Video: Troy Aikman on accuracy: You either have it or you don't


Taco Engineer
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No, it’s becayse you are a Dak homer and can’t accept the fact the boy you are so emotionally vested in sucks. Not only does Aikman not know what he’s talking about apparently, but Bradshaw doesn’t either.
He doesn't suck. He's just not elite.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
tiger woods was always modifying his swing even while at the height of his game. many golfers do. ergo, I don't necessarily buy the premise you have it or you don't. Nolan ryan made his bones with a fast ball. his last few years he had one of the best hooks (curve balls) in the game. accuracy is a function of proper mechanics. those can be taught and learned.
Some can learn, but if everyone could, there'd be a lot more HoF QBs. You'd think that by the end of his 3rd year as the starter, his footwork would've been fixed, but it's still sloppy.


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He doesn’t have it

Dak has the IT factor. Just not the accuracy factor. Some players just win no matter how ugly of a game they play.

Eli Manning is a perfect example. Dude won 2 Superbowls but is terribly in accurate


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He doesn't suck. He's just not elite.

Using suck in the context of Dak Homer means he’s mediocre and a good backup.

He’s an absolute scrub when Zeke isn’t playing and he doesn’t get to see single safety man coverage all day long that any good QB would make defense play regularly. Look at what happens when teams shift to zone. Why do you think Cooper suddenly dropped off?

This guy has only had two games where he came back from 10 points and they all were in 2016. This guy can’t beat any team with his arm which is why, when the Colts were up by more than two scores, we ended up with zero.


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Dak has the IT factor. Just not the accuracy factor. Some players just win no matter how ugly of a game they play.

Eli Manning is a perfect example. Dude won 2 Superbowls but sucks as a QB

That IT factors is called Zeke. And he doesn’t win when he’s down and has to pass his way out of a loss. It’s why he totally sucked last year when the Zeke suspension came into effect.


Taco Engineer
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Using suck in the context of Dak Homer means he’s mediocre and a good backup.

He’s an absolute scrub when Zeke isn’t playing and he doesn’t get to see single safety man coverage all day long that any good QB would make defense play regularly. Look at what happens when teams shift to zone. Why do you think Cooper suddenly dropped off?

This guy has only had two games where he came back from 10 points and they all were in 2016. This guy can’t beat any team with his arm which is why, when the Colts were up by more than two scores, we ended up with zero.
That's all you do. Call fans "Dak homers." It bothers you so much, I feel sorry for you that you can't enjoy a win. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
We're division champs and you're whining.


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Dak is the best QB on the roster. At times, he can play really well. But he's not a player to build a team around long-term. If the Cowboys over-commit to Dak, it will doom the Cowboys to another decade of mediocrity. If they give him a contract like 5 years, $80 million; with $30 million guaranteed, that will be a much better scenario than 5 years, $135 million, with $80 million guaranteed.


1st Round Pick
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Using suck in the context of Dak Homer means he’s mediocre and a good backup.

He’s an absolute scrub when Zeke isn’t playing and he doesn’t get to see single safety man coverage all day long that any good QB would make defense play regularly. Look at what happens when teams shift to zone. Why do you think Cooper suddenly dropped off?

This guy has only had two games where he came back from 10 points and they all were in 2016. This guy can’t beat any team with his arm which is why, when the Colts were up by more than two scores, we ended up with zero.

I just can’t believe how bad his pocket awareness is.

He has no idea how to slide around and move in the pocket.

There is just so many things Dak needs to be successful and it’s other people who need to elevate him.

We need to replace him but he’s all we got right now and I can’t see a QB becoming available this offseason.


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The term leader is just marketing from this team. Dak is simply a game manager and tries not to make mistakes. The guy can’t read defense worth diddly.

If anything it’s a testament to Linehan in an odd way. There are countless times where Linehan has to just take the reigns back from Dak, after thinking he could take on more responsibility, and just feed Zeke.
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1st Round Pick
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What does completion percentage have to do with dinks and dunks? And your talking about being confused with statistics?

Daks completion percentage is irrelevant.

That stat no longer has meaning unless you are somehow so bad that you’re only completing in the mid 50s.


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You know, Linehan catches a lot of flack around here, and rightfully so. Im no fanboy of Linehan. But tell me, exactly what kind of offense or play calls would you like him to draw up for a QB who is inaccurate, has ZERO anticipation, doesnt/cant read the field, holds the ball too long and refuses to get it out on time, oh... and for good measure likes to run right into sacks? There are no playcalls for that because you cant make chicken salad otta chickenscish..

