
He Made the Difference
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JackMagist said:
There is a little story that I told my daughters to apply to their evaluation of any men who come into their lives.

A little girl was walking down the road when she heard a voice behind her.
"Little girl, please carry me to the end of the road by the field."
Looking around she saw a snake following her and she replyed, "No I won't carry you, you'll bite me...Your a Snake!"
The snake begged and pleaded and pleaded and begged and each time the little girl gave the same reply. Finally after the snake swore many times that he would not bite her the little girl gave in and picked him up. She got within a few yards of the field and sure enough the snake bit her.
"But you Promised..you Swore that you would not bite me. I just can't believe that you would bit me after I carried you all that way," The little girl protested.
And the Snake replyed, "Oh stop your whining...You knew what I was when you picked me up."

And that is my response to the Eagles. They knew what he was when they picked him up.

:) Classic anecdote, Jack. And one that impresses itself on anyone's

I liked the term Stephen A Smith used today re the Philly front office. It's a word I usually find a little too Oprah/Dr Phil, but it fits: enabler.

Lurie, Banner, and Reid and to a lesser extent even McNabb participated in their own victimization. There have been plenty of reformed 'snakes' in the NFL, so the feeling that Owns could be rehabbed was operative. But the very circumstances under which TO arrived in Philly (The Ravens episode) were evidence this particular snake was not at a place emotionally where he could be easily de-fanged.

PS Jack, you feeling any fonder of Bill these days? I know you don't fancy him as a person/ality, but I was wondering if he has started to grow on you a bit.


He Made the Difference
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Danny White said:
That's what he gets for being an Eagle.

No sympathy for him... LOSER.

Well, Danny, I am not trying to drum up any sympathy for him. Just refuting the notions he is 1) a poor leader, and 2) a non-elite QB.

The Curly One

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Word Comes Down: Owens Suspended

November 5, 2005

Nov. 5, 1:30 p.m. -- Andy Reid slept on his decision. Presumably, he tossed and turned and when he awoke on Saturday morning, he decided that the best thing for the Eagles moving forward was to do so without Terrell Owens.
And, so, as the team gathered at the NovaCare Complex early in the afternoon on Saturday, they did so without Owens, who has been suspended by the team for conduct detrimenal to the team, according to the statement the Eagles issued.

Thank goodness.

Reid made the right call here, cleared the air of the putrid, me-first cloud Owens has carried since that wonderful performance in the Super Bowl. Since that time, he has been all about Terrell Owens, and having a player dominate the aura of a team as he has done is absolutely counterproductive to an effort that requires every person in the building to move in the same direction ... The Eagles will refrain from commenting further on the matter until after the game in Washington, but I will offer some of my opinions here. As you know -- if you've been reading this space since Friday morning -- Owens' comments to ESPN on Thursday night were the final straw for me.

Hey, I understand that the Eagles accept the responsibility of knowing the risk they took when they acquired Owens in 2004. Agreed. They made a deal with Owens, and he lived up to his part of the bargain last year. He was wonderful. He played great football. He was good within the organization.

TO did NOT live up to his end of the agreement, he tried to hold out to renegotiate and get more money before his contract was up. It is all about TO.

Owens, last year, worked as part of the T-E-A-M.

BULL, TO has NEVER been a team player, it is all about TO and nobody else. To tell you the truth he is good but not that good of a player.

And then, after the Super Bowl, he went into his contract snit and has since proceeded to forget about the rest of the players in the locker room, his coaches, and the staff that helped promote him and aid him in any way he needed last year.

I can tell you that I've taken it personally every time Owens has gone off with his selfish actions. He turned his back on the Eagles because he wants more money. Now he has put his future in the NFL in jeopardy because of his greed.

I agree with you there completly

Did the Eagles make a mistake, looking back, when they added Owens? I won't say that. His time as an Eagle may or may not be over, but I will consider the good times of last season as a great highlight of my years here. I will also consider his petulance of this year as one of the lowlights.

Good times with Owens? Everything the Eagles have accomplished in the last 5 years has been with out TO and in spite of him.

Reid did what he needed to do. AGREED. Does it hurt the Eagles on the field? Just having TO on your team hurts the team. That remains to be seen, of course. Owens is a marvelous talent, a great wide receiver. But there are other players who have talent and ability and the chance now to step up and play. Instead of Owens catching his 7 or 8 passes a game, L.J. Smith may get a few more passes. Reggie Brown will have his role expanded, something I am excited to see. Billy McMullen, in his third year as an Eagle, has a chance to prove he can play and play well at this level. Darnerien McCants will play on Sunday night. We'll learn more about him.

Now that 70 percent of the offense doesn't go through Owens, maybe the Eagles will get back to more of the essence of spreading the ball around in the West Coast offense.

I certainly think Donovan McNabb benefits from Owens' suspension. I spoke to former Eagles quarterback Ron Jaworski on Saturday after news of Owens' suspension came down and the first thing he said was that it is a good thing for McNabb.

