TNA Major Breaking News (possible Spoiler)

BraveHeartFan;3961385 said:
Agreed. Because they'd do it for a short term program, with no thought what so ever to Hogan being the major player of the card or near the title. He got his final "thank you" title run from the WWE several years ago and he'll never be near their major title again.

They do a great job with him, and others, of bringing back older stars for nostaligic reasons and not going overboard with it.

Something TNA can learn from and hopefully will.

Most likely he would never hold the title, but Vince understands business and a Hogan v. Cena match for the WWE title would draw huge money, he wouldn't put it on a WM, but he would probably stick that on a SummerSlam or a Survivor Series and enjoy an extra hundred thousand buys... People crap on TNA for angling Hogan for a title shot, but you know what, aslong as he doesn't win the title its good business, why leave millions of dollars on the table? A Hogan title shot would draw TNA atleast an extra 20,000-40,000 buys, and then DVD sales of people in a store saying Hogan challenging say, Sting for the world title? I'ma buy that I remember those guys.. Then T-Shirt's, etc;.. The best way to do it money wise is to have Hogan as the face vs a heel Anderson. As you need Hogan as the face to maximize drawing in todays age, so putting him vs Styles would idiotic.
Romo 2 Austin;3960752 said:
I have you on ignore aswell, over your TNA ignorance but the stuff you post in the wrestling threads are so hilarious I find the need to click "View Post".
If you had him on ignore, you couldn't see the post you're quoting here and wouldn't know that he has you on ignore. Ignore is an actual feature on this forum that masks the posts of those you just flat out are tired of. He is apparently tired of you.
Hostile;3961566 said:
If you had him on ignore, you couldn't see the post you're quoting here and wouldn't know that he has you on ignore. Ignore is an actual feature on this forum that masks the posts of those you just flat out are tired of. He is apparently tired of you.

This message is hidden because zrinkill is on your ignore list.

There is an option in the top right part of posts... "View Post"... In these forums his posts are so one sided I find them funny so I always endup clicking it.
Romo 2 Austin;3961563 said:
Well it's both, Russo could've and did book the program into oblivion but it still was drawing a 2.2+ rating weekly, if not more. It would've been profitable if you removed the ridiculous contracts people like Bret Hart, Nash, Hogan, DDP, Sting, Hall, Flair etc; had. The only guy they had that deserved the money they got was Goldberg as he was the only home made draw they established.

Look at it this way, Hall and Nash had it in their contracts that the only person that could be paid more then them was Hogan, Bret Hart was signed for a reported 2.5 million a year(correct me if im wrong, I may be but thats the number in my head and I believe its right.) so your looking at both Nash and Hall making more than that, and Hogan making more than that...

So Hogan, Nash, Hall and Hart combined for ATLEAST $10Million per year... In comparison WWE's ENTIRE roster, including FCW talents make $15million a year now... Plus bonus's.

2.5 is pretty close. It was between 2.5 and 3 million a year. I remember Hart talking about how it was the one thing that WCW did well for him was they paid him really well, to not use him properly.

Romo 2 Austin;3961565 said:
Most likely he would never hold the title, but Vince understands business and a Hogan v. Cena match for the WWE title would draw huge money, he wouldn't put it on a WM, but he would probably stick that on a SummerSlam or a Survivor Series and enjoy an extra hundred thousand buys... People crap on TNA for angling Hogan for a title shot, but you know what, aslong as he doesn't win the title its good business, why leave millions of dollars on the table? A Hogan title shot would draw TNA atleast an extra 20,000-40,000 buys, and then DVD sales of people in a store saying Hogan challenging say, Sting for the world title? I'ma buy that I remember those guys.. Then T-Shirt's, etc;.. The best way to do it money wise is to have Hogan as the face vs a heel Anderson. As you need Hogan as the face to maximize drawing in todays age, so putting him vs Styles would idiotic.

I agree with you, I do. Except one little problem. It's very hard, downright impossible most of the time really, to get Hogan to agree to put anyone over. No matter who they are.

