There is a whole country of land all these people could move to. I just wouldn't believe all these communities would take all that **** from Negan. Just leave the area and you are done with it.
And yeah I think somebody from the inside or one of his honchos would have had enough and snapped and killed him by now. No one can be that ruthless and rule like that in a lawless society.
Granted this wouldn't make for good TV so I don't mind. Just my opinion.
All valid points and yeah it makes for good TV but it's not that realistic IMO... If you can picture a zombie apocalypse being realistic!
You would think at some point questions like this would pop up...
-Are we absolutely sure there's no real government anywhere? Our group has only covered a relatively small area of geography.
-If we head to a colder climate will the undead freeze or at least be rendered far less mobile?
-If we head to a more mountainous area will it (like the cold) make it more difficult for the undead to traverse the area?
Also at some point the bodies would simply degrade to the point of becoming immobile. In the graphic novel there are references to this, i.e. our survivors noting the physical changes of the zombies and their continued degradation. So far we haven't had any of that in the TV show.