Vick Indicted

sacase;1554272 said:
And when the Feds drew up the charges they didn't even mention RICO or Rackateering. People are just making stuff up and adding it in.

Look I personally find some of the things people do to dogs disgusting. I quit hunting becuase I felt bad for the birds. But comapred to taking hundredes of people's life savings and ruining lives dog fighting is very minor, especially when he was a just a participant.

But he wasn't just a participant, he was in fact one of the biggest organizers of dog fighting in the country... he is a VERY big fish in that "sport"... the Humane Society of the United States has been tracking him for some years now, and apparently the Feds tried to get an indictment against him a coupla years ago, but couldn't put a case together...

Seems you need to inform yourself a bit more fully about the particulars of this case...
I hear that the Bengals are furiously trying to work out a trade for Vick...
cobra;1554333 said:
That's wrong. Did you read the indictment? Do you know what statutes he is being charged under?

Read page 2 of the indictment, four lines down:

"a business enterprise involving gambling in violation of Virginia Code Annotated Sections 3.1-796.124(A)(2), 18.2-326, and 18.2-328, and thereafter performing and attempting to perform acts to commit any crime of violence to further any unlawful activity and to promote, manage, establish, and carry on, and to facilitate the promotion, management, establishment, and carrying on of the unlawful activity, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1952;"

I guess you'd have to be trained in the law to fully understand how this is racketeering under the RICO statute and its multifarious definitions, but I don't think you have to have a law degree to understand that he is being charged with gambling on illegal activities since the word gambling is right there on the page.

Yes he was in Violation of the VA code but at this point he was not charged in VA. Also in the Federal case he is not charged with Gambling, he is charged with conspiracy. Its listed on the front page of the indictement. You are not charged with RICO violations because you prticipate in something you are charged with it if you are running. From reading the indictement he participated and hosted but the events he hosted were sponsored by someone else. I am also curious why only Vick and his buddies are being charged when clearly they know more people are involved and who they are.
cobra;1554333 said:
That's wrong. Did you read the indictment? Do you know what statutes he is being charged under?

Read page 2 of the indictment, four lines down:

"a business enterprise involving gambling in violation of Virginia Code Annotated Sections 3.1-796.124(A)(2), 18.2-326, and 18.2-328, and thereafter performing and attempting to perform acts to commit any crime of violence to further any unlawful activity and to promote, manage, establish, and carry on, and to facilitate the promotion, management, establishment, and carrying on of the unlawful activity, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1952;"

I guess you'd have to be trained in the law to fully understand how this is racketeering under the RICO statute and its multifarious definitions, but I don't think you have to have a law degree to understand that he is being charged with gambling on illegal activities since the word gambling is right there on the page.

I've said it before, sacase doesn't seem to really know the facts of this indictment, making his attempted defense of Vick rather feeble...
silverbear;1554393 said:
Nope, instead you're gonna defend him...

See what I mean??

"Only" dog fighting?? I guess you don't know that there's gambling, drugs and illegal guns at virtually every dog fight...

If he gets convicted, he's doing jail time... count on it...

No, unlike you I am going to defend the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Not the court of public opinion. He is innocent until proven guilty and frankly you posses very little knowledge of the case (as do we all).
cobra;1554395 said:
I don't know exactly how it runs in Richmond, but here in Texas, we have the rocket docket in the Eastern District which means they try to get all cases to trial within a year from the date of filing.

I don't think there is any chance this sees a court room before Thanksgiving, and I would bet that it won't be until early next year. But I don't practice in VA, so maybe their rocket docket is faster than the one here.

Doesn't "Rocket Docket" filing eliminates any continuences? So, if judge sets the trial date, then trial date won't change unless there is some extenuating circumstances?

I guess in Virginia, all Rocket Docket filing goes to trial within six month from the date of filing, according to couple of websites.

peplaw06;1554381 said:
This "rocket docket" stuff is interesting, but I really can't see this being at trial in 6-10 weeks.

Some of the ESPN legal guys were saying that he'll probably be in court in 4-6 months. Whatever high priced attorney he hires is going to try to buy time with numerous pre-trial motions so Vick can play this season. I tend to think that even 4-6 months is optimistic for a federal court, even the "rocket docket." 6 months from now football season will be over.