"How can Donovan even look T.O. in the face any more, much less work with him in the offense?" said Jaworski. "Owens showed Donovan another blatent lack of respect with his comments. He's been doing it all along. You risk losing the locker room. Had it been me, I would have immediately confronted T.O. in a man-to-man manner. What he did was deal Donovan the ultimate lack of respect."

I agree with that completly to.

"I think the Eagles are going to be fine. From a mental standpoint, it had to happen. Otherwise, it would have again been all about T.O. Now the players know he's not around and they have to respond. I think it will bring the team together. Andy has always been able to scheme to get his players open. He'll do the same here."

Time will tell, when you have a Cancer like TO there is no good solution.

Nobody knows how the team is going to react against the Commanders. This has been a tumultous period for the Eagles, a wild ride. It could be that Owens has played his last game for this team. Who knows?

I hope TO has played his last game in the NFL. This year TO by himself has been in the news more than the Patriots and nothing he has done is good.

I have to admit that, before news of Owens' suspension broke, I was battling the idea of Owens wearing an Eagles uniform. I can tell you -- as I confided to many friends and workers -- that I didn't want to cheer for Owens against Washington. Isn't that sad? I actually wondered how I would react if he scored a touchdown. Instead of giving fist bumps in the press box to my co-workers -- under the guise of "No celebrating in the press box, a professional edict which I break -- very quietly -- when the Eagles score -- I imagined feeling little elation had Owens scored.

Now I don't have to worry.

He's not an Eagle. When you join a team, you pledge to do whatever it takes to win the Super Bowl. You sacrifice individual accomplishments to win games.

I agree with this statement but it seems to contridict most of the rest of this article.

I felt Owens did that last year. I can not agree with that. I applauded him for that. Since the Super Bowl, he didn't care about the Eagles. He cared about catches and touchdowns and his contract. Now this is so true.

For one game, at least, the Eagles enter an NFC East game without Owens. I am elated he's not part of the team against the Commanders.

I would want TO suspended even if he was a Cowboy. There is no excuse for bad mouthing your team, your Quarterback and refusing to honor the contract he signed.

Should he come back, hey, I will trust Andy Reid and his decisions. He is the leader. He is the head coach. He is the one who took the Eagles to the Super Bowl last year and who will win a Super Bowl this season. And if Owens returns, I would expect him to be part of the team again, to work with the organization to try and win a Super Bowl. If he can't do that, he shouldn't come back.

It is very obvious that TO will never be a team player. There is not one single team that could make TO happy.

The Eagles march on, a team again, everyone pus
hing together, everyone working for the common goal. I think it's a monumental challenge to overcome the last few days of headlines, but the Eagles have a better chance to do so -- this is my opinion, of course -- with the 52 players they have on the active roster right now.[/I]

TO is not a part the team, he is a Cancer. You remove the cancer before it kills the host that supports it. Now is the time to remove the cancer. Curly


The Duke
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JackMagist said:
There is a little story that I told my daughters to apply to their evaluation of any men who come into their lives.

A little girl was walking down the road when she heard a voice behind her.
"Little girl, please carry me to the end of the road by the field."
Looking around she saw a snake following her and she replyed, "No I won't carry you, you'll bite me...Your a Snake!"
The snake begged and pleaded and pleaded and begged and each time the little girl gave the same reply. Finally after the snake swore many times that he would not bite her the little girl gave in and picked him up. She got within a few yards of the field and sure enough the snake bit her.
"But you Promised..you Swore that you would not bite me. I just can't believe that you would bit me after I carried you all that way," The little girl protested.
And the Snake replyed, "Oh stop your whining...You knew what I was when you picked me up."

And that is my response to the Eagles. They knew what he was when they picked him up.

Good anecdote.

I like adding, the moral of this story is let him crawl on his belly.



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JackMagist said:
There is a little story that I told my daughters to apply to their evaluation of any men who come into their lives.

A little girl was walking down the road when she heard a voice behind her.
"Little girl, please carry me to the end of the road by the field."
Looking around she saw a snake following her and she replyed, "No I won't carry you, you'll bite me...Your a Snake!"
The snake begged and pleaded and pleaded and begged and each time the little girl gave the same reply. Finally after the snake swore many times that he would not bite her the little girl gave in and picked him up. She got within a few yards of the field and sure enough the snake bit her.
"But you Promised..you Swore that you would not bite me. I just can't believe that you would bit me after I carried you all that way," The little girl protested.
And the Snake replyed, "Oh stop your whining...You knew what I was when you picked me up."

And that is my response to the Eagles. They knew what he was when they picked him up.
Just like the frog and the scorpion.


The Duke
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Richmond Cowboy said:
The irony in all this is that albeit unintentionally, Michael Irvin had a hand in potentially dismantling the team belonging to the fans that cheered while he lay motionless on the carpet at Veteran's Stadium.
I'll bet Michael doesn't see it that way...

