Tony Romo's five worst moments with the Dallas Cowboys, ranked

It never ceases to amaze me how people can clearly remember how 'badly' Romo performed during the Eagles game but don't have any recollection of how his teammates performed in the exact same game. Some people should REALLY go back and re-watch that game.

Wait. Never mind. I forgot the One Player Equals Football Team mentality some people believe completely. The effort would be totally wasted.
It never ceases to amaze me how people can clearly remember how 'badly' Romo performed during the Eagles game but don't have any recollection of how his teammates performed in the exact same game. Some people should REALLY go back and re-watch that game.

Wait. Never mind. I forgot the One Player Equals Football Team mentality some people believe completely. The effort would be totally wasted.

when you need a whipping boy, nothing else matters.

whole lotta ***** in this thread being shown today.
The next year, at Washington in week 15, with herniated disc,btw, Romo led the game-winning drive for the win.
He would have a back operation a few days later. So a pretty heroic effort.
If Dallas had lost, it was season over. That is win or go home.
Unfortunately, the next week, I the same situation at home, the Kyle Orton led Cowboys lost to Philly.
It was only a matter of time. The hit he took wasnt big at all. Watch it, irving is basically trying to force a fumble rather than landing on romo. Irvings momentum is actually taking him past romo. He gets him with his shoulder and arm on Romos back as romo is falling on his butt. A play that any uninjured player gets up from. His back was spaghetti ready to give way.

He completely landed on his back as Romo was also going to the someone pulling a chair out from under you. It was total crunching.

Old news now though.
Romo played in all these games, won more than he lost, yet some of you pick out a couple of plays from a couple of games and hold that against him for his whole career. Do you guys not watch other teams at all? Manning has thrown INT's. Brady has thrown INT's. They've both had bad games, sometimes their team helped them to win, sometimes they didn't. Romo was basically this team for many years. Kept us relevant when we really shouldn't have been. He will never get the praised he has so rightfully earned from some of you.
I vehemently disagree with #3.

Order of blame:

1) Fasano TD drop
2) Defense laid an egg.
3) Crayton ran his route half ***.
4) TO had a key third down drop.
5) Play Calling sucked.

2 and 3 are interchangeable.. Romo got us in position to win but our receivers came up short.
lol, great list! The Romo worshippers would like to pretend those moments never happened. So in honor of them let's add some moments to that list that really never happen with Romo at the QB helm... an NFC title game or a SB appearance. Thanks Romo for none of that. :rolleyes:
It was only a matter of time. The hit he took wasnt big at all. Watch it, irving is basically trying to force a fumble rather than landing on romo. Irvings momentum is actually taking him past romo. He gets him with his shoulder and arm on Romos back as romo is falling on his butt. A play that any uninjured player gets up from. His back was spaghetti ready to give way.

This is so wrong it's laughable. It shows a complete lack of understanding of physics and what actually happened.

The ball was purposely greased in Seattle. Anyone except Spider-Man would've dropped it.

Not sure I buy that one, and I'm a Romo defender.

L.P. Ladouceur had no problem executing a perfect snap on the play. If the ball was greased, don't you think that the snap would have been affected? Romo flat dropped the ball.
Not sure I buy that one, and I'm a Romo defender.

L.P. Ladouceur had no problem executing a perfect snap on the play. If the ball was greased, don't you think that the snap would have been affected? Romo flat dropped the ball.
Probably not greased but they did change the rule of how balls are handled after that game citing that incident as an example of why.
Probably not greased but they did change the rule of how balls are handled after that game citing that incident as an example of why.

That change was already in the works - Brady and Manning had already petitioned the league about it.

I don't believe that the ball was greased. Romo just dropped the ball.
This is so wrong it's laughable. It shows a complete lack of understanding of physics and what actually happened.

32 second mark. You see most of avrils body beyond romo. as i said his armpit area to his arm is what lands on romo. Sure there is some weight and impact its a hit. But anybody would get up from that. Romo's body just couldnt take a hit anymore. And this light him showed that. This was a blessing for dallas and letting a young healthy QB take off.
Yep. He comes over to the Fan zone once a year I think and it's to bag on Romo. He's always in the draft zone year round which is strange.

I don't have any personal knowledge as to whether @bodi is an #$$ or not. But I do know that, when considering Romo's legacy, you can't consider it with blinders on. There have been some incredibly painful moments to go along with the natural highs.
I don't have any personal knowledge as to whether @bodi is an #$$ or not. But I do know that, when considering Romo's legacy, you can't consider it with blinders on. There have been some incredibly painful moments to go along with the natural highs.
As there is with any QB. No one is saying Romo is perfect, I'm just saying look at his entire career and judge him on the whole, not based off of a couple of select moments.
You can always find big down moments if a player plays several years.
Its not fair, but already you could start one for Dak by saying that his team was favored at home after a bye week,but lost in the playoffs...and he threw a terrible Red Zone interception that ended up costing them the game.
See how that works? Its silly

Wholly **** that's Dak cost us the game! You can't make up what people post sometimes....
I will forever wonder how that game would have turned out had JWit's catch been spotted for a first down instead of mis-spotted short of the first down.

I think we would have lost anyway. Same with the Dez "No Catch" Game.

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