Video: Troy Aikman on accuracy: You either have it or you don't


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So he's won 31 of 47 games but can't do a darn thing right, as far as playing quarterback?

NO quarterback that's that bad wins 31 games solely on the running game.

That's your opinion, fine, I'm just tired of the all or nothing comments...
A lot of those wins came his rookie year when he had the road paved for him. Trust me, he did,...not enuff time to explain now maybe someone else can in my stead. Thats why he has never been quite the same since.


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Both those guys did have league leading defenses as well. Not to take anything away from their greatness, but just saying. Dak has a good defense, but not on the level of the Steel Curtain or the Cowboys early 90s group.
What's your point? That has nothing to do with Dak being inaccurate. And I will sure has heck take a Super Bowl MVP QB's opinion over anyone of us on this board. My guess, is he knows a heck of a lot more than we do on the subject.


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The bottom line is ; can we win with Dak?

His weaknesses are obvious to critics like Troy who always calls it as he sees it.

But Dak also has some game, a winning attitude and leadership abilities we obviously can win some games with.

Like it or not , we are going to see this chapter of our history play out for several more years. It is what it is.


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Dak keeps trying to replicate the Romo spin move to avoid sacks. Something we have all seen Tony do a hundred times. Only problem is,... when Dak does it he runs right into a sack most times. Know why?....No anticipation. It doesnt work with him like it did with Romo, in fact most of the time he actually ends up in an even worse position! LOL. Really wish he would stop trying it, makes himself look foolish .

Staubach did the same spin move, but I think before he did that he was able to read the defense better, so that he knew where he could go with the ball after he got turned back around.
If Dak's going to keep doing that, he needs to learn to do what Roger did. Not sure if he can do that, but even after 47 games an NFL quarterback is still learning. Brees never had a completion percentage over 70% until he'd played 90 games. Pretty sure he worked on his accuracy all that time. Dak's well over 60% now, with a few more completions a game he'll be close to 70%.

The question is, can he get better? Most think he can't, but as I said, he'll probably be here at least a couple more years, we'll find out, won't we?


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dak's spin is due to fear, he doesn't look anywhere once pressure is in his face. He just looks to run. Mostly into the defenses players.


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Staubach did the same spin move, but I think before he did that he was able to read the defense better, so that he knew where he could go with the ball after he got turned back around.
If Dak's going to keep doing that, he needs to learn to do what Roger did. Not sure if he can do that, but even after 47 games an NFL quarterback is still learning. Brees never had a completion percentage over 70% until he'd played 90 games. Pretty sure he worked on his accuracy all that time. Dak's well over 60% now, with a few more completions a game he'll be close to 70%.

The question is, can he get better? Most think he can't, but as I said, he'll probably be here at least a couple more years, we'll find out, won't we?
Daks percentage is a little misleading with so many dump off and short yardage attempts.

It’s mostly his downfield accuracy which is being called out which is only part of Daks MO.

Dak has many assets he brings to the table like his initial winning wave his Rookie season but for some reason we have a segment of our fans who are sensitive about his passing weaknesses being criticized?


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A lot of those wins came his rookie year when he had the road paved for him. Trust me, he did,...not enuff time to explain now maybe someone else can in my stead. Thats why he has never been quite the same since.

Then why are the Giants 5-10, with Barkley having near 1,200 yards rushing with a 4.9 ypa and 10 tds? Eli's a two time SB winning quarterback, but he can't win but 10 games with Barkley?

Imho NO NFL quarterback wins that many games with ONLY a great running back. To say so is basically saying the Cowboys could put Moore back in at qb and win that many games :laugh:


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Daks percentage is a little misleading with so many dump off and short yardage attempts.

It’s mostly his downfield accuracy which is being called out which is only part of Daks MO.

Dak has many assets he brings to the table like his initial winning wave his Rookie season but for some reason we have a segment of our fans who are sensitive about his passing weaknesses being criticized?

Well at least for me I've never said he doesn't have weaknesses, just that the he's "trash" "horrible" "can't throw accurately past 10 yards" and "has a weak arm" comments are just too exaggerated.

No doubt he has issues. But then again, it's a very rare quarterback that doesn't...


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What's your point? That has nothing to do with Dak being inaccurate. And I will sure has heck take a Super Bowl MVP QB's opinion over anyone of us on this board. My guess, is he knows a heck of a lot more than we do on the subject.
No doubt on all counts.

Aikman was the most accurate thrower I've seen in my 50 years watching football. I'm convinced in a different system with different needs he could have broken records.

I'm just stating that both those guys had league leading, not just top 10, defenses. This is a team game.

Even the goat Brady doesn't come back from 28-3 unless his defense pitches a shutout over the last 20 minutes of the game.

Anyone hoping Dak becomes a guy who can carry the team with heroic numbers is going to be disappointed. That's not good thing. He won't directly lose many games, and he can make some clutch plays. That's what we have.

America's Cowboy

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Baloney... A college QB can function with non-accuracy but, an NFL QB will never win big games with that one flaw in their game. How many 1st and 2nd round draft picks have come into the
league and failed because they can't put the ball in a catchable place with the Pro game of defenders hanging all over receivers. Today's NFL game is all about passing and if a QB can't pass he will
fail and eventually lose his job...just facts!
Who is arguing that point??? Just saying, a pro QB can improve their accuracy with hard work, proper training and deducation. Understand English much?

America's Cowboy

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tiger woods was always modifying his swing even while at the height of his game. many golfers do. ergo, I don't necessarily buy the premise you have it or you don't. Nolan ryan made his bones with a fast ball. his last few years he had one of the best hooks (curve balls) in the game. accuracy is a function of proper mechanics. those can be taught and learned.

America's Cowboy

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You know the amusing thing about this whole thread is that Troy actually says the BIGGEST issue he sees with Dak Prescott is NOT his lack of accuracy, but his lack of ANTICIPATION.

Further, Troy doesn’t say accuracy can’t be improved somewhat, but he said it’s more, you either have it or you don’t at this stage. The example he gave was spot on, that one can take measures to improve it, such as footwork, but the greats still make throws falling when they have to.

Also, Jimmy Johnson made a subtle remark how in Aikman’s era they didn’t have the checkdown like they do nowadays.
Here is where Jimmy Johnson is full of it. Is he saying Troy never dumped it off to Emmitt whenever Troy couldn't find Irvin or Harper open? How about how many times Troy would dump it underneath short in the middle to Novacek the way Romo used to do all the time with Witten?

America's Cowboy

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Aikman first 3 seasons completion % 59.5, 59.5, 59.4

Prescott first 3 seasons 68.3, 62.9, 67.8....

Did Troy “not have it”?
EXACTLY!!!! ^^^

Troy shouldn't be talking. He sounds ignorant.

How many times would we hear how Troy would be the last to leave practice because he would be staying in late practicing throws to Irvin, etc? All the time. Guess why? To improve his accuracy.


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Here is where Jimmy Johnson is full of it. Is he saying Troy never dumped it off to Emmitt whenever Troy couldn't find Irvin or Harper open? How about how many times Troy would dump it underneath short in the middle to Novacek the way Romo used to do all the time with Witten?

You clearly didn’t pay attention to what he said..

America's Cowboy

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Look, there is no question that the Cowboys are trying to make Dak into Russell Wilson and give him credit he's trying hard. An NFL QB can function or he can't. The NFL QB grave yard is filled with past potential SB QB's who just could not function. Dak is a wonderful person but, not an NFL QB and we are not Seattle and will not win a SB with Dak at the helm...just the facts!
No, just "your" facts!