If you look at Hogan's career, and think about it really hard, you'll find a glaring fact. The dude simply doesn't put folks over.

In his entire career the only people he put over, to help make them a mega star, were The Ultimate Warrior, Brock Lesnar and Goldberg. In Warriors case he was already huge and that was the move to make him MEGA huge. Unfortunately Warrior was a headcase and it backfired.

Goldberg was a nice touch but AGAIN WCW booking, Hogan being part of that, screwed WCW and Goldberg in a way, by giving that way on free TV with pretty much zero build up to the match. If I recall correctly they announced on Thunder one Thursday that the following Monday Goldberg, who JJ Dillion deemed the #1 Contender, would face Hulk Hogan for the World Title.

That was litterally the entire build. That should have been, and in any sane company would have been, a major PPV Main event that was really built. That could have drawn enormous numbers, and they screwed it up.

Brock he put over nice and clean to put Brock over as a mauling, dominate, heel and it was the last true act of professionalism by Hogan.

The only other person I can think of that he's bothered to put over cleaning, without a fuss, was The Rock and The Rock was already a mega star and didn't need to beat him to be one of the most over wrestlers ever.

Hogan will not be facing Cena for a WWE title because Hogan has proven, many many many times over in fact, in his career that he's not about business and he's all about Terry.

For ****** Sakes the dude was nothing more an a semi-part time wrestler in WWE when he faced HBK, who was a full time wrestler, and he absolutely refused to put him over. That was after agreeing to a 2 match deal where they'd each go over once. If I recall correctly initially HBK was supposed to go over the first time but Hulk balked on that so they switched it to Hogan going over the first time and then when that was over Hogan refused to do the second one and put HBK over.

he decided that simply shaking HBK's hand at the end of the match would be putting him over enough cause, again, that's how Hogan does business. Which is, again, why Hogan isn't really worth all that much to a company anymore as anything more than a very short term, nothing major, role.

in fact I think I wouldn't mind him in the role he's in with TNA if they did it to where he wasn't the leader of any faction and was only on TV 1 or 2 times a month, tops. Then he'd be fine in the role they have for him.

Anything more than that is a waste of time with Hogan cause it's only a matter of time before his massive ego gets in the way and he starts demanding title runs and BS like that.

I also agree with you that putting him against Styles would be idiotic but not just because of the face issue (which is more than issue enough) but because Hogan is so friggen bad in the ring that AJ would have an impossible time getting a good match out of him. That thing would stink the joint up. It would just be embarrassing and I'd feel very sorry for AJ Styles being screwed over in that manner.
Romo 2 Austin;3961573 said:
There is an option in the top right part of posts... "View Post"... In these forums his posts are so one sided I find them funny so I always endup clicking it.
Then you aren't really ignoring him. Since I can't put people on Ignore, I did not know of that feature.
Hostile;3961586 said:
Then you aren't really ignoring him. Since I can't put people on Ignore, I did not know of that feature.

Well not in these threads, but in the football threads I do.
BraveHeartFan;3961579 said:
2.5 is pretty close. It was between 2.5 and 3 million a year. I remember Hart talking about how it was the one thing that WCW did well for him was they paid him really well, to not use him properly.

I agree with you, I do. Except one little problem. It's very hard, downright impossible most of the time really, to get Hogan to agree to put anyone over. No matter who they are.

If you look at Hogan's career, and think about it really hard, you'll find a glaring fact. The dude simply doesn't put folks over.

In his entire career the only people he put over, to help make them a mega star, were The Ultimate Warrior, Brock Lesnar and Goldberg. In Warriors case he was already huge and that was the move to make him MEGA huge. Unfortunately Warrior was a headcase and it backfired.

Goldberg was a nice touch but AGAIN WCW booking, Hogan being part of that, screwed WCW and Goldberg in a way, by giving that way on free TV with pretty much zero build up to the match. If I recall correctly they announced on Thunder one Thursday that the following Monday Goldberg, who JJ Dillion deemed the #1 Contender, would face Hulk Hogan for the World Title.

