Ultimate Petitti Thread...


The Boognish
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Im sure at times going against Rucker and Peppers Rob felt a bit overmatched. His confidence has taken a hit since he stopped getting help, but with a bit of perspective on things the man is playing about as well as to expected.

We all saw the false starts and him getting beat on pass coverage, but I also saw him and Andre opening huge holes for Julius.

He runs blocks well and hopefully a full offseason focusing on strength and quickness will make him feel not quite so overmatched and hell pass block as well.

That was Rucker and Peppers beating him and I can live with that especially when hes helping JJ tear it up on the ground.


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FuzzyLumpkins said:
Im sure at times going against Rucker and Peppers Rob felt a bit overmatched. His confidence has taken a hit since he stopped getting help, but with a bit of perspective on things the man is playing about as well as to expected.

We all saw the false starts and him getting beat on pass coverage, but I also saw him and Andre opening huge holes for Julius.

He runs blocks well and hopefully a full offseason focusing on strength and quickness will make him feel not quite so overmatched and hell pass block as well.

That was Rucker and Peppers beating him and I can live with that especially when hes helping JJ tear it up on the ground.

You know Fuzzy, you and I are agreeing much to often lately... something is wrong here. ;)


The Boognish
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MichaelWinicki said:
You know Fuzzy, you and I are agreeing much to often lately... something is wrong here. ;)

Good sense is good sense brah. I know you miss the days of me getting off work and harrasing the morning crew as you guys are waking up.

Its a great way to start your day.


"You want some?"
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FuzzyLumpkins said:
Good sense is good sense brah. I know you miss the days of me getting off work and harrasing the morning crew as you guys are waking up.

Its a great way to start your day.


Nothing like an early morning brew-ha-ha to start the day off on the right foot. ;)


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like a dog said:
What about getting undressed by Bryce Fisher?
Obviously, it sucks. We've seen first rounders around the leage be abused by lesser defensive ends than Fisher. In fact, I would expect rookie offensive tackles be taken to school more often than not.

What I would hope to see is some semblance of ability. Perhaps, the Cowboys can develop Petitti and build upon what he has learned to this point. To think there would be no bumps along the way would be somewhat naive.

As for criticism, RP is as deserving as anyone in his position and should not be immune. I'm not suggesting he should be. But let's please try to keep in perspective what he is in comparison to just about any rookie tackle.

And also, if Rob Petitti were the biggest problem on this offensive line, I think we would be in pretty decent shape up front. But I don't believe him to be.

Bob Sacamano

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actually, Sparano was a OLine coach with the Jags, and with Syracuse before that, before he became a TE coach


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scottsp said:
Obviously, it sucks. We've seen first rounders around the leage be abused by lesser defensive ends than Fisher. In fact, I would expect rookie offensive tackles be taken to school more often than not.

What I would hope to see is some semblance of ability. Perhaps, the Cowboys can develop Petitti and build upon what he has learned to this point. To think there would be no bumps along the way would be somewhat naive.

As for criticism, RP is as deserving as anyone in his position and should not be immune. I'm not suggesting he should be. But let's please try to keep in perspective what he is in comparison to just about any rookie tackle.

And also, if Rob Petitti were the biggest problem on this offensive line, I think we would be in pretty decent shape up front. But I don't believe him to be.

What about Trent Cole, or the guy from the Commanders?

like a dog

Panamanian Cowboy
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MichaelWinicki said:
OK... what do YOU expect out of a 6th round draft pick?

This ought to be good.

I don't neccesarily expect anything out of a 6th round pick. More often then not these guys wash out of the league in a year or two. I don't give a **** about Pettiti's pedigree. I have never said that Pettiti is no good for a sixth round pick. My point is simply that he is no good. Period.

I agree with the posters who have criticized Parcells for being so underprepared at a position as important as OT. Pettiti obviously shouldn't be starting now, and perhaps never. The fact remains, that regardless of his pedigree, Pettiti's play right now is atrocious. And I have seen no signs of improvenment or ability (i.e. looking smooth) that would lead me to believe he is going to be anything more.

