Vick accepts plea deal *merged*

WV Cowboy;1597021 said:
Have you ever had a deer run to greet you when you come home?
Have you ever had a deer lay his head on your lap when you are sad?
Have you ever had a deer follow you around no matter where you go or how long you stay there?
Have you ever had a deer warn you from danger or protect you from trouble?
Have you ever had a deer choose to nap whereever you choose to nap, no matter where that happens to be in the house?

That is one of the differences. Dogs interact with man like no other animal.

Dogs are such an intelligent, rare animal, that centuries ago man invited them into their homes to live with their families!

Since then other animals have been domesticated as well, (cats, fish, hamsters, etc) but dogs are the No. 1 domesticated animal I am sure.

Whether all like it or not, or if they agree or not, dogs are very special and unique.

So comparing dogs to deer is a very weak argument. If some can't see or understand that, ... I suggest you get to know a dog.
Not understanding your logic there.... What about the deer that have have young fawns to take care of? What about the duck that is trying to provide for her young? What about the salmon that is trying to eat to survive? Because these three animals aren't "intelligent" and don't interact with humans on a daily basis, they deserve to die? You might want to try a different approach.
dacowboys;1597029 said:
as long as a dog isn't getting raped you could care less. right

Thinking Vick should get more than 10 months and saying that you should blame the system not me for a rapist getting 10 months or less...equates to me not caring about other things.

Good God.:rolleyes:

And I might add Dogs DID get raped in the Vick case.
LittleD;1597037 said:
Here's the straight word guys.... The NFL doesn't really care about the dog fighting as much as you might seem. They care about the gambling and this is the reason that Michael Vick will ultimately receive a lifetime ban.... Gambling is a big and he will be toast because of it.... Remember GAMBLING by players is BAD.... Any type of gambling....

The NFL only cares about how they are perceived. The dog killing is NOT good for that. They will hang their hat on the gambling to BAN him but in reality, they are only concerned with their image.

Either way. Vick is done in the NFL.
LittleD;1597037 said:
Here's the straight word guys.... The NFL doesn't really care about the dog fighting as much as you might seem. They care about the gambling and this is the reason that Michael Vick will ultimately receive a lifetime ban.... Gambling is a big and he will be toast because of it.... Remember GAMBLING by players is BAD.... Any type of gambling....

no.. they care about their image and their money..
superpunk;1597035 said:
This is incorrect. Maybe back in the day the Indians had to hunt during the winter, but it's not necessity anymore.

We just do it because we like it. :D

So what did we do in the summer, go on a diet?
This whole argument is intriguing. Many interesting points made.

Just a few points I would like to make. Most important is the need of people to confuse the issue at point. It is clear cut that Vick has done wrong. So, we go off here and there and everywhere. Can we stick to the point??? Abortion, the killing of cattle, on and on and on. Gee, can we stick to the point??? What he did was wrong, very wrong. And if you think otherwise, you have a problem.

The second thing that really bothers me may not make much sense to some. I was looking at some Forbes article (I think it was Forbes), and they were talking about the highest paid athletes. Vick was close to the top of the list. Over 100 million a year. What was in this guy's head??? Folks, I don't know about you, but 100 mil a year would make my day. And to be so bold as to give that up, well, the guy has just got to be stupid. Beyond stupid. There are no words to describe how stupid.

His career is over. I have no sympathy for him.

It is called arrogance. I am above it. I can do as I choose.

I just cannot get over how stupid this guy is.

As far as fellow dog owners and lovers, take care of what you have love them, and feel proud. Very proud.

And the difference between humans and animals. We have some choices. Animals do not. Other than wild animals, they are at our mercy. May we be the humans that Socrates wanted. Darn, we have flat out lost our way.
trickblue;1597047 said:
The difference is that dogs are domesticated animals/pets and are largely defenseless against human beings. They, by and large, are raised to be friends and companions.

Deer, like other wild animals, are classified as game. There are very strict penalties for harvesting wild game illegally. I live in an area amongst a large population of hunters. A great many of these sportsmen rely on fishing and hunting to supplement their families as the area by and large does not have a whole lot of high paying jobs.

Cattle are classified as livestock and are raised for largely one thing; food for humans. This area is also home to many farmers and ranchers. The animals are very well cared for and put down humanely and quickly when that time comes.

We are at the mercy of the laws of our land, and the laws of our land are largely set forth by the morals of the majority of the people.

In many instances in India, bovine are protected. In other countries dogs are ok to use for food.

Regardless of what we think, these are the laws in our country.

iceberg;1597054 said:
bp - can i please start my karaoke of drama queen again????

im not trying to say what vick did isn't wrong but the reactions to this are pathetic.. maybe some people aren't just as passionate as i am to the human race..
iceberg;1597040 said:
tell 'em in remote regions where they do hunt and fish they can just belly up to the supermarket now.

to some it still is. and also, maybe it's cheaper for someone to hunt vs. shop.

i would say you're "partially" correct that i'm "partially" incorrect.

If regions exist where they can hunt and fish, but are incapable of growing food to store, then they might have to hunt. I'm just not sure such a region exists. If it did, as man is at the top of the food chain, they should hunt and fight dogs to their heart's delight. :)
LittleD;1597037 said:
Here's the straight word guys.... The NFL doesn't really care about the dog fighting as much as you might seem. They care about the gambling and this is the reason that Michael Vick will ultimately receive a lifetime ban.... Gambling is a big and he will be toast because of it.... Remember GAMBLING by players is BAD.... Any type of gambling....