I like Dak, I really do. The kid tries hard and seems to be a half way decent leader. He simply does not process the field as fast as it needs to be, he cant, he doesnt have the mental ability to do so. He should be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy farther along by now than he is,.. but he's not. He's not because this is where he tops off. He REALLY hamstrings this offense in a big way and is very much holding this team back. Hate to say it but its the truth. Championships arent won with good intentions they are won with REAL talent. He simply does not have THAT KIND of talent.

Well for one, we have a 6 ft 8 inch tight end that seldom sees the field in the red zone. For goodness' sake, throw one up high to the end zone and let him try to catch it. Did you see Rodgers yesterday? Simple play fake to the running back going to the left, and Rodgers WALKED into the end zone. Dak can run, he's 235 lbs - use him! 4th and 2, and they put Zeke 3 yards behind Dak, then he tip toes to the middle of the line, with half the defense stacked there. A couple of games ago he ran it in for a td, again 3 yards back but he got up a head of steam and ran off tackle, and what did the color guy say? "Not going to stop him there". Zeke's 228 lbs, and fast, and has moves, quit running him inside so much.

I could go on and on. The play calling is abysmal, that's HALF the problem with the offense. Beasley was what, 5 for 5 yesterday? He can get open, throw him the dam ball!

Dak has his problems, but we've seen how he can win - run Zeke 20-plus times, run Dak on some designed plays, hit Cooper on crossing routes, use Beasley for first downs on 3rd and 3 or 4 yards.

I've seldom seen an coaching staff that is so utterly clueless - they do the above and win, then the next week they try to throw 40 yards down the field on 3rd and 3.

I can just imagine what Dak could do with Payton as his head coach, or Norv Turner as his OC. But we won't get that because Jerry can't stand sharing the credit for winning...


1st Round Pick
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Are you really this absurd?

WRs were bigger back then, because they had to battle CBs. There weren’t any successful short WRs in the mold of Edelman.

Running QBs like Cunningham run circles around Dak’s athleticism while he could launch the ball 70 yards downfield and even he couldn’t play consistently as an upper echelon QB.

Nowadays the turfs and equipment are much more advanced, which favor offensive players and their speed, along with the rules. OL are generally smaller nowadays.

What you are claiming is absolutely nonsensical.


The NFL basically changed the rules after Belichick mugged the Rams receivers in the Super Bowl and since then the game has become more wide open and less physical.


1st Round Pick
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Well for one, we have a 6 ft 8 inch tight end that seldom sees the field in the red zone. For goodness' sake, throw one up high to the end zone and let him try to catch it. Did you see Rodgers yesterday? Simple play fake to the running back going to the left, and Rodgers WALKED into the end zone. Dak can run, he's 235 lbs - use him! 4th and 2, and they put Zeke 3 yards behind Dak, then he tip toes to the middle of the line, with half the defense stacked there. A couple of games ago he ran it in for a td, again 3 yards back but he got up a head of steam and ran off tackle, and what did the color guy say? "Not going to stop him there". Zeke's 228 lbs, and fast, and has moves, quit running him inside so much.

I could go on and on. The play calling is abysmal, that's HALF the problem with the offense. Beasley was what, 5 for 5 yesterday? He can get open, throw him the dam ball!

Dak has his problems, but we've seen how he can win - run Zeke 20-plus times, run Dak on some designed plays, hit Cooper on crossing routes, use Beasley for first downs on 3rd and 3 or 4 yards.

I've seldom seen an coaching staff that is so utterly clueless - they do the above and win, then the next week they try to throw 40 yards down the field on 3rd and 3.

I can just imagine what Dak could do with Payton as his head coach, or Norv Turner as his OC. But we won't get that because Jerry can't stand sharing the credit for winning...

Scheme and offensive coaching is a joke.

Those plays that get Dak out of the pocket should be called all the time.


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I long for the days way back when where you could criticize without the idea that you are a complete "hater".

We are getting dumber as a society when honest criticism is defined as "hate".

Welcome to the bubble wrap world.

Whenever people come out saying things like Aikman has an anti-Cowboys bias, I find that to be a good time to use the ignore feature. Aikman is 100% professional. Okay, maybe once or twice he's let a "we" or "us" slip in when covering the Cowboys...what a "hater" ;)