That was litterally the entire build. That should have been, and in any sane company would have been, a major PPV Main event that was really built. That could have drawn enormous numbers, and they screwed it up.

Brock he put over nice and clean to put Brock over as a mauling, dominate, heel and it was the last true act of professionalism by Hogan.

The only other person I can think of that he's bothered to put over cleaning, without a fuss, was The Rock and The Rock was already a mega star and didn't need to beat him to be one of the most over wrestlers ever.

Hogan will not be facing Cena for a WWE title because Hogan has proven, many many many times over in fact, in his career that he's not about business and he's all about Terry.

For ****** Sakes the dude was nothing more an a semi-part time wrestler in WWE when he faced HBK, who was a full time wrestler, and he absolutely refused to put him over. That was after agreeing to a 2 match deal where they'd each go over once. If I recall correctly initially HBK was supposed to go over the first time but Hulk balked on that so they switched it to Hogan going over the first time and then when that was over Hogan refused to do the second one and put HBK over.

he decided that simply shaking HBK's hand at the end of the match would be putting him over enough cause, again, that's how Hogan does business. Which is, again, why Hogan isn't really worth all that much to a company anymore as anything more than a very short term, nothing major, role.

in fact I think I wouldn't mind him in the role he's in with TNA if they did it to where he wasn't the leader of any faction and was only on TV 1 or 2 times a month, tops. Then he'd be fine in the role they have for him.

Anything more than that is a waste of time with Hogan cause it's only a matter of time before his massive ego gets in the way and he starts demanding title runs and BS like that.

I also agree with you that putting him against Styles would be idiotic but not just because of the face issue (which is more than issue enough) but because Hogan is so friggen bad in the ring that AJ would have an impossible time getting a good match out of him. That thing would stink the joint up. It would just be embarrassing and I'd feel very sorry for AJ Styles being screwed over in that manner.

Well if there is anyone in TNA I would trust to pull something half way decent out of Hogan it is Styles, he is the 2nd best in ring worker in the company after Angle, and not saying anything bad about Angle but Styles is Mr.TNA and the success of the company is obviously important to him, he's turned down WWE contracts before, so has Samoa Joe.

but, your right Hogan is all about Hogan. With the HBK issue, Hogan had creative control during that run... but I believe Hogan, would put Cena, as with Rock 10 years ago, Cena is the biggest star in the industry & after his divorce and lawsuit because of his sons accident, he wouldn't he able to turn down a 200,000+ payment for the match.. Plus Vince would probably say, "Terry, you put Cena over in this match without a problem and afterwards we discuss doing a Hulk Hogan DVD + Documentary", and the money that would draw would be ridiculous, and it'd make Vince a ton of money so he'd want to do it aswell once Hogan is back in the good graces of the WWE.

& On the money thing, yep, and I doubt Hall, Nash and Hogan were making $1 more than him... its probably closer to $12 million for all 4 of them than it is to $10, and then you calcuate in bonuses they received & creative control? Ridiculous... WWE's entire roster costs $3 million more, and they have what 105 contracted performers including FCW? and John Cena is the highest paid, with a reported 2.5million a year salary before bonuses', but that also covers his movies, so he's drawing the company alot more money, and is entirely worth it to the company.. Plus $2.5m is not nearly as much as it was 10 years ago when Hogan, Nash, Hart and Hall were making those ridiculous salaries
Romo 2 Austin;3961599 said:
Well if there is anyone in TNA I would trust to pull something half way decent out of Hogan it is Styles, he is the 2nd best in ring worker in the company after Angle, and not saying anything bad about Angle but Styles is Mr.TNA and the success of the company is obviously important to him, he's turned down WWE contracts before, so has Samoa Joe.

but, your right Hogan is all about Hogan. With the HBK issue, Hogan had creative control during that run... but I believe Hogan, would put Cena, as with Rock 10 years ago, Cena is the biggest star in the industry & after his divorce and lawsuit because of his sons accident, he wouldn't he able to turn down a 200,000+ payment for the match.. Plus Vince would probably say, "Terry, you put Cena over in this match without a problem and afterwards we discuss doing a Hulk Hogan DVD + Documentary", and the money that would draw would be ridiculous, and it'd make Vince a ton of money so he'd want to do it aswell once Hogan is back in the good graces of the WWE.

