Troy da playa

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New England child.
Says the guy with a cartoon character as his avatar...

You're way to easy. Even easier than TMC.

The last childish comment is yours. Nobody wants to see this. (well actually they do, 2200 plus views but we'll pretend they don't)

Good day, Batman.
I used to think Troy was a good guy. Now I think he is just another full of it athlete. Doesn’t bother me really but is it too much to ask to just behave? Such a stereotype. I have daughters. Both are pretty with big personalities. Great girls. I would hate for them to be dragged through the ringer by some dummy.
Says the guy with a cartoon character as his avatar...

You're way to easy. Even easier than TMC.

The last childish comment is yours. Nobody wants to see this. (well actually they do, 2200 plus views but we'll pretend they don't)

Good day, Batman.
Ummmm isn‘t your avatar a cartoon? Maybe not a superhero but it’s a cartoon. Be better.
Says the guy with a cartoon character as his avatar...

You're way to easy. Even easier than TMC.

The last childish comment is yours. Nobody wants to see this. (well actually they do, 2200 plus views but we'll pretend they don't)

Good day, Batman.
So speaks the guy with a skull in a v-twin engine as his avatar. Childish and wannabe tough guy. Hilarious.
Ummmm isn‘t your avatar a cartoon? maybe Not a superhero but it’s a cartoon. Be better.
Uhmmmm, How is a drawing of a V-Twin motorcycle engine a cartoon (character)?

By your logic a drawing of the Cowboy's star is a cartoon.
There is something seriously wrong with you. You believe by one honestly saying as a father one sets the example to his own children is actually bragging??? Uhhh, hello, that is part of being a father. What is wrong with you? Don't you have children, or have you never been a father? That's not bragging. It's automatic and part of a role for any father.
Sorry man. There are certain things I keep private.

Hope you have a great day!
Uhmmmm, How is a drawing of a V-Twin motorcycle engine a cartoon (character)?

By your logic a drawing of the Cowboy's star is a cartoon.
Not at all. A star is just a star. A heavy metalish skull, very Iron Maiden like, drawn on an engine falls much closer to cartoonish. I like your avatar so don’t get you panties in a twist. I was merely pointing out that calling out a Batman avatar as a cartoon whilst having a not too distant cousin, Eddie like Iron Maiden skull, as an avatar was beneath you. Be better.
Sorry man. There are certain things I keep private.

Hope you have a great day!
I feel more fathers should be more outspoken and verbally set the example. This country sure needs that these days. Everyone is making it seem normal to lie, cheat, use, abuse, beat up, etc nowadays.

Thanks. You have a great day as well!
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