Walking Dead Season 7 **merged**

There is a whole country of land all these people could move to. I just wouldn't believe all these communities would take all that **** from Negan. Just leave the area and you are done with it.

And yeah I think somebody from the inside or one of his honchos would have had enough and snapped and killed him by now. No one can be that ruthless and rule like that in a lawless society.

Granted this wouldn't make for good TV so I don't mind. Just my opinion.

and that's my main problem with him as a character the way they are going about it. too many people who have guns can just pop him one and be done with it. it doesn't look like he treats anyone well enough to have a loyal following but he's taking care of base needs of people and giving them things like 80s VCR tapes. that was odd. we've not seen those in over 10+ years but they have them alive and well WITH a working VCR just "old times forgotten" with in truth DVDs and CDs will survive, tape will not. i think they did that in a post-apocolyptic world but i think it was mis-portrayed.

in any event, if someone did just up and shoot negan, who would stand up for him if he were gone?
and that's my main problem with him as a character the way they are going about it. too many people who have guns can just pop him one and be done with it. it doesn't look like he treats anyone well enough to have a loyal following but he's taking care of base needs of people and giving them things like 80s VCR tapes. that was odd. we've not seen those in over 10+ years but they have them alive and well WITH a working VCR just "old times forgotten" with in truth DVDs and CDs will survive, tape will not. i think they did that in a post-apocolyptic world but i think it was mis-portrayed.

in any event, if someone did just up and shoot negan, who would stand up for him if he were gone?

Agreed. There can't possibly be anyone who likes him and the way he goes about. The worst world leaders all had followings and even ideas that made other people believe in and follow, this guy's got a bat and treats everyone like an *** and that's pretty much it.
Also at some point the bodies would simply degrade to the point of becoming immobile. In the graphic novel there are references to this, i.e. our survivors noting the physical changes of the zombies and their continued degradation. So far we haven't had any of that in the TV show.

I actually think we have had this in the tv show. We have a lot more zombies that are crashed and immobile by the wayside, and we have a lot more of them having limbs just simply fall off.
I actually think we have had this in the tv show. We have a lot more zombies that are crashed and immobile by the wayside, and we have a lot more of them having limbs just simply fall off.

Oh we certainly have it visually... But no one talks about it.
This episode got on my last nerve. It had absolutely zero flow to it. 3-5 minutes of show, 5 minute commercial, stupid song on repeat. The preview had me excited for this episode, but the way it was done really turned me off.
This episode got on my last nerve. It had absolutely zero flow to it. 3-5 minutes of show, 5 minute commercial, stupid song on repeat. The preview had me excited for this episode, but the way it was done really turned me off.

Agreed. The flow was poor.

They could have condensed the Daryl "torture" by 1/2 and shown us more of the life in Sanctuary.
What I don't get is why not just set up noise distractions away from your base camp so herds are drawn there instead of to your home.
I've always liked the islands theory. Just clear out the island and you don't have that threat anymore. The Bahamas or Cuba could be possible sailing destinations. Work to kill off any zombies and you are good to go.
I used to scream that for the first few seasons......they are Walkers not Swimmers.....they wouldn't drown but they would float away or decay into a jelly fish type consistency

Same with attaching a cow-clearer to a huge DumpTruck to clear the roads

A few well placed drawbridges would also be very effective.......but then it would be Gilligan's Island I guess or the Last Ship
-Are we absolutely sure there's no real government anywhere? Our group has only covered a relatively small area of geography.
Haven't they gone from Texas(Abraham and them) to Atlanta to No Virginia????

Alexandria is like 5 minutes from Washington DC and no sign of any government
Haven't they gone from Texas(Abraham and them) to Atlanta to No Virginia????

Alexandria is like 5 minutes from Washington DC and no sign of any government

That's true.

In the case of an event like this... It's possible the government moved from Washington. Or that government totally fell apart and a new government had risen somewhere else.

In the book "World War Z", the government abandon Washington... As a matter of fact the government (or what left of it) retreated beyond the Rocky Mountains where they established a new government.

Why the Rockies as a "line-in-the-sand?"

They found the undead simply could not navigate easily over them. It presented a natural barrier.

The government then went and started "cleaning" the part of the country west of the Rockies.

Once that was done (and I forget how long that operation took) then they started moving east.
Agreed. The flow was poor.

They could have condensed the Daryl "torture" by 1/2 and shown us more of the life in Sanctuary.
Thats what I was excited to see. From the preview it looked like more of the Sanctuary would be explored. Instead we got one of the lesser episodes of the series.
Really liking the season. This is the first time in the show's run where I don't know what's likely to happen (other than people dying). I stopped reading the comics just before Negan. Too bad they killed off Alicia Witt's character last season. Negantown could use a few more characters who aren't just thug #2 or future zombie food.

Negan is putting the Beasley sauce on every single line. It's just south of a pro wrestling heel but I like it. In a land with guns, a barbed baseball bat would not enough to rule. He would have to have an almost supernatural charisma and skill as a manipulator. JDM's Negan has it. He's much thinner than I've ever seen him in previous roles, so I would think it's an intentional choice to present the character so physically slight and yet wielding so much power.

Dwight watching Who's the Boss...a subtle hint for his character's arc or a particularly gruesome type of punishment from Negan?

Also, Dwight needs to eat a sandwich. Another one.
He's much thinner than I've ever seen him in previous roles, so I would think it's an intentional choice to present the character so physically slight and yet wielding so much power.

He lost fourty pounds to play a Cowboy that has consumption.
Really liking the season. This is the first time in the show's run where I don't know what's likely to happen (other than people dying). I stopped reading the comics just before Negan. Too bad they killed off Alicia Witt's character last season. Negantown could use a few more characters who aren't just thug #2 or future zombie food.

Negan is putting the Beasley sauce on every single line. It's just south of a pro wrestling heel but I like it. In a land with guns, a barbed baseball bat would not enough to rule. He would have to have an almost supernatural charisma and skill as a manipulator. JDM's Negan has it. He's much thinner than I've ever seen him in previous roles, so I would think it's an intentional choice to present the character so physically slight and yet wielding so much power.

Dwight watching Who's the Boss...a subtle hint for his character's arc or a particularly gruesome type of punishment from Negan?

Also, Dwight needs to eat a sandwich. Another one.

Negan is more than a baseball vat.

You have people saying "I am Negan".... "Negan is everywhere"
Much more than just fear of bat/death/retaliation to loved ones....
Tonight's episode was kinda hard to watch... You knew it was going to be a big-time "I'm going to rub your nose in it" episode with Negan visiting the first time.

That being said it's most likely the lowest point of the season when it comes to Negan and the Survivors on top and everyone else on the bottom.
I wonder why Negan didn't make it clear what he wanted next time?
He just said something interesting.

It might be because he has so much "stuff" already from the other groups... What else do they need?

Bullets is about it.

We know the Alexandria group had guns but was very short of bullets.

The true priceless commodity at this point isn't food, but bullets.
Well I wonder how long it will be into this season until they really start to plot against negan?

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