Video: Watkins says Romo laughing at T.O. in meetings - 1/20/09

Owens style is better for a big armed QB, that can hit him once he outruns the coverage - Romo isn't that type of QB. Romo can improvise and give him time to get deep, but Romo's arm can't get it there (ala Ravens game).

So Owens thinks he's open a lot more than he realistically is with Romo's arm.

No knock against either, but teams smartened up and figured out how to erase 81 off the field by doubling him.

And teams figured out how to stop Tony Romo, blitz the hell out of him and he will fold - or our offensive line does, I'm still trying to figure this one out.
DallasEast;2592371 said:
Buckle up, SP! We're on an express elevator to hell! Going down! YEEEEEEHAAAAAAW!

I love that film. Pure action. Hudson had some other great lines.....

"Oh dear Lord Jesus, this ain't happening, man... This can't be happening, man! This isn't happening!"
Apollo Creed;2592449 said:
Owens style is better for a big armed QB, that can hit him once he outruns the coverage - Romo isn't that type of QB. Romo can improvise and give him time to get deep, but Romo's arm can't get it there (ala Ravens game).

So Owens thinks he's open a lot more than he realistically is with Romo's arm.

No knock against either, but teams smartened up and figured out how to erase 81 off the field by doubling him.

And teams figured out how to stop Tony Romo, blitz the hell out of him and he will fold - or our offensive line does, I'm still trying to figure this one out.

No argument about any of these points, but one that was left out was Owen's inability to get off the Jam this last season. On many occasions, those extra seconds spent getting off the jam meant that by the time he was "open" it was too late.
superpunk;2592469 said:
This is all so depressing.

So true.

It's difficult to believe that, after 12 long years, our winter of discontent may just be starting.:(
Apollo Creed;2592449 said:
Owens style is better for a big armed QB, that can hit him once he outruns the coverage - Romo isn't that type of QB. Romo can improvise and give him time to get deep, but Romo's arm can't get it there (ala Ravens game).

So Owens thinks he's open a lot more than he realistically is with Romo's arm.

No knock against either, but teams smartened up and figured out how to erase 81 off the field by doubling him.

And teams figured out how to stop Tony Romo, blitz the hell out of him and he will fold - or our offensive line does, I'm still trying to figure this one out.


Ideally for TO, his preferred QB would be himself.
Vintage;2592443 said:

And every year since the beginning of dawn has won a playoff game without Demarcus Ware.

Same true with Romo.





well I am sorry you feel that way.

You should make a thread about it, and use specific examples of how and when the players you mentioned undermined coaches and brought a group of 53 men to a complete hault.

As soon as you have that on those guys you can make your smart *** remarks.
Apollo Creed;2592449 said:
Owens style is better for a big armed QB, that can hit him once he outruns the coverage - Romo isn't that type of QB. Romo can improvise and give him time to get deep, but Romo's arm can't get it there (ala Ravens game).

So Owens thinks he's open a lot more than he realistically is with Romo's arm.

No knock against either, but teams smartened up and figured out how to erase 81 off the field by doubling him.

And teams figured out how to stop Tony Romo, blitz the hell out of him and he will fold - or our offensive line does, I'm still trying to figure this one out.

I think Tony has plenty of arm. That throw wasn't the result of a weak arm. The fact that his back was shot at that point and he didn't really even set his feet is what made that throw suck.

Im highly critical of Romos play and think hes becoming a joke but his arm is as good as it has to be.
theebs;2592483 said:
well I am sorry you feel that way.

You should make a thread about it, and use specific examples of how and when the players you mentioned undermined coaches and brought a group of 53 men to a complete hault.

As soon as you have that on those guys you can make your smart *** remarks.

Newman ripped the coaches about accountability. Even though he hasn't produced in 2 years, and can't stay on the field.
Apollo Creed;2592489 said:
Newman ripped the coaches about accountability. Even though he hasn't produced in 2 years, and can't stay on the field.

lol Newman was pretty good last year and pretty good this year when he got healthy.

And your incorrect again, Newman ripped the coaches for one reason, its the same reason everyone else complains on this team, no backbone.

Newman made that comment because who wade who never names names named newman in the post game pc after the steelers game.

and in his defense wade was right, newman giving up that third and long was ridiculous. The problem was wade never singles out anyone.
JustSayNotoTO;2592480 said:

Ideally for TO, his preferred QB would be himself.


On another note, all this and no Jordan Taber or five ?
theebs;2592499 said:
Newman made that comment because who wade who never names names named newman in the post game pc after the steelers game..

You win today's Alliteration Award!
Who knows, maybe Romo laughed at TO because the play that TO was whining about was one of Garretts two unblocked up the gut specialities.
theebs;2592483 said:
well I am sorry you feel that way.

You should make a thread about it, and use specific examples of how and when the players you mentioned undermined coaches and brought a group of 53 men to a complete hault.

