TNA Major Breaking News (possible Spoiler)

Romo 2 Austin;3960570 said:
What TNA should do, is watch WWE progaming and say, ok they run a dumb angle every week with 4 people claiming they deserve a title shot..

There's a lot of things TNA needs to do. They need to get rid of guys like Nash. Pro Wrestling is largely about *constantly* developing new stars. Somebody like Sting is a good guy to have around because he's over, the fans still have interest in him, and he's willing to give the younger guys the rub to get them over. Guys like Nash and Jarrett are too worried about keeping their spot. That doesn't help the company.

The reason why the WWE overtook WCW was they had Austin, Foley and the Rock as the top guys. HHH was just below the top of the card and really didn't have quite the influence he does today. I know you like Michaels, but he was a tough guy for other wrestlers to work with and he was on the shelf (and he did do a great job in his fued with Austin before taking time off).

So you had Austin, Foley and the Rock...all 3 guys extremely well liked by the rest of the roster, 3 guys that would put over a tree in their backyard and 3 guys that really knew wrestling and were entertaining in the ring. Versus the nWo where Nash, Hall and Hogan were famous for their powerplays. Bischoff was too big of a mark to keep them in check. And just a bunch of other bad attitudes as well and meanwhile talents like Jericho were nothing more than mid-carders (who went to the WWE and instantly became more popular and drew higher ratings than the nWo).

I don't watch a lot of TNA, but they have talent on the roster. I think Abyss is really, really talented. I think he has 'monster heel' written all over him and he can work and work the mic. Monster heels have always been great at drawing money. But, Russo doesn't understand that. He thinks that is 'too old school wrestlng.' He doesn't understand time tested booking like having a wrestler start off winning the tag titles...then moving to the TV belt...then moving to the Heavyweight belt. Instead, he hot-shots everything. There's no build to the character. That's how Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels developed their characters and their following.

Hart started winnign the tag titles with Jim Neidhart. Michaels was with the Rockers. Hart won the I-C title and had some great feuds with guys like Bad News Brown. Michales had his I-C title run. Then when it appeared that they still had their heat even after losing the I-C title, they put the heavyweight title. And remember, back then Hart and Michaels were pretty small guys for the WWF Heavyweight Title. But, the build of their characters was there and they still had heat on them.

The titles are very important because they develop the character.

I honestly think some fundamental, time tested booking mixed with some new age characters and promotion...that alone would be very different from the WWE.

They also need to develop better theme music for wrestlers. There's is beyond awful. Hogan is friends with Jimmy Hart, can't imagine why he's not in charge of the music.

Yakuza Rich;3960405 said:
He was the lowest drawing WWF champion in history.


He was one of the biggest draws of all time with his Outsiders and then NWO and then Wolf Pac gimmicks. He helped WCW become big enough to challange and defeat WWF in the ratings, he was a big reason for that.
Romo 2 Austin;3960570 said:
What TNA should do, is watch WWE progaming and say, ok they run a dumb angle every week with 4 people claiming they deserve a title shot.. Let's do the oppisite and kick it off with a strong in ring match and send Daniels and Pope out there to tear the house down... WWE has no tag division, lets rebuild ours... WWE has virtually no good in ring matches outside of Daniel Bryans performances (not because the wrestlers can't, but their not allowed), lets send our insanely talented roster out there to tear the house down... WWE has no blood, lets have atleast 1 guy blade every week... WWE has no curses, lets have a ton of curses...

They should just become the oppositie.

They are doing all that, btw.
RoyTheHammer;3960649 said:
They are doing all that, btw.

Yup ...... most of it.

The other opposite thing they are doing is not drawing money or ratings.

RoyTheHammer;3960649 said:
They are doing all that, btw.

recently they have, last year they were literally copying everything WWE did, even a few months back they were.

Now TNA's product has been getting really hot with the "iMPACT Wrestling" re-branding, you've got a ton of feuds with older veterans putting over younger guys. The Flair-Roode upcoming feud will be fantastic mic work, im excited... Aslong as the younger guys win all these feuds, or most of them atleast, and then become the focal point of the show its a great plan.. If the older guys squash the younger guys than they've gone crazy.

The Kendrick-Bischoff stuff has been insanely interesting, I died laughing when Kendrick went "I think you forgot someone.." "eric, you forgot me.." it was hilarious. Kendrick appeared to be really into his promo, and I love that.
zrinkill;3960652 said:
Yup ...... most of it.

The other opposite thing they are doing is not drawing money or ratings.


Except its a top 10 rated cable show on Thursdays, the highest rated show on Spike over UFC and is borderline profitability as they became profitable before all the big aquistations last year, and have now been drawing bigger house show crowds and drawing much bigger crowds for their ppvs.
zrinkill;3960652 said:
Yup ...... most of it.

The other opposite thing they are doing is not drawing money or ratings.


The last two weeks they put out a better product than the WWE did. Im not really concerned with what the masses want.. because the WWE today is mostly pathetic compared to what it used to be. There are a couple guys who i like, but even they are watered down in the land of "PG" and "respect".

"Hey man, i may not like you but gollygee i respect you".

"Hey man, i respect you too..and its gonna be a great match".


Romo 2 Austin;3960653 said:
recently they have, last year they were literally copying everything WWE did, even a few months back they were.

