Twice as many game ending INTs since 2006

Wow, Romo haters are like elephants, they remember everything. It's soooo impressive.

Quick! Without looking, how many game winning drives does Romo have this season? Don't look!

I was at that steelers game a few rows behind the cowboys bench and watched both pics right in front of me. It is also relevant to this thread as he threw a pick in that game with the lead when they should have been running and threw another one with the game tied.

As for a romo hater, that is new for me. I was totally on his side until this year - infact it was the minesota game where i really started to sour on him - a game where he played poorly but did in fact deliver a game winning drive - so i thought maybe, just maybe. And then its been too painful to watch since then.
Every time Brady has done it this year, he has been trying to come from behind. The stat here is that Romo is throwing 4th quarter picks WITH THE LEAD OR TIED.

OH I SEE!!!! Didn't pay attention to the parameters of the stat.. Do we know the wind speed, ground temp, and what shows were following the games after the INTs were thrown.
I think the stat was "costly" INTs when it dropped the team's win probability by more than 20 percent. It's also when you're tied or have a small lead. Brady's INT yesterday doesn't count because the Patriots were losing and it was a very low win probability.

Thanks again i just didn't look into the parameters.
I was at that steelers game a few rows behind the cowboys bench and watched both pics right in front of me. It is also relevant to this thread as he threw a pick in that game with the lead when they should have been running and threw another one with the game tied.

As for a romo hater, that is new for me. I was totally on his side until this year - infact it was the minesota game where i really started to sour on him - a game where he played poorly but did in fact deliver a game winning drive - so i thought maybe, just maybe. And then its been too painful to watch since then.

That's one. Any more? If you can remember with such clarity to 2008 surely 2013 can't be too hard.
i am willing to find out

Then you're going to be sorely mistaken. The real issue isn't our QB. It's the guy writing the checks. We don't have a "leader" (I use that term very loosely with Jones) in our coaching/front office positions. Our coach is learning on the job and our GM is making football decisions while being drinking his bourbon. This team isn't ever going to make any real noise in the playoffs until Jerry let's go of this team and gives the football decisions over to someone not name Stephen.
romo doesn't make plays on the run anymore,that was what got him his start at QB and amazed people about him..he is no longer that now you have a 100 mil QB locked in for the near future who can not do what his extended contract was looking for anymore...couple that with a defense that lacks big time talent this team is in big trouble in the next few years...we look for the romo magic every game it's gone..FACE UP TO IT!!!
Then you're going to be sorely mistaken. The real issue isn't our QB. It's the guy writing the checks. We don't have a "leader" (I use that term very loosely with Jones) in our coaching/front office positions. Our coach is learning on the job and our GM is making football decisions while being drinking his bourbon. This team isn't ever going to make any real noise in the playoffs until Jerry let's go of this team and gives the football decisions over to someone not name Stephen.

Oh. Well then lets just keep all the same players on defense too. Because its not their fault either. It wont matter if we try to upgrade the defense at all because the issue is jerry. And the next set of players will be equally doomed.
Do you actually think getting a new QB will change the mediocrity of this team?

Not at all. But that's one of the things that needs to change. The other things are coaching and Jerry Jones. unfortunately I don't think Jerry will ever stop posing as a football man
Oh. Well then lets just keep all the same players on defense too. Because its not their fault either. It wont matter if we try to upgrade the defense at all because the issue is jerry. And the next set of players will be equally doomed.

Now you understand. It doesn't really matter who we bring. And let's face it, we are NEVER going to see a team like we had in the 90's. We aren't a football team. We are sideshow that sells a bunch of jersey's.
the scary thing is we have a QB that can't do what made him special anymore locked in for the immediate future n have not groomed a young QB,who when that player comes on board will have to go thru growing pains,which extends the losing even more...WOW!!
I watched the Patriots game yesterday. He threw an INT in the end zone on a desperation play in the final seconds of the game when they needed to score. Sure, it was an INT but he did lead his team downfield with 1 minute to play.

Romo likes to throw ill advised picks at the beginning of the drive on his side of the field when it wasn't even necessary to make the throw.

Substitute Romo for Brady and what you say about leading team down field but throwing an INT in the end zone?
Substitute Romo for Brady and what you say about leading team down field but throwing an INT in the end zone?

The point of the stat is "costly" INTs that dropped a team's win probability by more than 20%. This has nothing to do with Brady vs Romo. This has to do with the stat. Typically, when you're losing (especially yesterday's conditions for Brady... 1 min left, down by 5, 85 yards to go) you have a very low probability of winning. Throwing an INT might drop a 3% win probability to 0% but it isn't that "costly" according to the stat. In Romo's case, on the first INT, Dallas had a 95% chance of winning and Romo's INT dropped it down to 70%. The defense's failure to stop them on the next drive dropped it very low, but then Romo's final INT dropped it another 20% down to 0%.
I know there's this myth that Romo is more clutch than choke.

the only people who feel that way are small circle of people on this site. Most football fans feel he is more choke than clutch and it couldn't make them any happier.
The point of the stat is "costly" INTs that dropped a team's win probability by more than 20%. This has nothing to do with Brady vs Romo. This has to do with the stat. Typically, when you're losing (especially yesterday's conditions for Brady... 1 min left, down by 5, 85 yards to go) you have a very low probability of winning. Throwing an INT might drop a 3% win probability to 0% but it isn't that "costly" according to the stat. In Romo's case, on the first INT, Dallas had a 95% chance of winning and Romo's INT dropped it down to 70%. The defense's failure to stop them on the next drive dropped it very low, but then Romo's final INT dropped it another 20% down to 0%.

I'd like to see "costly INT" defined by a scholarly source please. Especially when you use the term "typically", you're not really providing a solid foundation for your argument.
The point of the stat is "costly" INTs that dropped a team's win probability by more than 20%. This has nothing to do with Brady vs Romo. This has to do with the stat. Typically, when you're losing (especially yesterday's conditions for Brady... 1 min left, down by 5, 85 yards to go) you have a very low probability of winning. Throwing an INT might drop a 3% win probability to 0% but it isn't that "costly" according to the stat. In Romo's case, on the first INT, Dallas had a 95% chance of winning and Romo's INT dropped it down to 70%. The defense's failure to stop them on the next drive dropped it very low, but then Romo's final INT dropped it another 20% down to 0%.

yawn. In your desperate need to prove your point (which clearly is one of your lifetime goals) you make us laugh

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