As soon as you have that on those guys you can make your smart *** remarks.

You named the parameters, not me.

You said all teams who have gone to the Super Bowl sans one, did so without Owens.

Same is true of guys like Ware, Romo, Witten, Barber, etc (actually, technically not. Every Super Bowl winner/lose has done so without those players).... and even on a lower level (like playoff games).

If you want to add additional criteria, fine. But you didn't in the post I replied to.

Not sure why you are so upset.

I'm not actually advocating getting rid of Romo, Newman, Ware, et al.
I'm not saying Romo doesn't need to snap out of it and be kicked firmly in the rear, but don't you think TO screaming in his ear about how open he is is pretty much a never ending nightmare he has to endure 24/7/365? So this one time TO was right in the film room and makes a point to call out Romo in front of the entire team in the film sessions to prove some point (making Romo look bad in front of his teammates, the same teammates who are probably leaking that they're upset about everything that Romo supposedly gets away with), and Romo's just laughing to himself thinking "I could name 300 times you've said you were open when you weren't, but I'm sure you'll never bring that up in front of the team." The same exact way McNabb was just laughing at Owens when Owens was trailing him and berating him on the sidelines in Philly.

Obviously, Romo's body language suggests someone who is just beaten down and defeated by the whole situation, just like McNabb and Garcia were beaten down by it, to the point where he's pretty much just sick and apathetic to it all. Which is quite remarkable considering this is a guy who cut his teeth in the league with mean ole grouchy Parcells chewing his butt 24/7 to purposely groom him for the emotional grind it takes to be a QB in the NFL, coaching tactics that broke weaker QBs like Hutchinson and Henson, and yet Romo never lost his smile or charisma and would even give the jabs back to Parcells while he was being tested. But he's been emotionally and spiritually defeated under the supposedly more "player friendly" coaching environment. It's a testament to how toxic, depressing and defeating the environment in the lockerroom has to be right now. The former gym rat who had to be kicked out of the facilities and would read biographies on football history in his free time doesn't even want to show up for work.
InmanRoshi;2592537 said:
I'm not saying Romo doesn't need to snap out of it and be kicked firmly in the rear, but don't you think TO screaming in his ear about how open he is is pretty much a nightmare he has to endure 24/7/365? So this one time TO was right in the film room and makes a point to call out Romo in front of the entire team in the film sessions to prove some point (making Romo look bad in front of his teammates, the same teammates who are probably leaking that they're upset about everything that Romo supposedly gets away with), and Romo's just laughing to himself thinking "I could name 300 times you've said you were open when you weren't, but I'm sure you'll never bring that up in front of the team." The same exact way McNabb was just laughing at Owens when Owens was trailing him and berating him on the sidelines in Philly.

Obviously, Romo's body language suggests someone who is just beaten down and defeated by the whole situation, just like McNabb and Garcia were beaten down by it, to the point where he's pretty much just sick and apathetic to it all. Which is quite remarkable considering this is a guy who cut his teeth in the league with mean ole grouchy Parcells chewing his butt 24/7, and yet Romo never lost his smile or charisma and would even give the jabs back to Parcells... but he's been emotionally and spiritually defeated under the supposedly more "player friendly" coaching environment. It's a testament to how toxic, depressing and defeating it has to be in the locker room right now.
100% dead on.
CrazyMonster;2592448 said:
Romo makes me sick.

I wish to God we didnt sign him. He is just not what a team needs at QB.

Romo is no leader. Hopefully one day, for our sake, he will become one. Currently he is severely lacking in that department. This nothing I have not already said time & time again. No surprises here...
Double Trouble;2592548 said:
100% dead on.

Same here. Well said as usual, IR.

Just look at how much good it did Eli when he didn't have to hear Shockey barking at him all game.
God, this is exactly what I didnt want to read today. Also along with Mosley's chat wrap and column. As if I couldn't dislike Romo and TO even more...somehow, now I do. I agree with the guy earlier that wishes we had never signed Romo. This guy may be a good QB (sans December and playoffs), but the more I read about his attitude and his nonchalantness and now the stuff about him acting like he's an untouchable superstar and that he's somehow above his teammates makes me actively despise this little puke. I can't wait until the day he no longer wears the Star. God willing, it'll be sooner rather than later.

And Owens, god. If the cap difference between keeping and releasing him is indeed only 700k or so, *******it DO IT Jerry. If we can't get both these cancers off our team, at least get one of them the hell away from Dallas. If your QB and your star WR are both little ****s, its at least easier to live with your QB being a ****.

Bleu Star;2592559 said:
Romo is no leader. Hopefully one day, for our sake, he will become one. Currently he is severely lacking in that department. This nothing I have not already said time & time again. No surprises here...

I no longer wish for this. Today's info has put me over the top. I want him gone. I don't care how it happens. The sooner we are done with Romo the better off the franchise will be in the long run.

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