We are not very good, and I'm fading


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Hostile;3511954 said:
The Cowboys of the 90's weren't celebrities? Seriously?

How did so many of them end up with TV gigs?

Why did so many of them have bodyguards and entourages?

Why were they on TV sitcoms, in music videos, and even movies?

How have 2 of them ended up on Dancing with the Stars?

How did one of them get his own reality TV show?

Why did every woman Troy Aikman was seen with become his new girlfriend in the press?

All of those things happened without the benefit of celebrity?

On top of this mountain of facts totally obliterating the celebrity rant, has there ever been a Dallas Cowboy less inclined to the spotlight of celebrity than Marion Barber? He's a current Dallas Cowboy contributor. Dozens of other players are friendly with the media, but eschew the spotlight of celebrity. Your whole rant is based upon who a couple of our players have dated?

Maybe, just maybe, it's time to pay attention to the team and less attention to TMZ, Perez Hilton, and The National Enquirer.

Are you blissfully unaware of the stories of Tony Romo taking a homeless man to a movie or helping an old couple change a tire at midnight after he had been beaten to a pulp by the Cleveland Browns? Are you blissfully unaware than in each instance he told no one. That other people went to the press and he reluctantly admitted he had done those things?

It's time to live up to your username and wake the hell up. Judas Priest.

Sorry for the rant folks.


You are without a doubt one of my favorite posters! Not just for your good wit and awesome combacks, but for your vast knowledge of our beloved Dallas Cowboys!
I know without a doubt if someone posts something wrong or demeaning that you will be right there to posts the facts and deliver the lashings!

Thanks!!!!!:bow: :starspin


New Member
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Awakened;3508235 said:
I'm sorry to say it, but I've got a bad feeling about this season. In year's past, the offense has looked great in the pre-season. This year has been a disgrace. Our defense is great and will help us win more games than we lose, but our offense is mediocre and will prevent us from making it any further than we went last year. The main person I put the blame on is Jason Garrett. After this season, he'll be gone. But then again, Wade'll probably be gone too if we perform as poorly as I anticipate. I'm thinking 9-7, maybe 10-6, and a very unhappy Jerry Jones.

I realize most of the pollyanna folks at Cowboys Zone will chide and heckle me for what I'm saying, but I am so tired of this big numbers, modest success offense. It has no heart, no gusto - no Troy or Emmitt or Michael or Big E or Big Larry. It's got sweetness and style, but puts fear in nobody.

Give me the old days when it was 3rd and 2 and everybody in the stadium knew Emmitt was getting the ball, but it didn't matter. Give me 3rd and 8 when everybody in America knew it was going to be slant to Michael, but it didn't matter.

I've been a Cowboys fan my entire 48 year old life. I stuck with the Cowboys when Jerry fired Tom Landry and many people jumped ship. But I am so tired of this team, year after year of no playoff success. I'm tired of celebrity athletes who haven't earned the right to be called one of the great Cowboys, but don't seem driven to keep getting better.

Maybe Dez Bryant and Sean Lee will breathe new fire into the team, but I don't really think so. Like the U.S. government, I believe the problem is systemic. Something is missing in the culture of the entire Dallas Cowboys organization. I'm not necessarily blaming Jerry, because I like owners who are passionate about winning. But I'm fading as a fan, and might soon fade away unless something signficant changes.

You could hang with the team in the late 1980's and the team in the early 2000's, but not now?


The Duke
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ladiewolve;3512014 said:

You are without a doubt one of my favorite posters! Not just for your good wit and awesome combacks, but for your vast knowledge of our beloved Dallas Cowboys!
I know without a doubt if someone posts something wrong or demeaning that you will be right there to posts the facts and deliver the lashings!

Thanks!!!!!:bow: :starspin
Thank you very much.


Well-Known Member
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This thread has become epic. I've never wanted to make a signature before, but I'm seriously thinking about "I'm fading." lol


A Plastic Container
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Heh, biggest thread on the first page by a good margin yet the OP's points are all disagreed with. Shouldn't the thread have died long ago?


The Duke
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tupperware;3512060 said:
Heh, biggest thread on the first page by a good margin yet the OP's points are all disagreed with. Shouldn't the thread have died long ago?
Threads die when the membership deem them dead, not when they annoy you.


A Plastic Container
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Hostile;3512070 said:
Threads die when the membership deem them dead, not when they annoy you.
Who said it annoyed me? Having a red name doesn't make you right so don't put words in my mouth. Maybe my point was that sometimes the most controversial thread is one of the better threads because that's what forums are for, right?


