Carter has a winning record as a NFL qb, yet you put him in the same category as qb's who have won nothing. Henson can't even beat out Romo. There was never any question that Carter would beat out Hutch, except in Jerry Jones mind or the mediots. Logically, there is no way that Hutch or Henson could ever beat out Carter who had played 3 consecutive years of football before coming to Dallas. I do not play the race card, but I believe that others do when they trash 'running qb's. I believe it is a veiled reference because I believe that Steve Young and Elway and Tarkington were runners too. Only in the last few years since McNabb,Carter,Culpepper have had success did people seem to prefer 'pocket passers' as examples of 'quarter back perfection'. No one seemed to mind David Woodley or Joe Kapp or Bobby Douglas playing in the NFL. No one seemed to mind that Kenny Stabler threw more ints than tds in his career or that Bradshaw threw as many ints as tds in his career.
It seems that 'running qb's' having any success upsets many on this board and in the media. Some said that Henson would supplant Carter in just one year without ever seeing him play. He hasn't been able to supplant Romo in 2 years. There are a few who seem to support McNabb or Vince Young, but there are far too many who seem to hate them. My posting is not intended to incite as much as it is to educate the 'anti-runners' contingent they are being watched. An educated man like Rush Limbaugh has already given credence to the fact that there are still many who cling to antiquated ideals about race and I feel that's intolerable. I would like to joyfully read the postings here and not have to feel that I walked in on a clan rally. For those of you who don't have those biased views, feel free to jump on those who continue bash the McNabbs,Culpeppers,etc. Carter was a Cowboy qb and did the best that he could and since we had some success with, let's stop the nonsense that he was never any good at all and wish him the best. Don't speak as if he was the worst we ever had cause he wasn't.
There is a contingent here that crucifies anyone who says anything positive about him and applaudes anyone who criticizes him and that says it all. If you can bash him, then don't criticize me for speaking up for him. Fair is fair. Once again, I came to this board hoping to converse football with fellow Cowboy fans, but often feel that many here only want a qb who seems to fit their stereotypical image of what a qb is.