News: Unconfirmed: Gregory fails another drug test


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If the weed use is really the only way he feels he can deal with being bipolar and other forms of medication truly don't work for the guy or something along those lines then I do sincerely feel for the guy. At the same time obviously as of right now football isn't going to pan out for him and it may never. I think it's the right move to cut him, but I hope we help him on his feet if he needs the guidance. It's one thing that you fall out of the league and have to flip burgers bc you were actually addicted to drugs or just lazy, it's another if he has a legitimate mental disorder. Best of luck to the kid in his future endeavors.


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Any word of this from anyone in the media? I've spun around the twitter world and can't find anything to validate this story in any way.

Already suspended for the entire calendar year of 2017, it appears Randy Gregory might never play football for the Dallas Cowboys, or any organization again. According to TMZ, Gregory failed yet another drug test, at least his seventh, and his inability to get things together is causing concern among his circle.

TMZ Sports spoke with multiple people with direct knowledge of the situation who confirmed Randy was tested on Feb. 21 and was informed on March 2 that his specimen came up positive for weed.

We’re told Gregory has since blown off the NFL officials who tried to discuss the situation with him and people connected to Gregory tell us it appears his NFL career might be over.

Gregory’s four-game suspension was the result of his fourth failed test, per the league’s subtance abuse policy. His fifth failed test resulted in the 10-game ban and his sixth was the cause for his current one calendar-year ban.

Now his only chance of ever playing again might rely on the NFL changing their substance abuse policy to eliminate marijuana, but that seems unlikely to happen before the Collective Bargaining Agreement is re-negotiated. The current CBA runs through the 2020 season...


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Or you can question the validity of their rules and challenge the merit and push for change. I'm not a sheep that blindly follows orders.

The level of hypocrisy is unacceptable by the NFL. Heroin is a national epidemic, yet they act like its marijuana that's killing people left and right

First off, what does any of that have yo do with following the rules?

You can go through the proper channels to go for change, but until they are actually changed you will follow that sheep if you wish to keep your job. Plain and simple. If you agree to work with an organization you are also agreeing to follow the rules associated with said job. You can't disobey the rules just because YOU don't like it.

I don't know how much simpler this point can be made.

What you are arguing is change in policy, that's fine. There are channels to do that properly. As far as heroin goes, my bet is that is not allowed either.


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Don't shoot the messenger.....

It is a total shame for this kid. So much potential.

"TMZ Sports spoke with multiple people with direct knowledge of the situation who confirmed Randy was tested on Feb. 21 and was informed on March 2 that his specimen came up positive for weed.

We're told Gregory has since blown off the NFL officials who tried to discuss the situation with him and people connected to Gregory tell us it appears his NFL career might be over."
Good. Tired of hearing his name. He never deserved to wear the star


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Don't shoot the messenger.....

It is a total shame for this kid. So much potential.

"TMZ Sports spoke with multiple people with direct knowledge of the situation who confirmed Randy was tested on Feb. 21 and was informed on March 2 that his specimen came up positive for weed.

We're told Gregory has since blown off the NFL officials who tried to discuss the situation with him and people connected to Gregory tell us it appears his NFL career might be over."
He should have retired and stayed stoned for a couple of years. Then maybe they change the rules and he can un-retire.


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Another 2nd round pick goes up in smoke

Looks like the kid's whole career went up in smoke at this point.

It's a sucky situation for all parties involved.

In any field, nothing is sadder than wasted potential/talent.

Regardless of what his personal/mental issues are, he clearly didn't seek or get the help needed to allow him a successful career on our team (or in the league, as I'm guessing his career is over).


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I can't believe anyone would be naive enough to think this guy wouldn't fail another test before he would be reinstated


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This news was the most predictable thing about the offseason.
Raise your hand if this surprises you.


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8 years here and it was very easy and I didnt have any incentive except it wasnt fun anymore

My best friend in the world has smoked on and off for 25 years. (not smoking now due to allergies and bi polar disorder 2) His career has suffered mightily because of it as well as alcohol abuse. Great guy, but most everyone has NO idea how hard it is to quit something that stabilizes your mood and mental balance. Randy, like many with BPD has been self medicating or years. It's sad and probably won't end well for him.


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If the weed use is really the only way he feels he can deal with being bipolar and other forms of medication truly don't work for the guy or something along those lines then I do sincerely feel for the guy. At the same time obviously as of right now football isn't going to pan out for him and it may never. I think it's the right move to cut him, but I hope we help him on his feet if he needs the guidance. It's one thing that you fall out of the league and have to flip burgers bc you were actually addicted to drugs or just lazy, it's another if he has a legitimate mental disorder. Best of luck to the kid in his future endeavors. would think there are special provisions within the leagues drug policy for such cases. You would also think that, given the Wade Wilson legacy (he got punished for taking PEDs as a coach of all things when he obtained a substance to help with lingering effects of diabetes...I actually recall it being ED so how about that for a "P" ED?!?), that seeking proper medical supervision when consuming ANY drug would be harped on pretty deliberately within the organization. As marijuana's use for chronic medical conditions continues to proliferate (it's already pretty ubiquitous in my home state of CA although many are "self-prescribers" smh), it will be interesting to see how the league handles such cases. Obviously, documented guidance from a medical professional should be required but I am curious how it currently works.


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never said i wasn't happy, just that its not healthy. and there you go making decisions about me based on a few lines of txt and twist up what i said to fit your narrative but if someone does that to gregory - your shields come up more quickly then piccard calling for them when klingons uncloak.
What narrative?
And I never said or implied you were not happy. It sounds like you won at life. Good job. I wish for your continued happiness.