We are no where's close to making it to the Super Bowl


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We beat Detroit because the refs screwed up.
That and a LB had our QB in the end zone for a easy safety and completely whiffed on the tackle, I've never seen anything like it.
That was a nine point swing we'd never recover from.


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There’s nothing to look forward to if there’s no hope of winning a SB. That’s the difference in winners and those who are looking forward to a participation trophy.
So remind me how much sweat equity you have in this team.

No hope lol! I will agree we are quite a a bit away from SB like thread is titled though
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We are no where's close to making it to the big game. Lets look at 2023 season. We beat 1 team with a winning record. I wont count Detroit, we got lucky. Dak is not our guy. He cant win a big game. Just like Romo. We win during the season and choke at playoff time. Things need to change starting from Jerry Jones. Looking forward to another unfulfilled season!!!!
You forgot about the Rams(10-9) and Seattle (9-8).

And if you haven’t noticed for a few decades Jethro isn’t changing. We are what we are.


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Fall for it? They screwed it up. Heck, the ref avoided a direct question about it after the game so that said it all. So funny that the "victims of the refs" crowd doesn't want to admit that ref mistakes also benefit us because it weakens their victimhood "refs are biased" stance. Refs suck for all teams, even our opponents like in the Detroit game.
What's worse is these posters on here crying "Detroit tried to be sneaky and trick us!". Good grief the Lions tried to do something smart and creative. These fans complaining about it sound like a bunch of dimwits.


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If we had a QB who could play at a high level under pressure this team would look COMPLETELY different.


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Sites full of them
The word you two are looking for is realists.

Watching the 49ers and Ravens, for example, they clearly are better coached, more talented, better teams. We are essentially going to run in back in 2024 with basically the same staff, same QB and likely the same offseason strategy.

This team hasn't seen a NFCCG in 25+ years. Pointing out the flaws of this team and the fact that bringing the same regime back in 2024 is likely a mistake isn't crying. It's being honest.


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The word you two are looking for is realists.

Watching the 49ers and Ravens, for example, they clearly are better coached, more talented, better teams. We are essentially going to run in back in 2024 with basically the same staff, same QB and likely the same offseason strategy.

This team hasn't seen a NFCCG in 25+ years. Pointing out the flaws of this team and the fact that bringing the same regime back in 2024 is likely a mistake isn't crying. It's being honest.
These realist you speak of can be found in virtually every anti cowboy thread over the past 4 or 5 years

I had the right word . Look I don’t expect everyone to fandom like me but the level of whining on this site is unreal

Some are worst than others but I get it. We haven’t won and I used to be a REALISt but I began to adjust my expectations and enjoy things just fine


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Ya think ? Even with the NFC East a cakewalk this year being handed the #2 seed, we just aren’t good enough to take advantage.


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These realist you speak of can be found in virtually every anti cowboy thread over the past 4 or 5 years

I had the right word . Look I don’t expect everyone to fandom like me but the level of whining on this site is unreal

Some are worst than others but I get it. We haven’t won and I used to be a REALISt but I began to adjust my expectations and enjoy things just fine
Adjust your expectations?



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Adjust your expectations?

You SB or bust guys are funny. I wanted that it didn’t happen .

I can look at the team and know it wasn’t gonna happen now I’m ready to move on to next year

My frustration lasted a day or so.you whine bags oh I mean REALISTs are going to spend the next few months crying . I mean being REAL. I’m looking at FA and draft you guys are frustrated we’re running it back because all that matters to you is a Lombardi

I don’t believe my type of fandom is something to be frowned upon. I enjoy each week as it’s presented and I’m not doom and gloom

I want a Lombardi I just refuse to let this team hold my emotions hostage any longer

I prefer to look at the positive side of things even though we got the worst gm in the league


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These realist you speak of can be found in virtually every anti cowboy thread over the past 4 or 5 years

I had the right word . Look I don’t expect everyone to fandom like me but the level of whining on this site is unreal

Some are worst than others but I get it. We haven’t won and I used to be a REALISt but I began to adjust my expectations and enjoy things just fine
The whining is done by about a dozen posters who are extreme haters/homers. Put them on ignore if you don't want to read their spiel. Lucky for us, most of their spatting is contained in the Dak threads.


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You SB or bust guys are funny. I wanted that it didn’t happen .

I can look at the team and know it wasn’t gonna happen now I’m ready to move on to next year

My frustration lasted a day or so.you whine bags oh I mean REALISTs are going to spend the next few months crying . I mean being REAL. I’m looking at FA and draft you guys are frustrated we’re running it back because all that matters to you is a Lombardi

I don’t believe my type of fandom is something to be frowned upon. I enjoy each week as it’s presented and I’m not doom and gloom

I want a Lombardi I just refuse to let this team hold my emotions hostage any longer

I prefer to look at the positive side of things even though we got the worst gm in the league
This post is doing exactly what you're railing against. Whining.


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The whining is done by about a dozen posters who are extreme haters/homers. Put them on ignore if you don't want to read their spiel. Lucky for us, most of their spatting is contained in the Dak threads.
lol this time of year they are all Dak threads but you’re right I could ignore them it’s more than a dozen though