True Crime thread

I don't think we have to guess really about him having access to that "catfishing" account, or at least being partnered with Kline in this whole thing. That "catfish" account was in contact with one of the girls that morning, so it's a good bet the girls thought they were going to meet this young man on the fake account.

It's also know Kline's phone pinged at a nearby location that same morning. It's thought he was waiting to pick this Allen guy up after the murders.

What is known is that just about two months ago the Indiana State Police sought to have Kline removed from the county jail, which was allowed, and they took him to an old airport that has a jail facility on it. It's very close to a spot on the Wabash river where police spent several weeks searching the river. Guess is, Kline disposed of something in the river, gun, etc, that Allen had used in the murder. That's why they had him moved to a different location, so it would be easy for them to carry him to the spot on the river and point them to where he disposed of any items. After that search concluded was when they arrested Allen so it seems connected.

Kline also deleted a bunch of stuff from one of his phones, a Snapchat app and another app called MeetUp or something like that. I've heard speculation that Kline's father is involved. He and this Allen guy are around the same age and might have known each other, but it's only speculation.

It's seems to me that if Kline is involved in any way he would be charged. I suppose he could be charged yet, but maybe police think the charges he is already facing will be enough to keep him locked up for a very long time and they can always get to him later. They might need to see what info Allen gives them about Kline.

Thanks for sharing what you're heard.

It would be something if Kline was more involved than just providing access to his "catfishing" account.

I've read where Kline's father was a sketchy individual himself.
Thanks for sharing what you're heard.

It would be something if Kline was more involved than just providing access to his "catfishing" account.

I've read where Kline's father was a sketchy individual himself.

No problem, I've listened to a couple of podcasts about it and learned a lot I didn't know. It's not like I kept up with the case anyway though. I think Kline almost has to be more involved. Speculation is there could be more arrests.
No problem, I've listened to a couple of podcasts about it and learned a lot I didn't know. It's not like I kept up with the case anyway though. I think Kline almost has to be more involved. Speculation is there could be more arrests.

I've wondered how deluded someone would have to be in order to think their 45 yo self is going to entice a 13-14yo girl into sex...

And on the other hand what's the matter with any 45 yo guy thinking a 13-14 yo girl was sexually attractive? I mean the last time I thought a 13-14 yo girl was sexually attractive was when I was my 13-14 yo self.
Interesting point from the news conference... Usually an arrest means the investigation part is over with, but clearly that does not seem to be the reality for this (Delphi) case, which could be they are looking into the possibility of an accomplice.
I've wondered how deluded someone would have to be in order to think their 45 yo self is going to entice a 13-14yo girl into sex...

And on the other hand what's the matter with any 45 yo guy thinking a 13-14 yo girl was sexually attractive? I mean the last time I thought a 13-14 yo girl was sexually attractive was when I was my 13-14 yo self.

Same here, which I would say is a good thing since we can't understand the mindset of a sicko like these guys. I'm not sure I understood this correctly, so I might be wrong about it, but I think the people behind this "catfish" account also had one pretending to be a young girl, or woman, and would ask the girls things like would they go out with an older guy. Sounds like a grooming attempt.
Same here, which I would say is a good thing since we can't understand the mindset of a sicko like these guys. I'm not sure I understood this correctly, so I might be wrong about it, but I think the people behind this "catfish" account also had one pretending to be a young girl, or woman, and would ask the girls things like would they go out with an older guy. Sounds like a grooming attempt.

I did hear something interesting on a podcast today from someone who says they have a source close to the case (yeah sure), and that was someone that knew Richard Allen personally tipped off police to him being a possible suspect.

Maybe true. Maybe not.

They've had Kline in custody for a while now and nothing has come out and then all of a sudden things heated up a lot!

So maybe it was someone close who suggested they look at him, i.e. Richard Allen.

One thing I do find interesting is that Richard Allen only lived 1.6 miles from the Monon bridge. And Delphi was and is a pretty small town. While it's tough to tell from the video how close he resembles "bridge guy" he looks a lot like first sketch as offered by law enforcement. And checks the boxes as far as the height & weight they (law enforcement) was suggesting "bridge guy" was.

In other words, I'm wondering why he was checked out more thoroughly before... And maybe he was.

A lot of interesting stuff is going to come out in the wash after this is all done.
Wild development if true, and it seems to be true, comes from very reliable sources, but Allen came forward as a witness early in the case.

They also say after Kilne came forward Allen's house was searched and they found evidence that led to his arrest.
Wild development if true, and it seems to be true, comes from very reliable sources, but Allen came forward as a witness early in the case.

They also say after Kilne came forward Allen's house was searched and they found evidence that led to his arrest.

I wonder if Allen did that (claiming to be a witness) so that he would be put on the "Hey, this guy is a witness and not a suspect fence." Or as what's been seen in other cases perps like to be involved in the aftermath such as searching for victims, attending funerals and that sort of thing.
More on the Delphi case...

Many, both in legal circles and lay-people are incredulous over sealing of the entire folder (or whatever the legal term is) by the court system. Sometime affidavits are sealed but virtually no one has heard of an entire case being sealed.

Researching it does uncover the court system being able to do this under special circumstances. But it sounds like a hearing has to occur at some point where the question of opening up the file is debated.

That all goes back to the strong possibility of a second person being involved.

I think it's safe in saying that "Bridge Guy" was Richard Allen.

What about Kegan Kline?

