Cyborg has been off of roids for quite a while, stop pretending like she is. She competes with invicta which is tied with the UFC. UFC wouldn't have close ties with an organization that wouldn't drug test. Cyborg has not taken roids for a while now, get over it.
Cyborg cannot make 135 because of her muscular frame. It is physically impossible and dangerous to her health and body type to go down to 135.
***Ronda on the other hand (who runs her mouth at cyborg just as much as cyborg tries to hype this fight by the way) , has competed at 145 and 150 for most of her life in Judo*** So how come she can't fight cyborg at even 140?
Ronda is doing everything she can to not Cyborg.
Remember when Ronda wanted to go up in weight to 145 to fight Gina Carano? Ha.
Ronda also says she would fight floyd. Ronda also has said she would fight Ali's daughter.
....but she won't fight Cyborg at nothing other than 135 *rolls eyes*
If I named every fighter that popped for roids once in their life, your list of fighters to choose from to support would be very,very thin.