...but I sure like the warm fuzzy it gives.


He Made the Difference
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Richmond Cowboy said:
The irony in all this is that albeit unintentionally, Michael Irvin had a hand in potentially dismantling the team belonging to the fans that cheered while he lay motionless on the carpet at Veteran's Stadium.
RC, we all know TO was a ticking time bomb with or without Michael, but it IS so freaking FUNNY that it was one of Irvin's outrageous throw-out lines that netted such a fish.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Well, this is very disturbing and leaves one huge question in my mind...

Why didn't Douglas beat the crap outta him?


He Made the Difference
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Chocolate Lab said:
Well, this is very disturbing and leaves one huge question in my mind...

Why didn't Douglas beat the crap outta him?
The same reason he wasn't beating the crap out of any olinemen the last few years I guess, CL.. ol Hugh's best suitied to NFLnetwork Big Man Dance Contests these days, I reckon.


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Hostile said:
All I can say is wow. It just keeps getting weirder.

better tho, much better.
couldn't happen to a better fan base and better team.

The Curly One

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When will the league say enough of this useless pile of excrement and flush him. It is much bigger than just being a Cancer on the Eagles, he is a Cancer for the entire league now.
Talk about disrespecting your team, I am surprised they did not kill him or suspend him when he wore a Michael Irvin Jersey on the retern trip from losing to the Cowboys. Curly


The Great Communicator
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LaTunaNostra said:
PS Jack, you feeling any fonder of Bill these days? I know you don't fancy him as a person/ality, but I was wondering if he has started to grow on you a bit.
I really haven't changed my mind about him; to me he is still an arrogant, obnoxious, mercenary blowhard. But I said that I would tolerate him if he could make the Cowboys into winners and he seems to be doing that.

I will give the devil his due in that he is a great team builder and motivator but I still don't think much of him as a sideline coach. His in game decisions still leave a lot to be desired IMO. I blame him and his decisions or decisions that he let stand for two of our three losses. With the team we have...that He has put together...we should be 7-1 instead of 5-3. However, we are winning and are in the thick of things and not a laughing stock anymore so I will hold my tongue about him (but you did ask).


He Made the Difference
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JackMagist said:
I really haven't changed my mind about him; to me he is still an arrogant, obnoxious, mercenary blowhard. But I said that I would tolerate him if he could make the Cowboys into winners and he seems to be doing that.

I will give the devil his due in that he is a great team builder and motivator but I still don't think much of him as a sideline coach. His in game decisions still leave a lot to be desired IMO. I blame him and his decisions or decisions that he let stand for two of our three losses. With the team we have...that He has put together...we should be 7-1 instead of 5-3. However, we are winning and are in the thick of things and not a laughing stock anymore so I will hold my tongue about him (but you did ask).
Don't hold your tongue...your takes on Bill are very enjoyable. :)


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MichaelWinicki said:
The difference between the Eagles of '05 w/o TO and the Eagles of '02 w/o TO is that this Eagles team doesn't have the running game that did. You just don't wake up in the morning and say, "You know we were a 70% passing team before... I think we're going to be a 70% running team now" and be as effective as one thinks. It just doesn't work that way. Westbrook isn't a 20 carry per game back. Their lineman aren't use to running the ball the majority of the time. And personally I've always felt that Westbrook was effective mainly becasuse of the passing game and the fear teams had of that part of the Eagles' offense.

And also remember Pinkston is gone too... this is a major blow for the Eagles no matter how you slice it.

The eags dont have the running game they did because they dont want it.

Dallas loses Julius Jones and is averaging the same 3.5 yard per carry as Philly yet manages to run the ball as much as anyone and eat clock.

Westbrook averaged 3.16 carries per pass reception in 2003, 2.42 in 2004 and is down to 2.0 this year. The Eagles are creating him as the pass catching monster, he didn't show up that way.

The Eagles had chances to get in a runner and chose instead to keep adding these 3rd down back types.

When has Westbrook ever failed running the ball? Why can't he carry it 20 times? Does he have injury concerns I don't know about? Has he been missing time like Julius who by the way is considered a 20 carry per game back?

Andy Reid is simply running the offense he wants and because there is criticism that he needs to run more he wants to prove he can pass even more.

The OL can run block fine. OL always prefer run blocking and run blocking is easier.


The Great Communicator
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LaTunaNostra said:
Don't hold your tongue...your takes on Bill are very enjoyable. :)
I just don't want to be one of those guys who harp continually on the same points. I think most everyone is already aware of how I feel about BP. :)


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TO is lucky it was Hugh Douglas and not Brian Dawkins. TO would find himself KTFO in short order.

big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The idiot Iggles get everything theyn deserve for bring that cancer into their family with open arms.

I still want to see McNabb vs. Owens in a no holds barred match on pay-per-view. Get it done Vince McMann!!!