Tony Dungy just said we got robbed


Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01
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I used to think it was coincidence, but when the Cowboys defense got hosed by no holding calls for...I forget how many games it was last year, I started to believe there is some kind of fix on in NFL officiating.
I would be curious to see how many times offensive holding is called against the other team vs. against us... It's true that you could probably call holding on just about every single play, but to me it just seems like our opponent gets called for it a lot less than us in recent years.


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Rules that are not called consistently are not rules at all, but arbitrary exercise of power.

And what was with the "we have to booth review but we'll keep the clock running as long as we can?" Since when do the refs do that?

Seemed like two calls in the final seconds that were pretty demented.

As I said, if your going to complain they aren’t consistent, than that’s a separate issue. It doesn’t change the fact that our snapper moved after the whistle was blown.

The difference between this and other scenarios is a defender actually jumped based on it. So how can you charge him for off-sides if the whistler is blown and the snapper moves?


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I would be curious to see how many times offensive holding is called against the other team vs. against us... It's true that you could probably call holding on just about every single play, but to me it just seems like our opponent gets called for it a lot less than us in recent years.

Last year was atrocious, even the numbers clearly supported favoritisms, but this year we benefited a week or two weeks back when the refs called like three phantom holding calls in a row to move us down the field in a crucial situation that even his board was saying Jerry finally paid the refs.


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Actually, the three holding calls in a row were against Detroit and happened in the third quarter.


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He's right. Despite all the mistakes we made, it should never come down to a crap call by the refs. If we lose in OT, so be it. They took away any chance of that.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The NFL is categorized legal as entertainment. Same as WWE and Hollywood. Except large amounts of money are exchanged in the form of wagers. Unscrupulous Freemasonic judges which are easily swayed will always make the determining crucial call.

The Reff is the 3rd franchise on the field. There's the home team the away team and the Reff.

Do you think they really care if Joe Blow is emotionally invested. In this fakery. Www *********


Romo was elite
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Welcome to the club...

That cat looks pissed...:laugh:


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Patriots clearly get favoritism when a single call isn’t blown for them against the Chiefs, just like the refs robbed the Jaguars last year against them with bogus PI calls when their Golden Boy Brady couldn’t move the ball against their secondary.

America's Cowboy

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Defenders watch the snap. He moved and it’s illegal. Whether they call it consistently or not, it’s another issue.

WRONG. Until the snapper places both hands on the football, it does not leave him as "set", which the ball receiver calls out during every FG try. Thus, the snapper can adjust the football with one hand until then.


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WRONG. Until the snapper places both hands on the football, it does not leave him as "set", which the ball receiver calls out during every FG try. Thus, the snapper can adjust the football with one hand until then.

Please provide any rule that says that, especially if the whistle is already blown by the refs to indicate the play is ready to go?

As I said in a follow up post:

The only legitimate argument I can see is that the snap technically starts with the ball on the ground, but he’s holding it up that duration when the refs have ALREADY established themselves. So if anything the refs are at fault for allowing that to happen in the first place.

But at the same time, it’s already well past everybody is set, including the refs themselves taking their positions, meaning the whistle was blown and the defender is not going to expect an extra movement at the snap. So he jumps based on the movement, after hearing the whistle that the play is to begin.

In the second field goal attempt, the Center places it down before the refs are even set, meaning most likely before the whistle is blown. So they are keying in on a ball that’s already on the ground when the whistle is blown.


Cowboys Diehard
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Ladouceur didn't move the ball except to change the slant of the ball before snapping it. It's the same step that every center makes in the pre-snap ritual. The refs call was a bogus one that merely served to extricate the d-lineman who crossed the LOS. These bad "judgment" calls are things that wrongfully allow refs to swing games in favor of the home team. It is what puts home teams at an unfair advantage more often than not.

Tony Dungy knows the rules well enough to recognize a bogus call when he sees it. There was no sudden move by Ladouceur -- it was just a slow and gradual change in the slant of the football in preparation to snap it. The ball never left the ground. That is what every center, including Ladouceur, does with no flag forthcoming. An offsides flag on the defensive lineman who crossed the LOS would have been the correct one.
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Romo was elite
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Where is the continuous motion?

Do all defenders jump on a false start by an offensive lineman? What relevance does the other lineman who twitches have to do with the point the Center committed an illegal movement that caused the defender to jump?
Dude. *** are you doing? They showed the 2 FGs side by side and they exactly the same. He is allowed to look back and see before he snaps. He only had 1 hand on the ball then got in position with 2 hands on the ball. There was nothing abrupt about it and the foreskin jumped offside. There isn't a longsnapper in the league that snaps the ball with 1 hand...


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Dude. *** are you doing? They showed the 2 FGs side by side and they exactly the same. He is allowed to look back and see before he snaps. He only had 1 hand on the ball then got in position with 2 hands on the ball. There was nothing abrupt about it and the foreskin jumped offside. There isn't a longsnapper in the league that snaps the ball with 1 hand...

No they aren’t.

Look at the refs positions when our Center places the ball down in both scenarios, meaning in one case everybody is SET, including the refs, in the other everybody, including the refs are still getting SET..
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Please provide any rule that says that, especially if the whistle is already blown by the refs to indicate the play is ready to go?

As I said in a follow up post:

Ya you're right according to the actual VAGUE nfl rules.. On the other hand, these guys are taught from peewee football that the ball may move in a 90 degree manner the player just cant pick it off the ground or move it left and right, but the rule does clearly state the snap has to be one continous motion...ALthough, i would consider that vague rule to relate more to a center trying to do a pump fake type of snap. There should be some rules stated about there being no movement aloud of the ball at all prior to the snap.

If i was the coach I'd read these rules and teach it exact to every position..


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Defenders watch the snap. He moved and it’s illegal. Whether they call it consistently or not, it’s another issue.

NFL Network said it hasnt been called in over 20 years....Centers are allowed to move the ball until the refs blow whistle to start the play


Romo was elite
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No they aren’t.

Look at the refs positions when our Center places the ball down in both scenarios, meaning in one case everybody is SET, including the refs, in the other everybody, including the refs are still getting SET..
Yeah they were. You are just arguing to argue. You are being little miss can't be wrong right now.


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Ya you're right according to the actual VAGUE nfl rules.. On the other hand, these guys are taught from peewee football that the ball may move in a 90 degree manner the player just cant pick it off the ground or move it left and right, but the rule does clearly state the snap has to be one continous motion...ALthough, i would consider that vague rule to relate more to a center trying to do a pump fake type of snap. There should be some rules stated about there being no movement aloud of the ball at all prior to the snap.

If i was the coach I'd read these rules and teach it exact to every position..

The more I look at both plays, the more I’m sure the movement in the 52 yarder happened BEFORE the whistle and the movement in the 47 yarder happened AFTER the whistle.

It’s clear that in the case of the latter, the 47 yarder, everybody was already set including the refs..


Romo was elite
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NFL Network said it hasnt been called in over 20 years....Centers are allowed to move the ball until the refs blow whistle to start the play
Imagine that. The refs must've had money riding on the game.


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Our Cebter places it on the ground while the referee is still moving backwards and isn’t even set. It’s as clear as day.