McNabb just can't catch a break..for most QBs playing thru pain makes them an "Ironman" (sure always did for Farve despite his performances) and was a clear demonstration of leadership as well as guts. Never expect others to do what you won't do yourself..and here is DM playing with this sports hernia being called out for not being a leader?
His accuracy has suffered for sure this year, but I think he proved last year how much his game has improved, and that when healthy he is an elite NFL QB. I've been skeptical about the extent of his injury only because I've been told the pain is so excruciating that most folks tear up just walking with it.
But evidently McNabb has been sucking up some unbeliebable torture. Did anyone catch HBO's This Week in the NFL this week? They had some awesome footage of the Bronco blitzes Mcnabb got sacked on..replete with sound effects, the real ones. I have not seen such a beating on a QB in some time. Clearly, his injury has put a big red bulls-eye on his, uhh, abdomen. And TO had the nerve to go off on him about picks, after that beating he took, unreal!
Obviously Reid and Company want him out's not like he is selfishly throwing the season away out of hubris. And he is standing up to the pain. Because he IS the team leader.
The man is a freaking warrior, imo. Period.