TNA Major Breaking News (possible Spoiler)

RoyTheHammer;3960709 said:
You on the other hand have been anti TNA about everything

Not even close.

I like
Beautiful people
Ken Kennedy
The Pope
Dudley boys
Awesome Kong when she was there
Tazz as an announcer

Have said that many times ..... to your claims of bias in fact.

I am not gonna claim TNA is a good company just to impress the fanBoys like you guys.
zrinkill;3960737 said:
You mean you two?

because everyone here knows what you Both are.

how are we fanboys because we don't like what Vince shoves down our throats like you do? If anything you are a WWE fanboy since you've never said anything negative about them
Somebody tell the kid I have had him on ignore for weeks over his Dez Bryant stupidity if he is trying to argue with me.
zrinkill;3960737 said:
You mean you two?

because everyone here knows what you Both are.

Actually most in this thread have been able to discuss the postives and negatives of both companies with me in an objective manner, without just laughing off one company and claiming the other is gold.

Troll on..
zrinkill;3960748 said:
Somebody tell the kid I have had him on ignore for weeks over his Dez Bryant stupidity if he is trying to argue with me.

I have you on ignore aswell, over your TNA ignorance but the stuff you post in the wrestling threads are so hilarious I find the need to click "View Post".
RoyTheHammer;3960749 said:
Actually most in this thread have been able to discuss the postives and negatives of both companies with me in an objective manner

Well you are still tiffed at me over your Romo trolling ...... so you are not near as willing to Be civil.

So continue defending trash.
RoyTheHammer;3960754 said:
He even refers to the things he "likes" about the company as their WWE form.


So you did not refer to Kharma as Kong?

Or do you just prefer fat girl?

zrinkill;3960760 said:
So you did not refer to Kharma as Kong?

Or do you just prefer fat girl?


Actually for the past week or so i've refered to her as either Kharma or fat chick when i've posted about her.

Both of which are accurate, btw.
Well she has Been in WWE since last November ..... But anyway.

Thank you for making this morning go By fast RoyTheHammer.

I am sending my guys home early today paid so they can have an even extra long weekend.

Will Be Back on tonight.
zrinkill;3960756 said:
Well you are still tiffed at me over your Romo trolling ...... so you are not near as willing to Be civil.

So continue defending trash.

Im civil with everyone who can speak about topics objectively.. you don't qualify at times. Consider statements like the last sentance of this quote.
RoyTheHammer;3960642 said:
He was one of the biggest draws of all time with his Outsiders and then NWO and then Wolf Pac gimmicks. He helped WCW become big enough to challange and defeat WWF in the ratings, he was a big reason for that.

And then the company went on to lose $80 million.

Yakuza Rich;3960893 said:
And then the company went on to lose $80 million.

Ah.. so that was because of the NWO?

Russo was the downfall of that company.
Romo 2 Austin;3960202 said:
A hyped "Hulk Hogan" return to Monday Night Raw would match or exceed the 3.8 rating "The Rock" drew. Hulk Hogan like it or not is a draw, when hyped he pumps up the TNA rating by .2-.4, RAW is on a bigger network combined with the WWE hype machine behind it he could probably pump it up a whole point, i wouldn't be surprised to see it exceed a 4.

You bring Hogan into the fold and combined with Austin & Rock they have the 3 biggest draws in the industry, and the hype to wrestlemania would easily pop over a 3.8-4.0.. Imagine how much a hyped Hogan-Austin confrontation would draw?

Agreed. Because they'd do it for a short term program, with no thought what so ever to Hogan being the major player of the card or near the title. He got his final "thank you" title run from the WWE several years ago and he'll never be near their major title again.

They do a great job with him, and others, of bringing back older stars for nostaligic reasons and not going overboard with it.

Something TNA can learn from and hopefully will.

RoyTheHammer;3960900 said:
Ah.. so that was because of the NWO?

Russo was the downfall of that company.

Actually in part...yes.

Russo was the major downfall, and that's for sure, but they were in trouble before he came to and he wasn't the only reason after he did.

Eric started the problem by allowing guys like Hall, Nash, and Hogan to basically have complete creative control over their programs and thus the nWo thing went on way to long and those guys were pretty much allowed to do anything they wanted.

So Russo was the killing blow, for sure, but Hogan/Nash/Bish were just as instrumental, along with others of course, in the death of WCW.
BraveHeartFan;3961385 said:
Agreed. Because they'd do it for a short term program, with no thought what so ever to Hogan being the major player of the card or near the title. He got his final "thank you" title run from the WWE several years ago and he'll never be near their major title again.

They do a great job with him, and others, of bringing back older stars for nostaligic reasons and not going overboard with it.

Something TNA can learn from and hopefully will.

Actually in part...yes.

Russo was the major downfall, and that's for sure, but they were in trouble before he came to and he wasn't the only reason after he did.

Eric started the problem by allowing guys like Hall, Nash, and Hogan to basically have complete creative control over their programs and thus the nWo thing went on way to long and those guys were pretty much allowed to do anything they wanted.

