Walking Dead Season 7 **merged**

How are you sure that he is a broken man?

If they play this right (similar to the comics) you're going to see a different Rick and find a whole other level of respect for him as a leader.

This begins what was my absolute favorite arcs in the comic to this point. The first battle has happened and is over....but the war has only just begun.

Because in the next week's previews you see Rick telling everyone that Negan is in charge now.
Morgan is so good as Negan. They picked the right guy love to hate him but you still like him.

Do we know who/what he was before the dead apocalypse?

He's got the psychological mind bang pretty darn good... psychiatrist? Lol

like negan said, we're just getting started.

Knocking on the gate, "I'm here for my stuff" ... "open up" lol
"You can't just kill something like that. Not until you try a little." :eek:
The producers of the show made sure to put on the season premiere on the Sunday the Cowboys had their bye week...that's smart stuff there.....Still sad about Glenn...
Since I'm not getting enough attention to my earlier post, I'm going to keep reposting until somebody pats me on the back, here. What's wrong with you people? I nailed this like I had a vampire bat or something.

"If it's me writing the show, I'm taking out more than one main character on the season opener. Maybe start with it having been Abraham in the cliffhanger, get everybody to breath a sigh of relieve for Glenn, and then take Glenn out, too. And maybe a minor character too, just for fun.

The case for it being Abraham: one, he's to the Negan's left of Rick if we're to believe the head jerk when he suggests feeding Carl's eye to Rick. The other candidates are Michonne and Maggie, and it's less likely Negan takes out the women. Abraham makes a point of challenging him with a stare, so perhaps he takes him out to make a point and to weaken Rick, thinking Abraham is a chief lieutenant. Plus, if you're doing a cliffhanger, it would give the audience that 'oh, you blew it by not having the guts to take out Glenn' moment....right before you then take out Glenn.

The made the character connection between Abraham/Sasha and Glenn/Maggie this episode. Taking out both men would be a nice way of saying 'that's what you get for being hopeful in the zombie apocalypse' to the audience. Maybe as a bonus you have Sasha react to the bashing and take her out, too.

The best way to come out of the sour note of the cliffhanger is to up the body count with key characters. We've got a couple actors already who've outlived their character arcs from the comic book. I think I'd take them out and just leave the audience stunned and sad in week one next season."

Because in the next week's previews you see Rick telling everyone that Negan is in charge now.

Yep. And as I said before you'll learn. It's one of many things that will leave people realising just how bad *** a leader Rick has become.
Do we know who/what he was before the dead apocalypse?

He's got the psychological mind bang pretty darn good... psychiatrist? Lol

Knocking on the gate, "I'm here for my stuff" ... "open up" lol

Surprisingly he's a high school coach. I think Tennis but I can't remember for sure now.

The reasons he's become the way he is in the comic have just been revealed in a small series that was just about him but it has to do with great personal loss at the start of the out break.
Surprisingly he's a high school coach. I think Tennis but I can't remember for sure now.

The reasons he's become the way he is in the comic have just been revealed in a small series that was just about him but it has to do with great personal loss at the start of the out break.

Ahhhh. Thank you. I will have to check it out.

So, with that info.

A high school coach:
- suck it up
- there's no crying in...
- rub some dirt on it

I gotta say. The "event" that is "Career day" which spanned the hours of the darknesss before dawn then the dawning light of day are some of the most powerful tv ever.

Negan: You see, Rick, whatever you do, no matter what, you don't mess with the new world order. And the new world order is this, and it's really very simple. So, even if you're stupid, which you very may well be, you can understand it. You ready? Here goes. Pay attention. Give me your ****... or I will kill you. Today was career day. We invested a lot so you would know who I am and what I can do. You work for me now. You have ****, you give it to me. That's your job. Now, I know that is a mighty big, nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it you most certainly will. You ruled the roost. You built something. You thought you were safe. I get it. But the word is out. You are not safe. Not even close. In fact, you are pegged, more pegged if you don't do what I want. And what I want is half your ****. And if that's too much, you can make, find, or steal more, and it'll even out sooner or later. This is your way of life now. The more you fight back, the harder it will be. So, if someone knocks on your door... (chuckles) ...you let us in. We own that door. You try to stop us and we will knock it down. You understand?

Negan explained it.
Negan did a "show and tell".

It is clearly understood.

Now, how does one become that powerful?
It's not just killing people. It has to be known that if you do kill me(Negan)... you and everyone you love are in jeopardy. "We are all Negan"... on of them will kill you or probably just your loved ones.... IN FRONT OF YOU.... just like last night.

So, how do you beat him? Heh heh
What an absolutely awesome, intense episode that was last night. Holy moly.

Loved Abraham; one of my favorite characters throughout the entire series. Definitely saw it coming, but it still sucked. At least he went out in true Abraham fashion with those last words.

And I will admit they did catch me off guard taking out a 2nd main character like that. I really didn't think they had it in them.

My rationale going into the episode was that the show runners kept Abe alive (knowing he died a little earlier in the comics) so that they could have him die at Negan's hands, thus keeping Glenn alive for whatever ongoing story they had planned for him. So kudos to the writers on that one.

I absolutely cannot wait to see how this season plays out.
Easy way to beat negan, is to beat him at his own game.

Everyone has something they're attached to...rick does. The Gov had his zombie daughter.

Just gotta hang around long enough to figure out what it is that is the emotional attachment he holds onto...then put the pressure to it.
Do we know who/what he was before the dead apocalypse?

He's got the psychological mind bang pretty darn good... psychiatrist? Lol

Knocking on the gate, "I'm here for my stuff" ... "open up" lol

At some point, they ABSOLUTELY need to dedicate an episode to Negan's past. He's too awesome of a character being played by too good of an actor for them not to.

Sort of like how they did the episode on Morgan during season 6 that showed some of that "lost" time where he wasn't part of the group (when he ended up with the "cheese maker" in the cabin). Should do the same thing for Negan.
What an absolutely awesome, intense episode that was last night. Holy moly.

Loved Abraham; one of my favorite characters throughout the entire series. Definitely saw it coming, but it still sucked. At least he went out in true Abraham fashion with those last words.

And I will admit they did catch me off guard taking out a 2nd main character like that. I really didn't think they had it in them.

My rationale going into the episode was that the show runners kept Abe alive (knowing he died a little earlier in the comics) so that they could have him die at Negan's hands, thus keeping Glenn alive for whatever ongoing story they had planned for him. So kudos to the writers on that one.

I absolutely cannot wait to see how this season plays out.

That was my rationale, except I thought they'd spared Abraham so that they could afford to do the awful cliffhanger. You wanna pull something like that, you gotta have a payoff in the season opener. And they pretty much did.

Cool how Glenn went out just like in the comics, too. Down to the facial expressions. No punches pulled.
That was my rationale, except I thought they'd spared Abraham so that they could afford to do the awful cliffhanger. You wanna pull something like that, you gotta have a payoff in the season opener. And they pretty much did.

Cool how Glenn went out just like in the comics, too. Down to the facial expressions. No punches pulled.

Yea, I don't read the books but I have read quite a bit about the differences/similarities between it and the show. Apparently that final scene at the end of season 6 was basically taken directly out of the comic. I saw a picture this morning of how Glenn looked when he met his demise in the book, and they definitely did it justice last night.

I am even more amped for this season than I was for last (not a knock of the show; I love TWD. It's the only show I follow).

The whole Alexandria "phase" has probably been my least favorite of the series, but after last night I'm excited.
I love the show and I think the episode was great. The only thing I would have done differently is to show Abraham being killed at the end of last season. That way nobody is mad about a cliffhanger and people think the rest are safe. Then this season picked up where Negan was attached by Darrell and then Glenn got whacked. Would have been more emotional imo. Just when you thought he was safe...
Negan is the most dangerous adversary they have faced because he is truly a psychopath. It isn't like PTSD changed him like the Governor, Negan likes killing people.

The logical move under the circumstances would have been to kill Rick, cut the head off the snake, but he preferred to torture them. The whole picking the victim was just for fear, he was gonna kill Abraham from the moment Abraham gave him the F-off stare. The taunting of Rosita was meant to cause another reaction because he wanted to kill Glenn too.
I love the show and I think the episode was great. The only thing I would have done differently is to show Abraham being killed at the end of last season. That way nobody is mad about a cliffhanger and people think the rest are safe. Then this season picked up where Negan was attached by Darrell and then Glenn got whacked. Would have been more emotional imo. Just when you thought he was safe...
wow - didn't even think about that but that would have ended the "cliffhanger" and last night still would have been incredible!
I gave the episode a 7.

I liked the violence and I thought Andrew Lincoln's acting was top notch.

I thought it sucked waiting another 20 minutes and a bunch of commercials in order to finally cap the cliff-hanger.

While the violence and gore were great the death of those two characters hardly bothered me. Between Glenn's fake deaths and his lack of dialog over season 6... His death was more interesting from a gore standpoint for me than it was emotional.

The non-stop rambling of the Negan character got old quickly. In addition... He's a skinny, little dude who has a bat. He didn't strike me as menacing.

I thought Maggie's character was good.

Chandler Riggs... Just bad acting.
I gave the episode a 7.

I liked the violence and I thought Andrew Lincoln's acting was top notch.

I thought it sucked waiting another 20 minutes and a bunch of commercials in order to finally cap the cliff-hanger.

While the violence and gore were great the death of those two characters hardly bothered me. Between Glenn's fake deaths and his lack of dialog over season 6... His death was more interesting from a gore standpoint for me than it was emotional.

The non-stop rambling of the Negan character got old quickly. In addition... He's a skinny, little dude who has a bat. He didn't strike me as menacing.

I thought Maggie's character was good.

Chandler Riggs... Just bad acting.

Didn't faze me at all either. It sucks those two are off the show, but this secret has been spoiled for months now. I thought the episode around those two deaths was very good, but didn't pay off the wait to see it. Not with the inevitable spoilers that were GOING to come out. This episode felt like what the season 6 finale should have been. If you place this episode at the end of season 6 and end it there, the effect those deaths have is undoubtedly amplified.

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