Now TNA's product has been getting really hot with the "iMPACT Wrestling" re-branding, you've got a ton of feuds with older veterans putting over younger guys. The Flair-Roode upcoming feud will be fantastic mic work, im excited... Aslong as the younger guys win all these feuds, or most of them atleast, and then become the focal point of the show its a great plan.. If the older guys squash the younger guys than they've gone crazy.

The Kendrick-Bischoff stuff has been insanely interesting, I died laughing when Kendrick went "I think you forgot someone.." "eric, you forgot me.." it was hilarious. Kendrick appeared to be really into his promo, and I love that.

Kendrick is pretty decent on the mic.

As for promos, i do enjoy them and i think they are vital.

However, the style of the "personal sit downs" that TNA is doing just doesn't appeal to me. Just get one good personality like a "Mean Gene" to do the interviews so its not just a camera and the wrestler. Its just so lame, especially since most of the guys just make it cliche and awkward. Sting sucks at it, as does RVD, Angle isn't that great at that style of promo, its just an awkward thing really.
RoyTheHammer;3960662 said:
The last two weeks they put out a better product than the WWE did.

Do not agree at all.

Heck ..... the Orton and Christian matches by themselves out did anything TNA tried.
RoyTheHammer;3960663 said:
Kendrick is pretty decent on the mic.

As for promos, i do enjoy them and i think they are vital.

However, the style of the "personal sit downs" that TNA is doing just doesn't appeal to me. Just get one good personality like a "Mean Gene" to do the interviews so its not just a camera and the wrestler. Its just so lame, especially since most of the guys just make it cliche and awkward. Sting sucks at it, as does RVD, Angle isn't that great at that style of promo, its just an awkward thing really.

but as I mentioned, some performers are muchhh better at it than traditional promos, Jeff Hardy for example. I'd say Beer Money too, but their great at any promo. Kendrick too, and Abyss is horid in traditional promos, but those backstage things he is pretty good at.

& Kendrick is probably the most misused talent in the entire industry over the past few years, this is the guy that as "The" Brian Kendrick could've walked out of Unforgiven 2008 as the WWE champion and no one would've said a boo about it, he was so over it was ridiculous and it happened quickly, ala R-Truth this year. I feel they'll make the same mistake with him they made with Kendrick.
RoyTheHammer;3960662 said:
The last two weeks they put out a better product than the WWE did. Im not really concerned with what the masses want.. because the WWE today is mostly pathetic compared to what it used to be. There are a couple guys who i like, but even they are watered down in the land of "PG" and "respect".

"Hey man, i may not like you but gollygee i respect you".

"Hey man, i respect you too..and its gonna be a great match".


I hate those programs, it only works when its two legends that can still go, ala Triple H and Undertaker. It's stupid when two 30 year olds do it.

& I totally agree, the last two weeks of TNA have probably been the best wrestling TV programs of the year excluding WWE's buildup to Wrestlemania. You've had great promos, great angles and great in ring matches and beginning of a ton of interesting feuds, and finally the end of Angle-Jarrett is in sight. I don't want to be premature in saying this, but if TNA continues like this it'll easily regain its reputation as the better of the two products, that it held from like 2005-2007ish.
Romo 2 Austin;3960701 said:
I hate those programs, it only works when its two legends that can still go, ala Triple H and Undertaker. It's stupid when two 30 year olds do it.

Yup, it works when two people who have earned respect do it, like HHH and Taker, as you said.

It doesn't work when you do it every single week just to foster a family friendly environment for your audience.
zrinkill;3960705 said:
Like you and the kid agreeing on how awesome TNA is.

Of course you are the only ones.

I'd bet most of the people that post in these threads stopped watching TNA... The last 2 weeks have been outstanding. Your the one who accepts everything Vince shoves down the audiences throat, when Mason Ryan inevitably gets the world title you'll be singing his praises about how great he is.... When really he is just as bad as Del Rio.
zrinkill;3960705 said:
Like you and the kid agreeing on how awesome TNA is.

Of course you are the only ones.

Actually i've pointed out TNA's flaws many a time, as i've done with the WWE as well. I've been objective about both companies. Making a statement that i've preferred one product over the other the past two weeks doesn't change that.

You on the other hand have been anti TNA about everything and sing the praises of the WWE constantly. So say what you'd like about it.
RoyTheHammer;3960709 said:
Actually i've pointed out TNA's flaws many a time, as i've done with the WWE as well. I've been objective about both companies. Making a statement that i've preferred one product over the other the past two weeks doesn't change that.

You on the other hand have been anti TNA about everything and sing the praises of the WWE constantly. So say what you'd like about it.

I've also said plenty of negative things about TNA & WWE aswell. Zrinkill has said NOTHING positive about TNA besides Kurt Angle, and even after that he buried it by saying Angle is declining and misused in TNA, when he has arguably been the best used main event performer in the industry over the past few years, he's always seen as a main eventer and he is not shoved down your throat for 2/3 of every episode like John Cena and Randy Orton are in WWE.
Romo 2 Austin;3960717 said:
I've also said plenty of negative things about TNA & WWE aswell. Zrinkill has said NOTHING positive about TNA besides Kurt Angle, and even after that he buried it by saying Angle is declining and misused in TNA, when he has arguably been the best used main event performer in the industry over the past few years, he's always seen as a main eventer and he is not shoved down your throat for 2/3 of every episode like John Cena and Randy Orton are in WWE.

Most of us here know.. he likes to get his troll on every now and then.

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