U.S. Navy to build $3 Billion Stealth Destroyer

DallasEast;4582997 said:
You shouldn't worry so much. That Camaro you have parked in your garage will keep you safe from harm. :p:

I've owned three Camaros in my day, but don't have one at the moment... you reckon my Jeep will work the same way??
shrinking a warhead small enough to fit on a missile is a whole other story from being able to detonate a small one which is all NK has been able to do. ANd they have had a couple of fizzles as well. So their program is not all that.
burmafrd;4583782 said:
shrinking a warhead small enough to fit on a missile is a whole other story from being able to detonate a small one which is all NK has been able to do. ANd they have had a couple of fizzles as well. So their program is not all that.

I was thinking the last two times they tested some missiles they were failures...or maybe I am just remembering wrong.
BrAinPaiNt;4583787 said:
I was thinking the last two times they tested some missiles they were failures...or maybe I am just remembering wrong.

I think you're right. Although their last test was a "satellite launch" and it failed to get off the platform :laugh1:
DallasEast;4583205 said:
...but the U.S. and the Soviet Union were never really threated with a third-party nuclear conflict prior to the end of the Cold War. One could make an argument that India and Pakistan would fit that description, but neither nation's allegiences were that strongly held with either country during that period.

The same could not be said if North and South Korea ever engaged in a nuclear battle on the Asian mainland in the here-and-now. China would be forced to secure its safety and sovereignty at all costs. I sincerely doubt they would leave such decisions in the hands South Korea and/or the U.S.

Or Japan for that matter. They will understandably freak if Korea becomes a nukefest. In my opinion, they would kiss nearly 70 years of military defense practices out the window in a microsecond if that happen. The whole Far East Asian theater would be completely unmanageable when that happens.

I agree with nuclear weapons in the hands of countries like India and especially Pakistan and N Korea the world is a much more dangerous than at any time. Should Iran complete their work we can add yet another dangerous country to the mix. I think for many it is not any of these countries using missiles directly but terrorist groups they support and aid with the means to use a nuclear device.

As for N/S Korea I'm not sure how much support that China would give at this stage. I say that because in the 50's China was not trying to be an economical power that they are becoming now and I just don't see them throwing that away to fully defend N. Korea especially if North Korea instigates an attack

I don't think China minds at all that N. Korea is just a pain in the butt to the US and South Korea but when push comes to shove not really convinced China would be willing to sacrifice all they have tried to accomplish
theogt;4582837 said:
What might that be?

Hoofbite;4583226 said:
You know.

The threat that can't be eliminated via stealth aircraft, submarine or ground personel.

That sort of threat.


I hate to argue with two experts like you.

But this ship is being developed because though we have the clear and overwhelming advantage against China's navy in open water they might have an advantage on their own coastline in shallower waters,(called littorals). These destroyers are designed to do both (open sea and littoral)

This is a weapon designed specifically for Taiwan conflict.

Now the arguments against the politics of that are against these forums rules and I will not be part of them.
ninja;4583172 said:
Drones are THE future. Within 20 years, I'm guessing that manned aircraft (fighter jets) will be rare. The speeds and Gs will be too much for humans to handle and the cost to design for adding humans will be prohibitive.

Why have a manned fighter jet which costs 50-100 times as much as a drone and can do half of what a drone can do? That's the future.
No, drone is a very limited to be the future. What is the future weapons system is the Unmanned Aircraft, which are size of current aircraft, which I was involved several years for the Navy and Air Force programs.

Drone cannot carry enough weapons, its limited in loitering time and range of flights, whereas Unmanned aircraft can perform Air to Air/Air to Ground missions along with well over 12+ hours of reconnaissance/Loitering missions and it is stealth. the only activity it cannot perform is dog fights, which is usually a last resort even with manned aircraft.
3 Billion is a ton of money to spend on one ship...no matter how you cut it.

The bigger problem is these things never seems to come in on budget.

It will probably cost 6-10 Billion before it's done...if it ever really works at all.
ConcordCowboy;4583915 said:
3 Billion is a ton of money to spend on one ship...no matter how you cut it.

The bigger problem is these things never seems to come in on budget.

It will probably cost 6-10 Billion before it's done...if it ever really works at all.

The new Ford class aircraft carriers are expected to cost $9 billion each.
Sam I Am;4583951 said:
The new Ford class aircraft carriers are expected to cost $9 billion each.


But I like Aircraft Carriers.

Should have named them Clinton Class though. :p:
BTW, there are visions and discussions of Unmanned Aircraft Carriers with Unmanned Aircraft, while Unmanned Carriers won't completely eliminate humans, perhaps less than 1,000 personnel required but nowhere near 5,000+ required to perform full operations.
burmafrd;4583135 said:
denim must be one of those that are always ashamed.

Professional victim?

Not ashamed for myself, as I was not born when that was going on.
zrinkill;4583851 said:

I hate to argue with two experts like you.

But this ship is being developed because though we have the clear and overwhelming advantage against China's navy in open water they might have an advantage on their own coastline in shallower waters,(called littorals). These destroyers are designed to do both (open sea and littoral)

This is a weapon designed specifically for Taiwan conflict.

Now the arguments against the politics of that are against these forums rules and I will not be part of them.
So they're designed for a conflict with China?

Even more of a waste.

Just an FYI, there will never be another large scale conflict among world powers. There hasn't been one in 70 years. And there will never be another. These weren't built "for China."

Everyone in government knows this, and knows the real reason these things are built -- these government expenditures are *PURELY* stimulus spending. They employ people building them and they employ people manning them once they're built. Personally I think it's wasteful and inefficient when the government spends money instead of the market.
theogt;4584024 said:
Just an FYI, there will never be another large scale conflict among world powers. There hasn't been one in 70 years. And there will never be another.

I would consider that whole Cold War thing a pretty significant conflict between world powers, considering it came THIS close to full-blown nuclear war on several occasions and resulted in the greatest arms race in history.

Regardless, saying there will never be another world conflict simply because there hasnt been one in a while is about the worst logic in the history of stupid.
The30YardSlant;4584058 said:
I would consider that whole Cold War thing a pretty significant conflict between world powers, considering it came THIS close to full-blown nuclear war on several occasions and resulted in the greatest arms race in history.

Regardless, saying there will never be another world conflict simply because there hasnt been one in a while is about the worst logic in the history of stupid.
Without adding to the histrionic "worst logic in the history of stupid" commentary :rolleyes: :p: , I agree. Humanity as a whole has not evolved to the point where it has learned from the mistakes of its past. And there are literally thousands of years of mistakes we continually repeat, with the worst example being war.
Dallas;4582790 said:
As if genius knows exactly where to militarily spend 3 billion.

That's funny right there.....

I think it would be cool to have a stealth fleet. The Asia rim is getting pretty spooky w/ China these days.

China hasn't stopped spending militarily. Not the least bit of slow down from them. With all of the technology they have stolen from the US, you would think they would be the ones w/ a stealth destroyer and not us.

I get it...

Yep, and they are doing it with the interest we pay them on all our debt.
As resources continue to decline war between hegemonies will become inevitable. Look for a Russian-Chinese alliance vs. North America –Europe. Its already playing out in the Middle East and Africa by proxy.
I wish the US would take a little of the Military spending and put it towards NASA and space exploration.
dez_for_prez;4584123 said:
I wish the US would take a little of the Military spending and put it towards NASA and space exploration.

I work with NASA. Honestly you do not want to give them any more money then they have right now; they will only waste it.

The whole Orion mess is nothing but Apollo 40 years later and the numbies refused to use any data gathered back then.

Instead they preferred to spend billions reinventing the wheel.

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