Walking Dead Season 7 **merged**

A few things about tonight.

I bet:

- it's one of the most watch mid-season premieres
- all the ones complaining about cliffhanger really can't wait
- all the ones saying they won't watch - WILL!
I have been waiting months to find out who the team loss will be - but right now, I'm dreading that knowledge. People who don't follow 'The Walking Dead' think that the zombies that overpopulate this show are monsters. They don't understand that the real monsters aren't the mindless flesh-consumers meandering through the background.

I'm still a big fan.
Hard to believe the 6 month, 20 day commercial break to finish season 6 is almost over. Luckily, they will be concurrently airing season 7 so there'll be no down time between seasons.
Hard to believe the 6 month, 20 day commercial break to finish season 6 is almost over. Luckily, they will be concurrently airing season 7 so there'll be no down time between seasons.

I guess I'm losing my mind, could someone explain what he just wrote please?
If this was legit, it would have been pulled already.

I didn't even watch it.

Ha! Well I guess you should have, because it WAS legit.....so far down to a T actually, so Im guessing the "predictions" for the rest of the show will be right as well.......
Ha! Well I guess you should have, because it WAS legit.....so far down to a T actually, so Im guessing the "predictions" for the rest of the show will be right as well.......

I'll watch it later.

Funny, first person in this thread said one or other. Turned out it was both.
I don't think the first one was enough to justify making us wait that long. But the emotional impact of both of them being killed :(
Why do you think Negan chose to take Daryl with him? To break him in the same manner he did Rick?
Glenn's Death was pretty gnarly, with the eye out and barely legible speech.......I aint too manly to admit, I'll prob have some kind of nightmare tonight with that image in it somewhere......epic.....
Only walking dead can devote an hour and a half to a show that did nothing except reveal who Negan killed. Literally nothing else happened.

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