yes i was 52 watched them ALL in real time in the hey day stop i wont agree its debate i shot my opinion and that it will not change..
yet I CAN and did
comp% td -int ratio
i sure did ..tired of hearing that a HOF qb should not have sad little td-int 165-141 ratio Montana Blew Aikman's shoes off ,same era NOW WHAT? 273 td- 117 INT seriously its why Montana was up for league MVP many times and Aikman not sure once for his RS play, Postseason he elevated his paly ..
sorry man i know its taboo but those type of comps can be made. I just said its debatable and feel at times Troy was a bus driver in the rs put up pedestrian numbers all of them jeez, dead on accuracy he had 6 seasons under 60% like 52-56% types of years comp % career 61% not that accurate,
you guys dont like reality but are allowing those GREAT teams to c,oud your judgements onayer comps. Montana was in the same aera as troy.
troys fair game like Dak and romo in the zone..i say RS troy was a bus driver riding the coatails of truly great OL and run game , great defense, and coaches all were far better then anything Dak and Romo received.
shot fired Now what>?!