So Russo was the killing blow, for sure, but Hogan/Nash/Bish were just as instrumental, along with others of course, in the death of WCW.

I don't believe they were as big a part of it.. not for one second. Russo and his ridiculous booking was the major problem with that program. When Nash and Hogan had control, yes they did alot for themselves, but the program was still entertaining to me. Still enjoyed the NWO.. but when Russo started coming up with all that embarassing crap and the end of WCW's run, i just lost all hope.
RoyTheHammer;3961396 said:
I don't believe they were as big a part of it.. not for one second. Russo and his ridiculous booking was the major problem with that program. When Nash and Hogan had control, yes they did alot for themselves, but the program was still entertaining to me. Still enjoyed the NWO.. but when Russo started coming up with all that embarassing crap and the end of WCW's run, i just lost all hope.

I can understand that but I've seen plenty of interviews from Bishoff, Hogan, and Nash (Nash especially in shoot interviews) where they've all talked about how those things also contributed to the downfall.

They weren't the death blow, like I said, but they were some of the biggest reasons that WCW felt they needed to bring Russo in to try and save a show that was already starting to lose in the ratings and going backwards.

Not to mention their contracts (and not just theirs mind you but lots of guys) were a big part of the reason WCW started losing money when they started losing in the ratings, especially after Russo came in.

I was watching the thing on the Rise and Fall of WCW and Big Show commented about how one of the biggest mistakes Bish made was that he allowed wrestlers (Hall and Nash in particular) to put into their contracts that only certain teir wrestlers could make more then them. Like Hogan for example.

So when WCW would sign other talent, such as Bret Hart, then Hall and Nash both received immediate pay increases due to the fact that Hart couldn't be make more money than they could.

Decisions like that, along with allowing people, even a Hogan or Nash or insert big name star, to put that they had complete creative control over their characters are death sentences to a company in the long run.

Bisch did a lot of great stuff for WCW, without a doubt, and along with those big stars was HUGE in making them as popular as they were, but his bad business moves were also things that cameback to bite him, and the company, in the ***. Those moves directly led to something like Russo being hired in the first place.

All around not good for WCW in that sense.

With all that said don't get me wrong I still think WCW did some really great stuff, even when they sucked, and those guys had entertaining shows. But they're just as much a reason, as any, that they started losing the ratings, thus profits, thus the closing.
BraveHeartFan;3961503 said:
I can understand that but I've seen plenty of interviews from Bishoff, Hogan, and Nash (Nash especially in shoot interviews) where they've all talked about how those things also contributed to the downfall.

They weren't the death blow, like I said, but they were some of the biggest reasons that WCW felt they needed to bring Russo in to try and save a show that was already starting to lose in the ratings and going backwards.

Not to mention their contracts (and not just theirs mind you but lots of guys) were a big part of the reason WCW started losing money when they started losing in the ratings, especially after Russo came in.

I was watching the thing on the Rise and Fall of WCW and Big Show commented about how one of the biggest mistakes Bish made was that he allowed wrestlers (Hall and Nash in particular) to put into their contracts that only certain teir wrestlers could make more then them. Like Hogan for example.

So when WCW would sign other talent, such as Bret Hart, then Hall and Nash both received immediate pay increases due to the fact that Hart couldn't be make more money than they could.

Decisions like that, along with allowing people, even a Hogan or Nash or insert big name star, to put that they had complete creative control over their characters are death sentences to a company in the long run.

Bisch did a lot of great stuff for WCW, without a doubt, and along with those big stars was HUGE in making them as popular as they were, but his bad business moves were also things that cameback to bite him, and the company, in the ***. Those moves directly led to something like Russo being hired in the first place.

All around not good for WCW in that sense.

With all that said don't get me wrong I still think WCW did some really great stuff, even when they sucked, and those guys had entertaining shows. But they're just as much a reason, as any, that they started losing the ratings, thus profits, thus the closing.

Good points. Can't argue with that.
RoyTheHammer;3961396 said:
I don't believe they were as big a part of it.. not for one second. Russo and his ridiculous booking was the major problem with that program. When Nash and Hogan had control, yes they did alot for themselves, but the program was still entertaining to me. Still enjoyed the NWO.. but when Russo started coming up with all that embarassing crap and the end of WCW's run, i just lost all hope.

Well it's both, Russo could've and did book the program into oblivion but it still was drawing a 2.2+ rating weekly, if not more. It would've been profitable if you removed the ridiculous contracts people like Bret Hart, Nash, Hogan, DDP, Sting, Hall, Flair etc; had. The only guy they had that deserved the money they got was Goldberg as he was the only home made draw they established.

Look at it this way, Hall and Nash had it in their contracts that the only person that could be paid more then them was Hogan, Bret Hart was signed for a reported 2.5 million a year(correct me if im wrong, I may be but thats the number in my head and I believe its right.) so your looking at both Nash and Hall making more than that, and Hogan making more than that...

So Hogan, Nash, Hall and Hart combined for ATLEAST $10Million per year... In comparison WWE's ENTIRE roster, including FCW talents make $15million a year now... Plus bonus's.

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