the ones that keep the money flowing for him. Just a thought....
If a protest is ever planned at the stadium…I’m in.
My thing is I'm those weren't the toughest questions ever asked but why is he so salty and sensitive lately? As mentioned, this is actually the third
time he's snapped at a media employee. I just think there could be some deeper issues he's dealing with........issues his money can't fix.
Agree they weren't tough questions, but they were insulting and criticizing his performance as a GM/Owner/....... that's why he acted like a total jerk.
Current fans wont. Ive been a Cowboy fan all my life. Moved to Dallas just so I could watch them. If I continue to watch football, I'll be watching the Cowboys. No changing that.

But any new fans. Younger generations. All they know is that Jerry is a LOSER. He is Al Davis to them. Hes a joke. Hes tarnished the star in a way that may never be reversed.

Thats what makes me sick. He has thrown away everything that the storied teams and players sacrificed themselves for. All for ego and narcissism. And even when hes gone I dont think things will change, unfortunately. Steph will probably be just as bad or worse.

As long as the Jones name is associated with the Dallas Cowboys, this team will be nothing but a circus, run by clowns.
my son calls me from college damn dad...this is what you were so worked up about and foisted on to me? Now he's embarrassed watching our games - big games - with his friends.

With the big target that is constantly on our's almost better to be a Panthers or Browns fan. This is ritual humiliation every year.
I'm not saying how he acted is ok, but people are really blowing up over this saying it's grounds to replace him as an owner. Again, I don't think it's ok but I don't think it's ground to force you to sell an organization worth $10bn.
The blow up is earned, Jerry crossed a line when he started talking about their jobs and making it not about football. It was unnecessary and disrespectful to be honest.
Jerry started threatening them about firing them , live on air .

That didnt sit well .
my son calls me from college damn dad...this is what you were so worked up about and foisted on to me? Now he's embarrassed watching our games - big games - with his friends.

With the big target that is constantly on our's almost better to be a Panthers or Browns fan. This is ritual humiliation every year.
Tell him to suck it up... People like "us" have been in the trenches for 30+ years. He's lucky he only has to deal with this problem now. LOL!!
we all know what jerry was doing in his yatch while he had this phone call .

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