IF Vick isn't the biggest fish, I can see the prosecutor trying to expedite this into September in an effort to gain his cooperation. It's the biggest gun in the arsenal, the feds will shoot it and Richmond is probably the only court in the country that would let them. Plus this investigation has been ongoing for at least two years, the case has been built for some time so the government's almost as ready as they're ever going to be.

IF Vick can't provide anyone they want, then yes, it probably will be 2008.

I tend to think that Vick is the final target because in the end, dogfighting revolves around money so taking a multi-millionaire's cash out of the scene will seriously dampen dogfighting in general for the entire Southeast and that's probably the ultimate goal of the government.
cobra;1554395 said:
I don't know exactly how it runs in Richmond, but here in Texas, we have the rocket docket in the Eastern District which means they try to get all cases to trial within a year from the date of filing.

I don't think there is any chance this sees a court room before Thanksgiving, and I would bet that it won't be until early next year. But I don't practice in VA, so maybe their rocket docket is faster than the one here.

Hey, if nothing else, I learned a new phrase today-- "rocket docket"... ;)
StanleySpadowski;1554415 said:
IF Vick isn't the biggest fish, I can see the prosecutor trying to expedite this into September in an effort to gain his cooperation. It's the biggest gun in the arsenal, the feds will shoot it and Richmond is probably the only court in the country that would let them. Plus this investigation has been ongoing for at least two years, the case has been built for some time so the government's almost as ready as they're ever going to be.

IF Vick can't provide anyone they want, then yes, it probably will be 2008.

I tend to think that Vick is the final target because in the end, dogfighting revolves around money so taking a multi-millionaire's cash out of the scene will seriously dampen dogfighting in general for the entire Southeast and that's probably the ultimate goal of the government.

Whatcha trying to say there Stan? If Vick is taken out, the industry is left with a couple of local squables featuring two picanese and the odd WinnieDog? :D
sacase;1554408 said:
Yes he was in Violation of the VA code but at this point he was not charged in VA. Also in the Federal case he is not charged with Gambling, he is charged with conspiracy. Its listed on the front page of the indictement. You are not charged with RICO violations because you prticipate in something you are charged with it if you are running. From reading the indictement he participated and hosted but the events he hosted were sponsored by someone else. I am also curious why only Vick and his buddies are being charged when clearly they know more people are involved and who they are.

With all due respect, you don't have a fricking clue what the hell you are talking about, and it would probably be a good idea for you to not run your mouth on this further and look like an idiot.

You couldn't be any more wrong on these points.
sacase;1554411 said:
No, unlike you I am going to defend the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Not the court of public opinion. He is innocent until proven guilty and frankly you posses very little knowledge of the case (as do we all).

That isn't in the Constitution. Whatever it is that you are saying.
sacase;1554411 said:
No, unlike you I am going to defend the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Not the court of public opinion. He is innocent until proven guilty and frankly you posses very little knowledge of the case (as do we all).

How very noble of you... just one little problem, though, you're not being entirely honest with us...

You're making some effort to defend Vick, by attempting to minimize the seriousness of the crime(s) he's being charged with...

As for my knowledge of this case, it's at least superior to yours... that's because I've spent some time in recent weeks investigating all the reports I could find on this sordid little spectacle... you could learn a little something if you took yourself over to, and read up on what they have on him over there... they have a pretty extensive compilation of articles on that subject...
silverbear;1554397 said:
AFter assuring us that Vick was NOT gonna be indicted, you might want to find a more credible source to cite than Mort... on this issue, he's blown whatever credibility he might have had...

I only mentioned what was being said. You have an issue with Mort I can understand but I only mentioned what was reported.
ABQCOWBOY;1554425 said:
Whatcha trying to say there Stan? If Vick is taken out, the industry is left with a couple of local squables featuring two picanese and the odd WinnieDog? :D

Doomsday101;1554434 said:
I only mentioned what was being said. You have an issue with Mort I can understand but I only mentioned what was reported.

I don't understand the criticism of Mort. He only reported what was shared with him. He didn't offer it as his own expert opinion. League sources as well as Atlanta sources both told him that Vick was not likely to be indicted. Sometimes sources are wrong. Sometimes sources can even lie. I don't see what is so wrong with Mort reporting what he did. I certainly don't see anything wrong with you citing Mort's report.

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