Vick's holding out for one year

Crown Royal;1599261 said:
I'll be honest, I too am sick of the likening of dog fighting to eating meat. It's a silly comparison, because they are completely different scenarios. I see where some similarities exist, but it doesn't even begin to be the same thing. To say that they are alike is asinine.

And I say this being, to my knowledge, the only poster in these threads who is actually a vegetarian for ethical reason. So seriously, unless you, too, walk the walk, cut it out.

Yeah, dude, I'm a vegetarian actually. Imagine that. ;)
Big Dakota;1599263 said:
Also, do you own NOTHING derived of animal?

:bow: Hail to the hypocrites!

Oh, man, he doesn't even know the blow that he just dealt to himself. ;)

AnyGivenSunday;1599267 said:
:bow: Hail to the hypocrites!

Oh, man, he doesn't even know the blow that he just dealt to himself. ;)


I thought i felt something, but it must have been the 12oz ground round double bacon burger hitting my colon. :laugh2: I'm sure Vick will soon relate:laugh1:
wileedog;1599253 said:
Okay, but why do we care about other societies? In ours deliberate cruelty to animals, particularly dogs, is considered a crime. Vick grew up in our society.

Because other societies, that Vick does not live in, have less of a problem torturing dogs, why is that a rationale for leniency for Vick?

The laws and sentencing guidelines are quite clear for his crime. They were before he committed his crimes. They are now. No one asked you.

Again, why are we looking beyond our own society? Vick is answerable to the laws and rules of this one. He is answerable to the public opinion that people who maliciously torture dogs are not welcome in *this* society.

The media is jumping on it because the crimes he committed disgust most of the people in *this* society.

People read the stories and become increasingly horrified, which makes them follow the story even more. Thus they sell more advertising.

The media never has and never will have another agenda other than this, despite everyone's claims.

Yes we slaughter cows. We do so in a quick, efficient, consistent and relatively humane manner.

Yes veal is an exception. But again, no one sits around and thinks of new and creative ways to kill the cows or calves or chickens. They do what must be done so we can eat tasty meals, and the people who do said service of raising these animals for food can make a living.

Hosing a dog down and electrocuting it displays a basic lack of human empathy. Finding new and creative ways to torture and kill the dogs displays a mind and a soul with no respect for life.

This is not a mindset that is welcome in our society.

That is what you are missing with your 'we eat animals' argument.

Maiming, torturing and killing them for no other reason but sport is simply not the same. Breeding them in the first place for no other purpose than to be maimed and tortured and killed for sport is simply not the same.

And yes I have a dog. And yes, I think she is intelligent enough to understand she is part of a family, and that she would gladly lay down her life to protect her family.

When you find me a good watch-cow, maybe we can pick up this argument again....

Well, I'm sorry that I don't agree with *this* society's notion that Puppy Love should be held dearer in our hearts than that of Bambi or say Bugs Bunny.

It's lawful by *this* society to shoot or even merely wound a dear to the point of suffering for the purpose of mounting it on your wall, but similar actions to another one of God's creatures is not?

Give it a rest. *This* notion that dogs are to be held sacred in comparison to other rational and even more intelligent animals than say, a pig, is absolutely absurd.

Just think about the IQs of animals and then think ham or bacon. Have a hypocritical piece of ham and spare me the puppy love nonsense.

There is no difference between what some call "sport" and this "cruelty".
Big Dakota;1599270 said:
I thought i felt something, but it must have been the 12oz ground round double bacon burger hitting my colon. :laugh2: I'm sure Vick will soon relate:laugh1:

Sounds like a rerun from the old show Hee Haw that I'd rather not see again. ;)
Big Dakota;1599263 said:
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

Also, do you own NOTHING derived of animal?

I don't know quite what you mean 'derived.' I'm not a vegan. Sure, I have wool, stuff like that. But I refrain from anything that required an animal to die. I don't use silk, I don't buy leather (I have some shoes from before I was vegetarian, and a pair I got for Christmas). I am as careful as possible to refrain from anything that might result in an animal from dieing, unless I need it for my own survival.
AnyGivenSunday;1599276 said:
There is no difference between what some call "sport" and this "cruelty".

One's illegal, one isn't...

Sounds like a helluva difference to me...

Seriously, are you arguing that Michael Vick should not be punished for what he did?? Or are you simply trying to claim the moral high ground, without actually taking a position on this??
HopeCowboyFan;1599129 said:
I don't see any apologists or anyone asking to free Vick. It's about 99% Vick deserves to go to jail. After he serves his time he has the right to try and resume his career.

