Walking Dead Season 7 **merged**

In your opinion was the Red wedding more intense than tonights TWD or vice versa?

The Red Wedding was more intense for me because it was totally unexpected.

I expected to see someone die in TWD but I didn't think this show had the cajones to take out the characters that they did.

Game of thrones has had 2 or 3 of these type of episodes at least.

numb. that's the best i can put it. relief it wasn't glen but sad it was abraham as he was always the "backbone" of things at times. he got the last word in, sorta. i consoled myself quite a bit that i was *dead wrong* in this and it wasn't glen. this got me through the repeated hits and crunching noises.

but i'm already ahead of myself.

i should have known that TWD simply can't just say what happened. not after an 8 month layoff in which 10s of thousands of people died between cliffhanger and reveal (that alone has to be a record - how many real life people died not knowing who died?) and after they pulled away to commercial before showing what was left of someones hair cut, you knew the show was about who was killed.

dragging rick off to break him and the manner in which he did. i must say i kept thinking "right hand man" meant someone was losing theirs. i expected rick to come out w/o his hand or something for his "defiance".

negan. simply put he catapulted himself up into one of the most hated villains of modern times. he's got this part down cold and in 1 show, smoked the governor. "she's a vampire bat" coupled with the photography and his own "scarecrow" like stance and saunter was, to me, the classic line of the season premiere. then seeing what rick had to go through in getting the axe, and negan toying with him and saving rick inches before death several times, cat and mouse. i own you. you die without me.

now back to abraham and my morbid sense of relief we get to keep glen. negan was very clear they got 1 free shot and it was gone oddly enough in an act of love, not retribution or revenge. that act cost us glen and daryl will be working that one out for a long long time and the guilt is going to consume him in a carol like fashion.

the death of glen. wow. once daryl got his shot in you knew it was a...double header. you hoped with each passing second negan would give 1 more free shot. you hoped he'd find something, anything else to do but kill glen.

"think about what could happen, rick" and then rick thinks and sees every other member of his group get the bat and you wonder for a brief moment if rick was the last man standing but then - "think about what could happen" comes back and you know rick is doing just that.

back to glen and the first hit that ... well... you saw it i don't need to get into it but from what i understand, this drives maggie to leadership as she was the last one who still had the will to fight back.

the table has been set and no one before that i know of has ever made a more dominate introduction than negan. the gore has likely turned people away from show as it will, and did, leave me numb. i just sat there and had to think about what i saw. we know the next few seasons are now set and from the comics and what has already been done with morgan building a prison cell of his own but how many more will die between here and there and when do the rasta-knights come into play?

we're set for one of the best seasons in a long time and if this is any indication, it's going to be a very very *escalated* walking dead storyline in many ways.

i'm in.
What makes this so great is knowing that eventually Rick WILL indeed get revenge on Negan......probably gonna be like 2 season from now though, so just enjoy the ride.......

How are you so sure that he will? He is a broken, defeated man.
All I am gonna say is WOW...we used to have to read novels of stuff to get attached to fictional characters (Harry Potter), but The Walking Dead is right up there. The Abraham death did not startle me, I knew it was him, but the Glenn death was soul crushing....His arc as a character was amazing.
The Red Wedding was more intense for me because it was totally unexpected.

I expected to see someone die in TWD but I didn't think this show had the cajones to take out the characters that they did.

Game of thrones has had 2 or 3 of these type of episodes at least.

True, although they got me with Glenn because I didn't expect them to kill off two people

I wasn't as attached to the characters in GOT as I was Glenn, etc plus my girlfriend tipped off that something crazy was going to happen in the red wedding so that took off some of the edge, still amazing tho
But, but, but, is Glenn really a deadite or did he just crawl his head under walker guts?

* ducking *

...seriously though, WOW what a shocking episode. I mostly feel for Maggie as she has now lost, well, everyone, except maybe Glenn's baby I guess. Going to be a very interesting season for sure.
True, although they got me with Glenn because I didn't expect them to kill off two people

I wasn't as attached to the characters in GOT as I was Glenn, etc plus my girlfriend tipped off that something crazy was going to happen in the red wedding so that took off some of the edge, still amazing tho

Season 1 of GOT.. I was attached to that character.

The Red Wedding.. I was kind of tired of them to be honest. I got bored everytime we had to sit through one of their scenes.

Season 6 of GOT was so intense for me though.. The battle of the *******s was tooooooo good.
How are you so sure that he will? He is a broken, defeated man.

How are you sure that he is a broken man?

If they play this right (similar to the comics) you're going to see a different Rick and find a whole other level of respect for him as a leader.

This begins what was my absolute favorite arcs in the comic to this point. The first battle has happened and is over....but the war has only just begun.
How are you sure that he is a broken man?

If they play this right (similar to the comics) you're going to see a different Rick and find a whole other level of respect for him as a leader.

This begins what was my absolute favorite arcs in the comic to this point. The first battle has happened and is over....but the war has only just begun.
like negan said, we're just getting started.
like negan said, we're just getting started.

I really hope a ton of this stays very close to the comic because this is a huge character development arc for three people in particular (although everyone changes and grows in some ways).

Rick, Carl, and Maggie are all going to see serious growth as characters and who and what they are.

Jesus will play a much larger role going forward and people will love this character.

And of course there is the addition of Carol and Darryl and how they handle all this. In the comic these two characters are not around for the war with Negan. So I'm very interested as to how they'll factor in to all of it.

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