& On the money thing, yep, and I doubt Hall, Nash and Hogan were making $1 more than him... its probably closer to $12 million for all 4 of them than it is to $10, and then you calcuate in bonuses they received & creative control? Ridiculous... WWE's entire roster costs $3 million more, and they have what 105 contracted performers including FCW? and John Cena is the highest paid, with a reported 2.5million a year salary before bonuses', but that also covers his movies, so he's drawing the company alot more money, and is entirely worth it to the company.. Plus $2.5m is not nearly as much as it was 10 years ago when Hogan, Nash, Hart and Hall were making those ridiculous salaries

Excellent points all around.

I do agree AJ is the most likely to get a good one out of him, other than Angle, but I just wouldn't bet on it, even as great as those two are in the ring. Hogan is just a complete slug in there at this point, in fact really has been for so long it's not funny.
BraveHeartFan;3961881 said:
Excellent points all around.

I do agree AJ is the most likely to get a good one out of him, other than Angle, but I just wouldn't bet on it, even as great as those two are in the ring. Hogan is just a complete slug in there at this point, in fact really has been for so long it's not funny.

Oh no doubt, but AJ is great at selling, and Hogan would need that just to make the match not seem like a complete joke.
Romo 2 Austin;3961565 said:
Most likely he would never hold the title, but Vince understands business and a Hogan v. Cena match for the WWE title would draw huge money, he wouldn't put it on a WM, but he would probably stick that on a SummerSlam or a Survivor Series and enjoy an extra hundred thousand buys... People crap on TNA for angling Hogan for a title shot, but you know what, aslong as he doesn't win the title its good business, why leave millions of dollars on the table? A Hogan title shot would draw TNA atleast an extra 20,000-40,000 buys, and then DVD sales of people in a store saying Hogan challenging say, Sting for the world title? I'ma buy that I remember those guys.. Then T-Shirt's, etc;.. The best way to do it money wise is to have Hogan as the face vs a heel Anderson. As you need Hogan as the face to maximize drawing in todays age, so putting him vs Styles would idiotic.

hogan will be lucky if he ever gets thru half a match again with his back issues...there is ZERO chance of him ever challenging for any WWE belt.
DallasGirl50;3962123 said:
hogan will be lucky if he ever gets thru half a match again with his back issues...there is ZERO chance of him ever challenging for any WWE belt.

They've put people into the title scene that deserve it less than a 58 year old Hulk Hogan. The money that it would draw, would make it pretty much a guarantee to happy eventually if he rejoins WWE.
DallasGirl50;3962335 said:
You are smoking happy cigarettes if you believe Hogan would be fighting for a WWE title.

It's not out of the question at all... Cena could easily go "ive beaten the greatest of the previous generation, the rock, and now the greatest of the generation before that, hulk hogan is next."

Niether needs to be a heel, maximizing drawing
Romo 2 Austin;3962365 said:
It's not out of the question at all... Cena could easily go "ive beaten the greatest of the previous generation, the rock, and now the greatest of the generation before that, hulk hogan is next."

Niether needs to be a heel, maximizing drawing

Well several problems with your Hogan nonsense...he no longer works for WWE. Rock is much younger & can still wrestle. Hells bells if they want an old guy to wrestle for a belt use HHH. Hogan is a novelty act. Not a WWE Champion. I really don't get you sometimes. Wrestling is silly enough sometimes without adding Hogan into a WWE title match.
Let's see what Vince McMahon says about Hogan as a WWE Champion.