If any team is interested is another story.

I'll help you out here...key words...."Next Mike Vick."
AnyGivenSunday;1599238 said:
I see that the logic is unable to get through to you, Mr. Russell. Your emotional diatribe suits your obvious "puppy love" agenda.

Peace and love to all puppies. Because dogs themselves would never kill anything.....

Nor do people hunt. . .

Nor do people dine on tortured animals for taste. . . .

Nor do people hesitate to ask what experiences that the animal went through when they lounge at a ski resort's bar in a fur coat.

Society says that's ok. We live in a "puppy love" society.

Yeah, you make a lot of sense. Hang Mike Vick by his manhood and go set your mouse traps....

Is it me? Because this poster doesn't seem to have the mental faculties to separate rationale from emotion?

We're talking apples to apples here. But I think that someone has seen "Old Yeller" one too many times....

I'm rational enough not to break the law....and certainly more sane than those that defend that POS.

You think attributing puppy love to me is a shot? I mean heck, I love'em, I adore'em. That makes ME the problem?

I love babies and children too...elderly folks that need some assistance...gonna give us a 'baby love society' thingy? That maybe I've watched 'On Golden Pond' too many times?

You and your fellow apologists still ignore the other crimes involved in the dog fighting world. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember any news of a drug deal gone wrong at a Chucky Cheese party, or news of people packing illegal arms at a kid's fishing derby.

Something tells me that someone isn't exactly happy with where they are on Vick's conjugal visit list.

Mike Vick- long sucker.
anyone can really find some type of arguement to defend or criticize almost any behavior if you think hard enough and like to argue for the sake of arguing.

there is a rule of common sense that should be applied when making comparisons.

as far as the dog fighting and Vick, when i first heard about it i though "man, Vick is getting negative publicity again" - honestly, i didnt know dog fighting was illegal, in fact i never had even thought about it cause i dont know anyone who does it, nor did i know how brutal it was.

then i thought, wow he is in some trouble, and then i started to think, dog fighting in gerenral is kind of a nasty sport or hobby and it wouldnt appeal to me at all.

the fuzzy and others brought up the fact that it is just our society that chooses what animals we pamper and which ones we sluaghter, so i thought ok there is some truth to that, but then the hypocrite cries and comparsonos that every who eats meat is a murderer, well that is just an example of being extreme and arguing just to argue, the rule of common sense should be thrown in there IMO.
Hoov;1600362 said:
anyone can really find some type of arguement to defend or criticize almost any behavior if you think hard enough and like to argue for the sake of arguing.

there is a rule of common sense that should be applied when making comparisons.

as far as the dog fighting and Vick, when i first heard about it i though "man, Vick is getting negative publicity again" - honestly, i didnt know dog fighting was illegal, in fact i never had even thought about it cause i dont know anyone who does it, nor did i know how brutal it was.

then i thought, wow he is in some trouble, and then i started to think, dog fighting in gerenral is kind of a nasty sport or hobby and it wouldnt appeal to me at all.

the fuzzy and others brought up the fact that it is just our society that chooses what animals we pamper and which ones we sluaghter, so i thought ok there is some truth to that, but then the hypocrite cries and comparsonos that every who eats meat is a murderer, well that is just an example of being extreme and arguing just to argue, the rule of common sense should be thrown in there IMO.

Hi, them dresses on yet?

5Stars;1600402 said:
Hi, them dresses on yet?

actually ive been doing some going with the dominatrix look now, ive picked out something special from JT's stockroom catalog. cant post a pic here, but you can google the site if your curious.
Hoov;1600362 said:
the fuzzy and others brought up the fact that it is just our society that chooses what animals we pamper and which ones we sluaghter, so i thought ok there is some truth to that, but then the hypocrite cries and comparsonos that every who eats meat is a murderer, well that is just an example of being extreme and arguing just to argue, the rule of common sense should be thrown in there IMO.

Using hypocracy to argue ethics has always been laughable to me. Just because someone is being a hypocrate doesn't mean that they are wrong.
Well, when he get to prison, he'll get lot of practice hiding things up his ***.
Hoov;1600418 said:
# 1 is brutal.

after reading that list, all i can think is how much turmoil he must be going through. i mean, to have so much going for you coming out of college and to be where he is now, the psychological strain must be pretty intense.
Well then. Maybe someone should slam him to the ground and put him out of his misery...............
Seven;1600703 said:
Well then. Maybe someone should slam him to the ground and put him out of his misery...............

Vick........... Strain......Pucker Strings...............

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