My challenge still stands. Name one RT in the NFL who is worse then Rob Pettiti.

like a dog

Panamanian Cowboy
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scottsp said:
Obviously, it sucks. We've seen first rounders around the leage be abused by lesser defensive ends than Fisher. In fact, I would expect rookie offensive tackles be taken to school more often than not.

What I would hope to see is some semblance of ability. Perhaps, the Cowboys can develop Petitti and build upon what he has learned to this point. To think there would be no bumps along the way would be somewhat naive.

As for criticism, RP is as deserving as anyone in his position and should not be immune. I'm not suggesting he should be. But let's please try to keep in perspective what he is in comparison to just about any rookie tackle.

And also, if Rob Petitti were the biggest problem on this offensive line, I think we would be in pretty decent shape up front. But I don't believe him to be.

Who is a bigger problem? Tucker is certainly much better then Pettiti. He had one horrible game (Commanders) but has been pretty sturdy otherwise. Allen, while not deserving of the Probowl, has been solid. The platoon of Johnson and Gurode at center has been serviceable. Rivera hasn't been what we expected, but has certainly outpreformed Pettiti.

Pettiti is the worst starting RT in the NFL. He is also represents the weakest link in the Dallas Cowboys starting lineup.


The Boognish
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like a dog said:
I don't neccesarily expect anything out of a 6th round pick. More often then not these guys wash out of the league in a year or two. I don't give a **** about Pettiti's pedigree. I have never said that Pettiti is no good for a sixth round pick. My point is simply that he is no good. Period.

I agree with the posters who have criticized Parcells for being so underprepared at a position as important as OT. Pettiti obviously shouldn't be starting now, and perhaps never. The fact remains, that regardless of his pedigree, Pettiti's play right now is atrocious. And I have seen no signs of improvenment or ability (i.e. looking smooth) that would lead me to believe he is going to be anything more.

My challenge still stands. Name one RT in the NFL who is worse then Rob Pettiti.

Im sorry but it seems to me you evaluate with no shades of grey.

I dont think that anyone in there right mind would say that Rob is a good pass blocker but at the same time you have toi admit he is pretty good in the run game.

He is what he is but to use a blanket statement such as 'he sucks,' really is not that opersuasive.

like a dog

Panamanian Cowboy
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FuzzyLumpkins said:
Im sorry but it seems to me you evaluate with no shades of grey.

I dont think that anyone in there right mind would say that Rob is a good pass blocker but at the same time you have toi admit he is pretty good in the run game.

He is what he is but to use a blanket statement such as 'he sucks,' really is not that opersuasive.

I don't believe he is that good in the running game. We have not been able to run the ball to the right side all season, and Pettiti is certainly at least part of the reason.

He is horrible in every other phase of the game. He has bad penalties at bad times, a sign of lack of disciplene and focus. He makes mental errors allowing pass rushers to come free. But, worst of all, he simply does not seem to have the athletic ability to match up one on one with an NFL DE in pass protection on a consistent basis.

I mean, if he is the worst starting RT in the NFL then we have a problem. I really hope that we get a Jonathan Scott or a Marcus McNeil in the draft next year.


The Boognish
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like a dog said:
I don't believe he is that good in the running game. We have not been able to run the ball to the right side all season, and Pettiti is certainly at least part of the reason.

He is horrible in every other phase of the game. He has bad penalties at bad times, a sign of lack of disciplene and focus. He makes mental errors allowing pass rushers to come free. But, worst of all, he simply does not seem to have the athletic ability to match up one on one with an NFL DE in pass protection on a consistent basis.

I mean, if he is the worst starting RT in the NFL then we have a problem. I really hope that we get a Jonathan Scott or a Marcus McNeil in the draft next year.

Well your watching different games than I was. Julius ran right for alot of yards a lot of times. Its been that way most of the year.

I see its pointless to talk to you your so consumed with your little reductionist view.

And hyperbole like 'worst in the NFL' is not going to convince anyone especially when you dont qualify it with some analysis. Under your paradigm the left tackle for the Panthers is just as bad cause he was manandled by Ware.