Bingo -

Vick gets at least 1 year for the dogfighting. Might get a 2 year because of the heinous crimes involved. I don't know if Goodel has the nerve to ban him lifetime.
sbuscha;1596751 said:
I bet the gambling charge was not in the ple. Any QB in the NFL wouldn't have a chance and would never agree to this charge.Shoot Rick Touchette got 2 years probation and may coach again and he admitted to gambling. I guess hockey is different

Tocchet was only a minor player from what I understand.
iceberg;1597028 said:
hey - i never said i was into hunting or defended it. but it *is* legal. if it bugged me enough i could always work to change the law vs. spend my time in vick threads making an anti-abortion plea.

if you *really* want me to think you're a hunter, grab a knife and "hunt" the deer. sneak up on it and take it on MANO e MANO and THAT'S hunting baby!

but mankind does has has to hunt to live. period. we don't have to kill dogs to live, do we?


but put it together how ever you need to and get that great GM feeling by finding the one analogy that tied it all together for you.

Mankind does not have to hunt to live, btw. I see vegans living every day. I don't support that, mind you, because I love some meat. I just think it is funny that someone will get all defensive when a dog is harmed and then go to Hardees and chomp on a burger made from a cow that got brutally killed in a slaughter house, like the cow didn't have the same rights to life as the dog did...and yes, I am well aware that it is legal to kill deer and cows for means of food...That is not my argument.
jdub2k4;1597048 said:
WV Cowboy;1597021 said:
Have you ever had a deer run to greet you when you come home?
Have you ever had a deer lay his head on your lap when you are sad?
Have you ever had a deer follow you around no matter where you go or how long you stay there?
Have you ever had a deer warn you from danger or protect you from trouble?
Have you ever had a deer choose to nap whereever you choose to nap, no matter where that happens to be in the house?

That is one of the differences. Dogs interact with man like no other animal.

Dogs are such an intelligent, rare animal, that centuries ago man invited them into their homes to live with their families!

Since then other animals have been domesticated as well, (cats, fish, hamsters, etc) but dogs are the No. 1 domesticated animal I am sure.

Whether all like it or not, or if they agree or not, dogs are very special and unique.

So comparing dogs to deer is a very weak argument. If some can't see or understand that, ... I suggest you get to know a dog.[/quote
Not understanding your logic there.... What about the deer that have have young fawns to take care of? What about the duck that is trying to provide for her young? What about the salmon that is trying to eat to survive? Because these three animals aren't "intelligent" and don't interact with humans on a daily basis, they deserve to die? You might want to try a different approach.

That's why hunting takes place in the fall. Young are able to care for themselves by then. come nobody is talking about the Legal Cockfighting in Louisiana.. isn't that bad to... or are you going to use the excuse that Chickens are unintelligent and not domestic
Sarge;1597023 said:
This isn't rocket science. I'll say it again. Drowning/hanging/electrocuting dogs is illegal. Hunting deer is legal and part of this culture for hundreds of years.

IMO, killing any animal sucks. I don't hunt and I don't condone it, but it is LEGAL, right or wrong (that's another argument) but right now - it's LEGAL.

So, you ask what is the difference...pretty simple. One is against the law and one is NOT. THAT is the difference.

Why hunting deer is legal and killings dogs is not is a whole different story and for the purposes of Michael Vick and his future, completely irrelevant.

He broke the law as it is now.

Actually killing a deer can be illegal it is called poaching and people lose cars house etc for doing it. There are laws around even hunting so it not like I get to go out and get the deer right away there is a season. So even hunting is controlled in the population this is to prevent over hunting of animals and it also prevents the spread of disease; starvation etc of animals from over population.
jdub2k4;1597048 said:
WV Cowboy;1597021 said:
Not understanding your logic there.... What about the deer that have have young fawns to take care of? What about the duck that is trying to provide for her young? What about the salmon that is trying to eat to survive? Because these three animals aren't "intelligent" and don't interact with humans on a daily basis, they deserve to die? You might want to try a different approach.

No thanks, I'll stick by every thing I said. Dogs are different than deer, ducks, & salmon.

Other animals kill deer, wolves and such kill ducks, bears kill salmon.

Domesticated dogs for the most part can die of old age.

In America, dogs, more than any other animal, have become part of our family.

I'm guessing you don't agree, but that is the way it is.
94WARE94;1597066 said: come nobody is talking about the Legal Cockfighting in Louisiana.. isn't that bad to... or are you going to use the excuse that Chickens are intelligent are domestic

cause we can't cover everyones favorite pet topic at once.

we deal with things as they come - all the comparisions are just butt-nugget stupid at this point.
94WARE94;1597060 said:
im not trying to say what vick did isn't wrong but the reactions to this are pathetic.. maybe some people aren't just as passionate as i am to the human race..

then get off a board and go save the world. i'll thank you in the am. but *telling* me how passionate you are is pretty worthless.

go do something about it if you want people to believe you're really passionate about it.
iceberg;1597071 said:
cause we can't cover everyones favorite pet topic at once.

we deal with things as they come - all the comparisions are just butt-nugget stupid at this point.

ehhh okay.. im out this thread way too many hypocrites in this thread..
superpunk;1597061 said:
If regions exist where they can hunt and fish, but are incapable of growing food to store, then they might have to hunt. I'm just not sure such a region exists. If it did, as man is at the top of the food chain, they should hunt and fight dogs to their heart's delight. :)

IF they exist? WoW. The Inuit depend on game nearly as much as they always have. Many many tribes of aboriginal people all over the world depend on hunting for survival. Small though they may be, they do exhist and i'm guessing you are smart enough to know that.

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