My challenge with him is if he was the second person why does it seem he may have turned over evidence or somehow tied Richard Allen to the crime?

I've also heard/read that yes Richard Allen was a witness but as the story is presently going–He gave a description that was far different from the description of "Bridge Guy".

If this is true (and we'll find out at some point if it is or not) then it could be considered a rather smart move on his part... First immerse yourself into the investigation because it thrills you and then give a description that is far different from how you appear.
Another article about how the citizens of Delphi are shocked that Richard Allen was arrested...

One of the interesting bits in this article is the part about the Sheriff of Carroll County having a picture of "Bridge Guy" and the "Young Guy" suspect drawing taped near his desk so they could be seen.

The whole "Young Guy" drawing vs. the original drawing just confuses me. Why did they give up on the original drawing?

And not one person in the article states the obvious and that is Richard Allen does look like the suspect in the original drawing.
I've found myself obsessed with the hunt for fugitive Robert Fisher, lately. I remember the case when it happened in 2001, and I've constantly been wondering where this man has been hiding. Fisher is a man wanted for killing his wife and two children and then blowing up his home in Scottsdale, AZ. Fisher, who masqueraded around town as a doting, Christian father was awkward with his family and emotionally abusive. Police believe Fisher killed his family, then disappeared, because he felt threatened by his wife's intent to divorce him. Fisher had been on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List for more than 15 years, and is John Walsh's "public enemy #1."

What I find the most fascinating about this case is that not a single trace of Fisher has been discovered since the night he committed the murders. He promptly visited an ATM machine, withdrew $280 in cash, drove his wife's Toyota 4Runner into a National Forest, and abandoned it, along with his family dog. Conspiracy theorists have long speculated that Fisher committed suicide in the wilderness, but I do not buy that.

What happened to Robert Fisher?
The judge has recused himself in the Delphi case due to receiving threats against himself and his family because of the sealing of the file in the case.

Folks want answers now I guess and are willing to threaten a judge to get them.

Morons who want to know everything right away. I'm sure they have good reason for sealing the files. There could be evidence in there so damning it would virtually destroy his chance at a fair trial. I'm pretty sure there is going to be a change of venue if it ever goes to trial, better chance for an impartial jury somewhere like Indianapolis or maybe Ft Wayne.

The reason they are keeping the files sealed that I keep hearing is, that the investigation is still ongoing and there could be more arrests. They are probably hoping Allen spills the beans and makes things easier for them.
And not one person in the article states the obvious and that is Richard Allen does look like the suspect in the original drawing.

And he looks nothing like the "young guy" sketch. At the time the police said to ignore that first "older guy" sketch and that the "young guy" sketch is who they think is the killer.

So my question is, who is the "young guy" and how did that sketch come about? Because it looks nothing like Allen, in my opinion. I've yet to see a photo of Allen with a full head of hair and clean shaven. So who saw this guy, where did they see him, was he on the bridge around that time? I think there are only two possibilities, either he's just a rando innocent bystander, or he's an accomplice.
And he looks nothing like the "young guy" sketch. At the time the police said to ignore that first "older guy" sketch and that the "young guy" sketch is who they think is the killer.

So my question is, who is the "young guy" and how did that sketch come about? Because it looks nothing like Allen, in my opinion. I've yet to see a photo of Allen with a full head of hair and clean shaven. So who saw this guy, where did they see him, was he on the bridge around that time? I think there are only two possibilities, either he's just a rando innocent bystander, or he's an accomplice.

Agreed, the whole "younger guy" sketch is a puzzle to me. Plus it may have thrown off the entire investigation.

It would be sad if Richard Allen was somehow involved in getting the young guy sketch created.
In Oak Cliff in 1967 maybe late as 1969 We had an Ice-cream truck driver that was Sweet on my mom His name was Jimmy and was a bad alcoholic He always passed out in his truck behind the club. It was called the Rat Trap Gilpin at Fort Worth Ave My mom was the Bartender there. He was murdered and robbed behind the club in his truck His apt was also robbed . Last I ever heard the case was unsolved But they believe 3 people did it
Great video analysis of what happened (and when) between Richard Allen and the two girls...

Of course this analysis may end up not being fact in all or in part but it seems to follow what we know so far.

Looking for Winicki's true crime thread to be pro-active......

How about those Idaho slayings? No FBI profiler here, but has anything ever looked more like a Ted Bundy University of Florida repeat?
Anybody following anything about the quadruple homicide that happened near the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho? This is "in my backyard" (I live in Boise) so the area is getting a lot of chatter about it. Tragic event and I sure hope they can find the person(s) responsible. Law enforcement has stayed super tight-lipped about it. I'm not sure if they're holding important details back, or, if they're really just in the dark on this one so far. I know people with kids that attend the University and it's incredibly somber there. It's a very emotionally difficult time for the city. Moscow is a small city of about 25,000 and they're not use to dealing with fear and anxiety.
Looking for Winicki's true crime thread to be pro-active......

How about those Idaho slayings? No FBI profiler here, but has anything ever looked more like a Ted Bundy University of Florida repeat?

You must have popped in as I was typing out my post above. I watched one video that tied some similarities of this crime to those of Ted Bundy. IIRC though, didn't he mostly beat/strangle/rape his victims? The Idaho murders had a pretty violent crime scene from what I've heard. I'm not sure if sexual rape was a motivator or not, but they are saying there was no evidence of sexual assault.

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