Cowboy Fan
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tupperware;3512105 said:
Who said it annoyed me? Having a red name doesn't make you right so don't put words in my mouth. Maybe my point was that sometimes the most controversial thread is one of the better threads because that's what forums are for, right?

You seem to have a lot of antagonism for certain people being a "new" poster and all.



The Duke
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tupperware;3512105 said:
Who said it annoyed me? Having a red name doesn't make you right so don't put words in my mouth. Maybe my point was that sometimes the most controversial thread is one of the better threads because that's what forums are for, right?
My bad.

Threads die when the membership deem them dead, not when they excite you so much that you make comments within them about their shelf life.


the Dude abides
Reaction score
Hos, though your constant hyperbole is really hard for me to stomach, I'll respond to you because you actually said something of substance for the first time in this thread...

Do you really want to take the position that the ubiquity of old media and new media today, as well as the blurring of the lines between athletes and other celebrities, has not made it more likely that today's celebrity athletes will become distracted by their celebrity? In taking this position, you are resisting the preponderance of current social commentary.

Ironically, half of your points about what the Cowboys stars of the 90's have done in the last few years supports my point about things being different today. Pertaining to celebrity, media, and popular culture, THINGS ARE RADICALLY DIFFERENT - Cowboys Zone being a case in point.

Great stories about Romo, which I have never heard and appreciate hearing. But I've never really questioned that Romo is a likeable, good guy. I've questioned if he has the extraordinary focus, determination, and toughness to be a truly great QB (given the distraction of being a celebrity today).


More than meets the eye.
Reaction score
Awakened;3512157 said:
Hos, though your constant hyperbole is really hard for me to stomach, I'll respond to you because you actually said something of substance for the first time in this thread...

When are you going to offer a substantive remark?


That Guy
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Awakened;3512157 said:
Great stories about Romo, which I have never heard and appreciate hearing. But I've never really questioned that Romo is a likeable, good guy. I've questioned if he has the extraordinary focus, determination, and toughness to be a truly great QB (given the distraction of being a celebrity today).
Is Romo more of a celebrity QB than Manning, Brady and Brees? Those guys are the gold standard of QBs and have all won Super Bowls despite their endorsement deals, public appearances, etc.

If you think those guys just have greater focus, what do you base that opinion on? My guess, it's wasn't your opinion of those guys (particularly Manning and Brees) before they won their Super Bowls. You really have no idea what those guys do day in and day out that's so different from Romo. You just look at the results and make a snap judgment... "Well Romo must not have the focus needed because he hasn't won a Super Bowl." :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
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Hostile;3512145 said:
My bad.

Threads die when the when the membership deem them dead, not when they excite you so much that you make comments within them about their shelf life.



Cowboy Fan
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Awakened;3512157 said:
Hos, though your constant hyperbole is really hard for me to stomach, I'll respond to you because you actually said something of substance for the first time in this thread...


The guy who started the joke thread of the week is calling out Hostile on substance?



Well-Known Member
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Awakened;3512157 said:
Great stories about Romo, which I have never heard and appreciate hearing. But I've never really questioned that Romo is a likeable, good guy. I've questioned if he has the extraordinary focus, determination, and toughness to be a truly great QB (given the distraction of being a celebrity today).
And now we see what this is really about.


The Duke
Reaction score
Awakened;3512157 said:
Hos, though your constant hyperbole is really hard for me to stomach, I'll respond to you because you actually said something of substance for the first time in this thread...
Welcome to the ride. I hope you can hang on. There are about to be some serious bumps in the road you are on. Buckle up.

Do you really want to take the position that the ubiquity of old media and new media today, as well as the blurring of the lines between athletes and other celebrities, has not made it more likely that today's celebrity athletes will become distracted by their celebrity? In taking this position, you are resisting the preponderance of current social commentary.
I am going to answer your questions with questions because I think the answers are obvious. Do you really want to take the position that paparazzi snapping your pictures is more celebrity than being on TV shows, in movies, in music videos, and having big entourages and bodyguards?

Seriously? In your world I am looking for more attention if I go to dinner with the woman I am knocking boots with and people take my picture than if I agree to be in a TV sitcom?

I got to tell you, that is straight up crazy.

Let me follow this up to point out how crazy. Do Tony and Miles put on makeup to go out with their women and be photographed? You may take it from me, they did to be on TV and in videos. Deion Sanders appearing in MC Hammer videos was not seeking more celebrity than going out with a famous woman?

I'll even take it one step further. When he was released was Terrell Owens not already in contract for a reality TV show while still a member of this team? I'll answer it for you so you can't search for an excuse. Yes, he was. Celebrity came calling and the Dallas Cowboys released a talented player so that the focus could be on football.

Please child bring me something to chew on. There was nothing here.

