News: Was Prescott's Rookie Season A Fluke?


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There have been more than just one throughout NFL history.

A sophomore slump and fluke rookie season is very real - even if he has one though, this doesn't mean he can't rebound in year 3.

True. But there's been zero rookie years for a qb like Daks. But Rg3 was close and he stunk afterwards and its very recent. I just think this kid will work as hard as he needs to work to make sure he and the team is successful.


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I certainly don't believe there's been any unnecessary criticism on Dak thus far. Nothing like we saw in our previous QB.

And saying this is all about being a Cowboy is not totally correct either. I don't recall Roger or Troy going thru unnecessary criticism.

The QB's you mentioned had pretty much immediate success and there wasn't much early criticism which I think is the key much like with Troy and Roger. Ben , Brady and Russell were winning championships Very early in their careers.

Other greats like Peyton , Young and Elway for example received much more criticism because it took them many more years to finally reach their ultimate potential.

So, the sooner Dak reaches the mountain top the less criticism he'll take and it will build until he does nickpickin every aspect .


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Who's talking about Dak like he is a finished product? I havent seen anyone say that anywhere. He was a rookie last year for cripe sakes.
Then it's not crazy to suggest that he doesn't repeat (or even come close) to what he did last year, like many before him. Nick Foles for instance who is a better example than RG3 who got injuried.

I'm hopeful, but it's not some crazy anti-Cowboy media thing to talk about it.


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Um, I think it was week 14 before Dak's footwork was refined enough to drop back and pass without

Week 12. Check out throw 2, 3 (best all season IMO). Hole game he was throwing darts and running enough to just do whatever he wanted to the Skins defense.


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Folks, in the divisional round playoff game, during the last five minutes of the game, he brought the Cowboys back to tie the game.....twice.

At one point in the game they were down by 18.

If it were not for a miracle throw by Rodgers and sideline catch, Dak dam near took the Cowboys into their first NFC championship game in 22 years.

Not this year? Why the hail not? What could possibly be stopping him other than devastating injury?


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Then it's not crazy to suggest that he doesn't repeat (or even come close) to what he did last year, like many before him. Nick Foles for instance who is a better example than RG3 who got injuried.

I'm hopeful, but it's not some crazy anti-Cowboy media thing to talk about it.

Zeke too was a rookie...Then it's not crazy to suggest that he doesn't repeat (or even come close) to what he did last year.


"We Are Penn State"
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Did you actually read the article you posted? You make a statement like they ripped him and said he was going to suck, and then everything you have included from the article seems to say that no, he won't be a fluke. And to top it off, they appear to have looked at more than just Dak.
IF you had read the thread about Jimmy Kempski PhillyVoice Staff writer, you would of understood what I had written before quoting that article I had posted. Just like the 7 others....


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Dak has to prove it this year
Plain and simple

The best defensive minds in the game will study his tendencies and take away what he does best

I think he will do great but he has to do it for this talk to go away

This. And in fact every player has to prove it every year. A few years ago even Tom terrific had a rough stretch and the fans and talk radio up here had him out the door.

Dak will prove it again this year, then he'll prove it again next year. Rinse and repeat,l.

Many Super Bowls later he'll retire and the unbiased northeast media will still find something. The cost of wearing the star.


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Here we go again. Gotta love the media. They see a young gun doing what veteran's can't even do in his rookie season and it's called a fluke. I guess he'll just have to prove himself over and over AND OVER.
This is how you have success in anything you do in life so lets hope this trend will continue and i think it will with Dak. I can hardly wait for the new season.


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Romo had the same offensive line...and so did 3 other dudes. Dak played better them all of them. People are such haters its crazy.

When is this falsehood (especially the Romo part - best passer rating in the league with the same line) going to end? 2015 Line != 2016 Line. And why is Zeke always ignored? The true league MVP seems like an important distinction.


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IF you had read the thread about Jimmy Kempski PhillyVoice Staff writer, you would of understood what I had written before quoting that article I had posted. Just like the 7 others....

If this is a response to something in some other thread somwhere...maybe it should be in that thread? What you posted just looks like you're ranting at an article that says the exact opposite of what you're complaining about.


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Ya....Just Silly talk:rolleyes:

I mean who would believe... Romo was telling Dak where to throw the football from the sideline?

Actually that picture according to my research and the lip readers hired is actually Romo begging Dak for his job back.


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I kind of like raisin brand...oh, it wasn't flake.


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Zeke too was a rookie...Then it's not crazy to suggest that he doesn't repeat (or even come close) to what he did last year.
Was the offense limited to the plays that zeke could execute effectively when he was in the game? No. So why would you pretend that this is an actual rebuttal?


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Week 12. Check out throw 2, 3 (best all season IMO). Hole game he was throwing darts and running enough to just do whatever he wanted to the Skins defense.

Can't see the video, but Dak had a great year no doubt. When the pressure came on after 2 weeks of so-so offense he answered.

With our O-line, Zeke, Dez, and our other weapons Dak should reach his highest potential. But he is still working on fundamental stuff. I'm really just reacting to the outrage that the question is even asked. If Zeke were to pull a hamstring and we had to rely on the passing game more, how would he do?

Romo didn't get the MVP with nearly identical numbers because it was felt that too much of the offense went through Murray. So the offense runs through Zeke right now. When Dak shows that the offense can run through him then he'll show that he is worth the 25m that Carr got.

IMO if Dak throws 30+ TDs and has a 2/1 TD ratio this year then these questions of dramatic falloff can be put to rest forever.


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Can't see the video, but Dak had a great year no doubt. When the pressure came on after 2 weeks of so-so offense he answered.

With our O-line, Zeke, Dez, and our other weapons Dak should reach his highest potential. But he is still working on fundamental stuff. I'm really just reacting to the outrage that the question is even asked. If Zeke were to pull a hamstring and we had to rely on the passing game more, how would he do?

Romo didn't get the MVP with nearly identical numbers because it was felt that too much of the offense went through Murray. So the offense runs through Zeke right now. When Dak shows that the offense can run through him then he'll show that he is worth the 25m that Carr got.

IMO if Dak throws 30+ TDs and has a 2/1 TD ratio this year then these questions of dramatic falloff can be put to rest forever.
There's an inherent contradiction in the belief that Dak is both completely empowered by those around him and due to regress. Despite the fact that those are the most common assessments right now they both can't be true.

Dak had footwork and mechanical lapses. All QBs do. Romo was still working on footwork and accuracy issues years after becoming the starter so I agree that Dak is certainly a work in progress. But he did it consistently enough, especially as the year progressed, that I think it garners a little too much attention.