DallasGirl50;3962382 said:
Well several problems with your Hogan nonsense...he no longer works for WWE. Rock is much younger & can still wrestle. Hells bells if they want an old guy to wrestle for a belt use HHH. Hogan is a novelty act. Not a WWE Champion. I really don't get you sometimes. Wrestling is silly enough sometimes without adding Hogan into a WWE title match.

Jerry Lawler wrestled for the title at NWO. and hes older & maybe 5% of the draw that Hogan is.
Romo 2 Austin;3962414 said:
Jerry Lawler wrestled for the title at NWO. and hes older & maybe 5% of the draw that Hogan is.

And Jerry has worked for WWE for many years now...hasn't had multiple debilitating back surgeries..and nobody with a working brain cell thought he would win. Even at that it was silly booking. You give Hogan way too much credit. ...way too much. He probably gets more compliments on his commercials with Troy than the silly stuff he does on TNA.
DallasGirl50;3962438 said:
And Jerry has worked for WWE for many years now...hasn't had multiple debilitating back surgeries..and nobody with a working brain cell thought he would win. Even at that it was silly booking. You give Hogan way too much credit. ...way too much. He probably gets more compliments on his commercials with Troy than the silly stuff he does on TNA.

If anything, you don't give him enough.. Hogan will eventually end up in WWE.. Hogan draws ratings, when hyped up appearances for TNA, it pops the rating .2-.3, his debut angle drew a 1.9 rating for the company up against WWE's debut angle of Bret Hart, which ended up being rather low for the company, probably because of the competition from Hogans debut in TNA... Last week his show on HDNet, The Voice v. Hulk Hogan drew huge ratings for HDNet.

People can hate on him all they want, but he is a marketing machine. and you can not fully judge his tenure in TNA until its over. Hogan isn't the one booking, Bischoff/Russo are. Hogan has influence no doubt, but not as much as people think. It's Bischoff behind the scenes, its Bischoff who was being talked about by Panda Energy as taking over the entire operations from Dixie Carter, which I find insane as all the problems of recent have been caused by Bischoff and Russo..

Hogan would draw money for WWE, if Lawler can get a title match, so could Hogan & unlike Lawler, there would be people with doubt about who would win the match. People would think, "Maybe Vince is going to give Hogan another thank you title run." Hate all you want, but there is no reason not to give him a match, be it hyped up on RAW, be it on a minor PPV, or a major one. It will draw money.

and you cant say "the rock" can still go, he SHOULD be able to still go, but we won't see for nearly a year if he can. I never really cared for the Rock, I may be the only person on these forums but I don't really care for improv comedy on WWE, I mean it may not make sense but I liked the Rock, but he was far from one of my favorites, a modern day comparison would be Randy Orton. I liked Austin alot more.
I don't want to waste any more time arguing about this Hogan/WWE crap're welcome to have the last word. I'm done.
RoyTheHammer;3961396 said:
I don't believe they were as big a part of it.. not for one second. Russo and his ridiculous booking was the major problem with that program. When Nash and Hogan had control, yes they did alot for themselves, but the program was still entertaining to me. Still enjoyed the NWO.. but when Russo started coming up with all that embarassing crap and the end of WCW's run, i just lost all hope.

It wasn't too long ago that Russo and Jarrett got together and had Jarrett lay down in the middle of the ring and have Hogan pin him and give up the belt to Hogan and create a new belt for WCW.


Because Hogan had creative control and wouldn't do the job.

Don't get me wrong, Russo is a joke. But he did have a point could anybody book a wrestling promotion when Hogan could just show up and want to work and wouldn't job?

The problem that wrestling companies have is that when they need funding, the money people want the big names...particularly Hogan and Nash...if they are going to invest. But the money people don't understand that wrestling is about the ability to develop new stars. Ideally you want the big names to give the young and up-n-comers the rub...but the big names almost never want to do that anymore.


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