Ironically, half of your points about what the Cowboys stars of the 90's have done in the last few years supports my point about things being different today. Pertaining to celebrity, media, and popular culture, THINGS ARE RADICALLY DIFFERENT - Cowboys Zone being a case in point.
The things they have done today were accomplished because of the celebrity they created then. Are you going to sit there in a stupor and deny this? Troy Aikman and Babe Laufenberg were both QBs for the Dallas Cowboys. Both are now in media. Which one is more famous? Which one is paid more? Which one can you name 4 to 5 women whom he was romantically attached to by the media? Which one has given out awards at awards shows? Which one has been in movies and on syndicated TV shows? His celebrity from those days hasn't driven this?

Aw come on.

Yes, things are radically different. We are in the Internet age. By your own admission you would absolutely hate the stars of the 90s because of their celebrity status. Please do not try and spin this away from that fact. If you are troubled in your soul about paparazzi, this other stuff would have caused you to hang yourself. CBs in commercials for pizza.

Riddle me this Batman, what player today has a nickname to compare to the glitz of Playmaker or Prime Time?

You have the luxury of looking back fondly because they won. It is a position of softness and fluff as opposed to the one I have taken. In other words, the Internet age has softened you. Cowboyszone has softened you. You are the radical change here as you let your fandom "fade away" after so many years.

Good luck, don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. We don't need lace panties fans in a denim and boots world.

Great stories about Romo, which I have never heard and appreciate hearing. But I've never really questioned that Romo is a likeable, good guy. I've questioned if he has the extraordinary focus, determination, and toughness to be a truly great QB (given the distraction of being a celebrity today).
So basically what you are telling me is that you will flatly ignore all other evidence of your fallacies as ideas and blow your trumpet of hate anyway? Then forgive us for not appreciating your skills at blowing.

Teammates laud Tony Romo as the ultimate worker. You now admit you completely ignore this.

Coaches describe him as the first to arrive, last to leave and hardest worker on the team. You now admit you completely ignore this.

Mike Jenkins admitted that last year he showed up to VR at 7:00 in the morning because he knew that Tony Romo would be close to wrapping up his 2 hours of film study. Meaning he arrives at VR at 5:00 in the morning while you are still clutching your pillow most likely. Jenkins further commented that he could ask Romo about any QB and WR combo they were facing and he could explain their tendencies to him and he credited Romo with his development last year as a CB. You now admit that you completely ignore this.

Carrie Underwood explained that she broke up with Tony because his life is football, not her. On David Letterman's show Jessica Simpson admitted that Tony is so focused on his job as a QB that it strained their relationship. Candace Crawford recently on the B & D Radio show in Dallas admitted that Tony is so focused to improve that he works constantly. You now admit that you completely ignore this.

Basically what it boils down to is that you have exposed yourself as someone who pays attention to any bit of negative press on this team and you process it as valid. So when the media show Tony Romo playing golf and dating beautiful women you see it as chasing celebrity. I suspect that you live in either New York, Philadelphia, or Washignton, DC and you give heed to the garbage anti-Cowboys media in those cities and these are the voices that form your ideas of what this team is. In other words, the very same radically changed media you decry is the one you pay attention to over all of the evidence posted on this forum.

You may throw up now, this round of the ride is over and I am sure your stomach is queasy.


Cowboy Fan
Reaction score
Hostile;3512228 said:
Welcome to the ride. I hope you can hang on. There are about to be some serious bumps in the road you are on. Buckle up.

I am going to answer your questions with questions because I think the answers are obvious. Do you really want to take the position that paparazzi snapping your pictures is more celebrity than being on TV shows, in movies, in music videos, and having big entourages and bodyguards?

Seriously? In your world I am looking for more attention if I go to dinner with the woman I am knocking boots with and people take my picture than if I agree to be in a TV sitcom?

I got to tell you, that is straight up crazy.

Let me follow this up to point out how crazy. Do Tony and Miles put on makeup to go out with their women and be photographed? You may take it from me, they did to be on TV and in videos. Deion Sanders appearing in MC Hammer videos was not seeking more celebrity than going out with a famous woman?

I'll even take it one step further. When he was released was Terrell Owens not already in contract for a reality TV show while still a member of this team? I'll answer it for you so you can't search for an excuse. Yes, he was. Celebrity came calling and the Dallas Cowboys released a talented player so that the focus could be on football.

Please child bring me something to chew on. There was nothing here.

The things they have done today were accomplished because of the celebrity they created then. Are you going to sit there in a stupor and deny this? Troy Aikman and Babe Laufenberg were both QBs for the Dallas Cowboys. Both are now in media. Which one is more famous? