Walking Dead Season 7 **merged**

Negan is the most dangerous adversary they have faced because he is truly a psychopath. It isn't like PTSD changed him like the Governor, Negan likes killing people.

The logical move under the circumstances would have been to kill Rick, cut the head off the snake, but he preferred to torture them. The whole picking the victim was just for fear, he was gonna kill Abraham from the moment Abraham gave him the F-off stare. The taunting of Rosita was meant to cause another reaction because he wanted to kill Glenn too.

Does he like killing or is he simply sold on "that's the way it works"... you kill my people and I gotta kill one of yours.

Yeah, Abraham was chosen before I agree.

He gave Negan the look.
He stood tall on his knees.
Then the facial hair... I got shave this ship!

Daryl killed Glenn. But maybe Negan was gonna do it anyway.

I love the show and I think the episode was great. The only thing I would have done differently is to show Abraham being killed at the end of last season. That way nobody is mad about a cliffhanger and people think the rest are safe. Then this season picked up where Negan was attached by Darrell and then Glenn got whacked. Would have been more emotional imo. Just when you thought he was safe...

Interesting. But if they did that then started season 7 still on their knees then people would have suspected something was up.
At some point, they ABSOLUTELY need to dedicate an episode to Negan's past. He's too awesome of a character being played by too good of an actor for them not to.

Sort of like how they did the episode on Morgan during season 6 that showed some of that "lost" time where he wasn't part of the group (when he ended up with the "cheese maker" in the cabin). Should do the same thing for Negan.

I wasn't sure I agreed.
Thought about for a minute.

I agree. Negan episode.
I am avoiding reading about it.

I didn't really car for the Morgan episode. Especially when doofus got bit. Lol
Does he like killing or is he simply sold on "that's the way it works"... you kill my people and I gotta kill one of yours.

Yeah, Abraham was chosen before I agree.

He gave Negan the look.
He stood tall on his knees.
Then the facial hair... I got shave this ship!

Daryl killed Glenn. But maybe Negan was gonna do it anyway.

Interesting. But if they did that then started season 7 still on their knees then people would have suspected something was up.

He likes it. The drama, the choice of weapon, the flare in which he does it. He is a case book psychopath.
I wasn't sure I agreed.
Thought about for a minute.

I agree. Negan episode.
I am avoiding reading about it.

I didn't really car for the Morgan episode. Especially when doofus got bit. Lol

I would've preferred that they do that type of episode on a character other than Morgan....but with that being said, I can appreciate what they did there. It's cool to take some time away from the main storyline to explore what makes a specific character tick.

The guy that played the "cheese maker" also did a great job in my opinion, which helped. I think that guy's played like a million bit parts on a bunch of different programs.

Was that skin hanging off of her?

You see the guy taking a Polaroid as they were leaving?

Yeah I think it was skin.
I guess they gave a real hint when they killed all those saviors in that compound in season 6.
Remember after Glenn killed those guys that were sleeping he stared at those polaroid's on the wall of peoples heads bashed in.
I would've preferred that they do that type of episode on a character other than Morgan....but with that being said, I can appreciate what they did there. It's cool to take some time away from the main storyline to explore what makes a specific character tick.

The guy that played the "cheese maker" also did a great job in my opinion, which helped. I think that guy's played like a million bit parts on a bunch of different programs.

Yeah... The guy who played cheese maker is great. I enjoy his bit parts.
His death was meh.
Yeah I think it was skin.
I guess they gave a real hint when they killed all those saviors in that compound in season 6.
Remember after Glenn killed those guys that were sleeping he stared at those polaroid's on the wall of peoples heads bashed in.

Ohhhhh yeahhhhh... forgot about that. The Polaroids in the wall.

Man, when Negan found out that they just killed them while sleeping. He started preparing career day, lol
Didn't faze me at all either. It sucks those two are off the show, but this secret has been spoiled for months now. I thought the episode around those two deaths was very good, but didn't pay off the wait to see it. Not with the inevitable spoilers that were GOING to come out. This episode felt like what the season 6 finale should have been. If you place this episode at the end of season 6 and end it there, the effect those deaths have is undoubtedly amplified.


I thought Abe's death was more worthless but his character development was progressing all during season 6.

Glenn's death was physically powerful but his character had ceased developing quite a while ago.

It was basically a "pocket episode" of Rick and Negan with other characters loosely mixed in.

I could have done without the "RV trip" and had more retrospect of the two deaths by the other characters.
Yeah I think it was skin.
I guess they gave a real hint when they killed all those saviors in that compound in season 6.
Remember after Glenn killed those guys that were sleeping he stared at those polaroid's on the wall of peoples heads bashed in.

It was much more than that. This has been foreshadowed for a long time.

Anyone catch this? Reddit is such a great outlet for catching stuff like this.

Interesting stuff.

Funny Kirkman & Co. would reference that because supposedly he disliked the whole CDC thing because A. It wasn't part of his graphic novel and B. It gave some indepth background to apocalypse and Kirkman simply doesn't want to go there.

I thought Abe's death was more worthless but his character development was progressing all during season 6.

Glenn's death was physically powerful but his character had ceased developing quite a while ago.

It was basically a "pocket episode" of Rick and Negan with other characters loosely mixed in.

I could have done without the "RV trip" and had more retrospect of the two deaths by the other characters.

Abes death came off to me as a cheap tactic in an attempt to throw off comic fans and make up for the cliffhanger. That 10 minutes of people thinking Glenn is safe only to turn around and "shock" fans with another death is only set up by Abe dying. In essence his death seemed to be a bridge to Glenns death which is the one so many were expecting. So yes, it was worthless and imo wasted a key character simply for shock value and 10 minutes of shock value at that.

Anyone catch this? Reddit is such a great outlet for catching stuff like this.

I don't get it? Was it used in season 7 premiere?

Interesting stuff.

Funny Kirkman & Co. would reference that because supposedly he disliked the whole CDC thing because A. It wasn't part of his graphic novel and B. It gave some indepth background to apocalypse and Kirkman simply doesn't want to go there.

Man, after that episode I thought it said next to nothing about the "indepth background to the apocalypse” ... to me it barely teased... only to never be "touched on" again.

Abes death came off to me as a cheap tactic in an attempt to throw off comic fans and make up for the cliffhanger. That 10 minutes of people thinking Glenn is safe only to turn around and "shock" fans with another death is only set up by Abe dying. In essence his death seemed to be a bridge to Glenns death which is the one so many were expecting. So yes, it was worthless and imo wasted a key character simply for shock value and 10 minutes of shock value at that.

I didn't think Glenn's death was shock value. It was pure, unadulterated Negan emphasis on his point!
Abes death came off to me as a cheap tactic in an attempt to throw off comic fans and make up for the cliffhanger. That 10 minutes of people thinking Glenn is safe only to turn around and "shock" fans with another death is only set up by Abe dying. In essence his death seemed to be a bridge to Glenns death which is the one so many were expecting. So yes, it was worthless and imo wasted a key character simply for shock value and 10 minutes of shock value at that.

I was somewhat surprised by the number of people that have expressed a lot of dissatisfaction with the premier episode because of the level of violence... Many are calling it "torture porn". Probably going to cost them viewers.

Hey I'm a "SAW"/"Hostel" fan but I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea. You've got a lot of ladies watching because of the Daryl Dixon and I can see where that point of the audience would be turned off by that episode. Yeah, you can say "Game of Thrones" has an equal (if not more so) level of violence, but that's HBO and not a more readily accessed channel like AMC.
Man, after that episode I thought it said next to nothing about the "indepth background to the apocalypse” ... to me it barely teased... only to never be "touched on" again.

Kirkman will never dive into "the how/what/why" of the event... He's said right along he doesn't care.

Darabont had an interest in it and hence that's why the CDC part was there, but after he was gone... Well.
I don't get it? Was it used in season 7 premiere?

Man, after that episode I thought it said next to nothing about the "indepth background to the apocalypse” ... to me it barely teased... only to never be "touched on" again.

I didn't think Glenn's death was shock value. It was pure, unadulterated Negan emphasis on his point!

The Quote in the bottom picture was the title of the episode. It's said in the season finale of season 1 as Rick and his group are trying to escape from the CDC.

And nobody was going to be shocked if Glenn was "it". We all knew someone was dying and everyone already knew Glenn was at the receiving end in the comics so it had no surprise value other than actually seeing it. Killing Abe or any other character was the only way to shock everyone about Glenn since people unaware of the spoilers that came out wouldn't be expecting two deaths. Thus the first death was just a bridge to make sure people were indeed shocked at Glenns death.
I was somewhat surprised by the number of people that have expressed a lot of dissatisfaction with the premier episode because of the level of violence... Many are calling it "torture porn". Probably going to cost them viewers.

Hey I'm a "SAW"/"Hostel" fan but I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea. You've got a lot of ladies watching because of the Daryl Dixon and I can see where that point of the audience would be turned off by that episode. Yeah, you can say "Game of Thrones" has an equal (if not more so) level of violence, but that's HBO and not a more readily accessed channel like AMC.

I saw some of that, but we've seen plenty of violent stuff in this show. Eyes being shot out and the aftermath, Rick biting someone's jugular out, people having their throat cut and being bled out into a sink, people being burned alive, people being stabbed in their ears while they slept, people eating Bobs leg while he watched, countless other cases of people having their guts ripped out, etc...

I think people complaining about the violence are probably just still pissed about the finale or have a distorted memory of some of the things that have already happened. Glenns death probably was the most violent of the bunch, but I personally didn't think it was that much worse than some of the other stuff we've seen.
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