Video: Troy Aikman on accuracy: You either have it or you don't


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Both those guys did have league leading defenses as well. Not to take anything away from their greatness, but just saying. Dak has a good defense, but not on the level of the Steel Curtain or the Cowboys early 90s group.
dak contributes to that with the ineptitude...the offense staying on the field a little longer, a little longer drives would help a the offense of the 90s did.


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You can't learn accuracy. And don't tell me it's correctable with proper footwork technique.....Dak can't even hang with The Clapping Carrot or David Carr in relaxed throwing competitions.
its correctable. it will take years of going back to basics. his nature after so many years of football is what it is and it will take twice that long to undo his bad habits.


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The NFL basically changed the rules after Belichick mugged the Rams receivers in the Super Bowl and since then the game has become more wide open and less physical.

The only equivalent analogy I can think of where DBs got to play with rules equivalent to that Bellichek game, which was still weaker than the Aikman era, was the Seattle game against Denver and Seattle absolutely destroyed Peyton Manning’s record-shattering offense.

Seattle absolutely owned that passing attack and Manning looked like a dear in headlights.

That’s why I don’t even consider Manning or Brady even in the GOAT category.


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Are you really this absurd?

WRs were bigger back then, because they had to battle CBs. There weren’t any successful short WRs in the mold of Edelman.

Running QBs like Cunningham run circles around Dak’s athleticism while he could launch the ball 70 yards downfield and even he couldn’t play consistently as an upper echelon QB.

Nowadays the turfs and equipment are much more advanced, which favor offensive players and their speed, along with the rules. OL are generally smaller nowadays.

What you are claiming is absolutely nonsensical.

Check into some of your speculations. You have missed some of the game along the way.


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Having a harder and harder time taking anything Aikman says these days too seriously. Seems like he changes his story based on his audience.


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Check into some of your speculations. You have missed some of the game along the way.

There is nothing speculative about it.. Those rules are facts.. those technological advances are facts..


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Dak has the IT factor. Just not the accuracy factor. Some players just win no matter how ugly of a game they play.

Eli Manning is a perfect example. Dude won 2 Superbowls but is terribly in accurate
Dude, Dak had the IT factor in year 1 because defenses didn't know how to play him and our antiquated offense. They did in year two and continue to today. Once they
figure out your tendencies and know how to stop you cold, you fail week in and week out. Just remind yourself of that can beat QB from Baylor who did well for 1 year and then
fell out of the league due to having to run for his life. If you are looking for QB's who stand the test of time, look no further than NO, GB and NE. We don't have one of those.


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Having a harder and harder time taking anything Aikman says these days too seriously. Seems like he changes his story based on his audience.

He is just not a good analyst at all. If it wasn't that he could speak well, his career would have been as short as Emmitt's in a similar role. Troy provides no insight into the game at all. Romo is so far ahead of him it is ridiculous.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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At the end of the day, the only way Dak will truly be accepted is if the Cowboys win the Superbowl. Dak lovers or haters will never be satisfied unless he wins the Superbowl. As much as a large portion of Cowboys fans loved Romo, Romo was hated by a smaller more vocal portion, because he never won the big one.

Let me just say this Drew Brees has had multiple games this year under 200 yards passing. So anyone making the argument that Dak throwing under 200 yards is some kind of indictment of him as a player just doesn't understand how the game is played.

By the way no one believed in Drew Brees before he won the Superbowl.

Funny thing when Mark Sanchez went to multiple AFC Championship games people were saying he is the second coming. It goes both ways. I have patience, there's really not much I could do otherwise.

Should Dak be cut at the end of the season and bring in who? Jamis Winston, make a play for Nick Foles.

I'll be honest, I'd rather just stick with Dak. Then again I'm the kind of person who doesn't like change maybe some of you guys are OK with bringing in someone who was accused of Sexual Assault read Rape, maybe paying Foles Millions of dollars in the off season is the answer. I doubt it, though because, the flaws on this team are more than just Dak, the coaching, injuries and personnel decisions stand out as just as big issues for this team.
So you wouldn't resign Zeke since he was also accused of sexual assault?


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Some people cannot help the way they see the game unfortunately. Zeke is terrific and would be insane if teams respected our passing game.

I was saying for weeks that Dak has man coverage with no safety help on the outside and any good QB would see this from the get go and attack the outsides.

It took him the Washington and Eagles game to finally realize it, but it looks like he himself didn’t realize it, but the play called did it. Cooper himself against the Eagkes was basically telling the coaches that this is what is happening.
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America's Cowboy

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No, it’s becayse you are a Dak homer and can’t accept the fact the boy you are so emotionally vested in sucks. Not only does Aikman not know what he’s talking about apparently, but Bradshaw doesn’t either.
You mean this career "accurate" passing QB Terry Bradshaw???

LMAO...just shut up already! You sound as foolish as they do!!! :laugh:


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Scheme and offensive coaching is a joke.

Those plays that get Dak out of the pocket should be called all the time.

Whatever happened to "playing to your strengths"?

Somebody please tell the coaching staff what that is...


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Someone the other day here claimed Romo was better than Aikman, I about pissed myself laughing.
Lol you do know that Aikman HIMSELF has went on record saying he thought that Romo was better than he was right? Wont go into that but Romo really doesnt get the credit he deserves. Personally, I loved aikman and the 90s dynasty. That precision and synergy on offense was a marvel to watch. Almost like a symphony.


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Dude, Dak had the IT factor in year 1 because defenses didn't know how to play him and our antiquated offense. They did in year two and continue to today. Once they
figure out your tendencies and know how to stop you cold, you fail week in and week out. Just remind yourself of that can beat QB from Baylor who did well for 1 year and then
fell out of the league due to having to run for his life. If you are looking for QB's who stand the test of time, look no further than NO, GB and NE. We don't have one of those.
100%. its professional football. This is every organization's job to figure out how to stop teams and they get paid millions to figure it out.