Julius Pepper beat Pettiti like a redheaded stepchild in the pass rush BUT Julius ran right ALOT and he deserves some credit for that.


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Chaos theory in effect. Its sad to see the polar extreme in this forum. If he shuts someone down put him in the probowl. If he allows sacks to oh I dont know a freakish talented DE then cut his ***.

Its sad the kid is a 7th rounder holding up pretty well at a RT spot we dont have anyone better suited to play at...

You cant ask more from a 7th rounder. The kid will tuff it out hit the weights in the offseason and come back with a greater understanding of what he needs to do and how to do it.

like a dog

Panamanian Cowboy
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FuzzyLumpkins said:
Well your watching different games than I was. Julius ran right for alot of yards a lot of times. Its been that way most of the year.

I see its pointless to talk to you your so consumed with your little reductionist view.

And hyperbole like 'worst in the NFL' is not going to convince anyone especially when you dont qualify it with some analysis. Under your paradigm the left tackle for the Panthers is just as bad cause he was manandled by Ware.

Julius Pepper beat Pettiti like a redheaded stepchild in the pass rush BUT Julius ran right ALOT and he deserves some credit for that.

How is my view reductionist? Because you somehow insinuate that I blame all of the lines problems on Pettiti? I certainly do not. Rivera has been a dissapointment and Al Johnson really needs to get better at the point of attack. Our offensive line is not one piece away. But I see the biggest problem at RT.

You are taking my comments completely out of context when you characterize my "paradigm". You make it sound like one bad performance equals a bad player. Under that paradigm Ladanian Tomilson is a bad player because he had 16 yards against the Eagles. That is lunacy and you and I both know it. I have stated time and time again that my problem with Pettiti has been that he has been bad all season long. Strahan, Fischer, Wynn, Peppers, it wasn't just one game. He has been beat time and time again. He also is prone to mental errors and is consistently penalized.

The reason that I do not hold out much hope for a lot of improvenment from Pettiti is primarily qualitative. He just looks bad. He has sub par athleticism and movenment skills for the position and just gets beat physically times and time again. I just don't see him being succesful.

And if you honestly believe that we have run more right then left this year, even after Flozell went down, you are kidding yourself. I didn't see the game yesterday (I was travelling), but the Cowboys have definetly run left more then right this year.

like a dog

Panamanian Cowboy
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VirusX said:
Chaos theory in effect. Its sad to see the polar extreme in this forum. If he shuts someone down put him in the probowl. If he allows sacks to oh I dont know a freakish talented DE then cut his ***.

Its sad the kid is a 7th rounder holding up pretty well at a RT spot we dont have anyone better suited to play at...

You cant ask more from a 7th rounder. The kid will tuff it out hit the weights in the offseason and come back with a greater understanding of what he needs to do and how to do it.

6th rounder dog, 6th rounder.


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like a dog said:
Who is a bigger problem? Tucker is certainly much better then Pettiti. He had one horrible game (Commanders) but has been pretty sturdy otherwise. Allen, while not deserving of the Probowl, has been solid. The platoon of Johnson and Gurode at center has been serviceable. Rivera hasn't been what we expected, but has certainly outpreformed Pettiti.

Pettiti is the worst starting RT in the NFL. He is also represents the weakest link in the Dallas Cowboys starting lineup.

So much wrong with this post. I will just say that it's obvious you don't pay much attention to other situations around the league. He is not the worst right tackle in football. But feel free to continue your rant, erroneous content and all.

like a dog

Panamanian Cowboy
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scottsp said:
So much wrong with this post. I will just say that it's obvious you don't pay much attention to other situations around the league. He is not the worst right tackle in football. But feel free to continue your rant, erroneous content and all.

By all means, please name one such "situation" from the league that I pay "not enough" attention to.


Mick Green 58
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like a dog said:
By all means, please name one such "situation" from the league that I pay "not enough" attention to.

Like a Dog is still in here blaming Rob Petitti.

Your anger is misguided, you should be pointing the finger at the kroger's grocery shopper...


Im still amazed people thought a 6th Rounder was going to just go out and totally dominate the likes of Strahan, U, Peppers, and Kearse.