Am I the only one bored with Negan already? His act is already old. I cringe when he talks because of the corny **** and I don't believe that he would ever be in power, that act just wouldn't work.
The could have taken out that group of saviors easily. They came to YOUR turf and had never been there so they don't know how many guns and people you have, plus they don't know the layout of the city. Have a sniper take out Negan and that group is lost. Hell Carl was about to kill a few by himself. Or one swing to the head with Lucille. In a believable situation there is no way that they just sit back and take it like they did. Every gun? Come on now. I'm glad Rosita and Carl have balls. Granted they didn't want anyone else to die which would have happened, but damn a life like that isn't a life at all. And what's to stop them from just leaving? (Maybe Daryl's safety). But I just don't believe a group like that would just sit back and take it.
But anyway I really liked the introduction of Negan, but since then it's just not impressive and it's getting old. I really hope he is a problem for only one season. Two seasons of him would drive me insane.
I find it very interesting to see that there are people who absolutely don't like what he's doing with Negan. I like that not everyone loves it. That's great, IMO.
Personally I love his character and I love the way he's portraying it. I feel like he's bringing the character out perfectly from the way it's written in the comics. But I agree with you whole heartedly on how this is so unbelievable with how he'd make this work. I've argued with my son on this point to no end about how I just don't understand how Rick's people allow this to continue. The first encounter? Sure. I get that. He had them surrounded. They had no chance to fight back. He wins round one, no problem.
But last night when they arrive? Why the hell would you let them in? You had that RPG, blow up their entire group with one shot and take out the rest with your guns. As I was telling my son last night you absolutely can not let him inside the walls because if you do he's going to do exactly what he did. Now he's unarmed them. Now he's taken their defense away and made them pretty much dependent upon him and his Saviors. In a real situation I believe that the people in that community, behind the walls, would have simply fought and not allowed him.
Maybe that's just me.
As for why people would follow him? I actually totally believe that because there are always very weak minded people who will follow anyone who shows any sort of power or ability to lead. I'm not surprised that he's found the weak minded to follow him and it's really portrayed perfectly in how he tortures people in order to break their will and break them into giving in him.
I think the perfect example of how he views people is when he told Rick last night "Now I would NOT have messed with that guy" when he's talking about Rick's video with Deanna. Negan is smart and picks people to mess with that he knows, or believes he knows, he can manipulate into following and doing what he wants.
And if Negan dies what are they really? Lost idiots with no balls. There isn't a whole big crew that would follow him like that. Granted I'm talking about believability on a zombie show, lol, but I'm just not buying it.
I actually agree with you here as well. I've said this many times as well. Kill Negan and you kill the threat. The rest are too weak minded, and stupid, to lead any kind of assault against a united group and truth be told they'd simply fracture into many broken groups and everyone fought to take claim of the leadership role. They'd be useless and not a threat at all without Negan to guide them.
Well said.
Negan in the graphic novel comes off as much more intimidating.
The TV version... Well he ought to carry a soap-box as opposed to a baseball bat just because of his propensity to launch into these long and boring monologues.
Two things here for me.
1) I agree he comes off as more imposingly intimidating because he's drawn to be a bigger character than he is being portrayed as in the show. He's definitely a bigger guy, much more muscular then Rick, in the comic.
2) You realize his lines and things he's saying are just about word for word taken right from the graphic novel right? A huge portion of last nights episode was basically right out of the graphic novel so I'm not sure how the character is really any different in that regard from the written form to the TV form.
Then he does that kind of lean his shoulders back type of thing and it is just irritating.
When it was announced that Morgan would be Negan I thought it was a good thing.
Right now I don't know if it is the writing, Morgans portrayal of him or a combination of both but whatever it is not working IMO.
Couldn't possibly disagree more at all. He's playing the character to perfection, IMO, based off of the way the graphic novel portrays his attitude, sarcasm, and just over all showmanship that Negan always has whenever he's in the graphic novel.
Morgan has absolutely captured it to perfection, IMO.
Oh and one stupid question on my part as I was still celebrating the win.
At the end of the episode or towards the end...what was burning/smoking on the side of the road/rails. I think Rosita saw it.
I think someone might have already answered but it was the mattresses from Alexandria.
Obviously showing them that they don't need anything that they're taking they're just taking it to prove that they can.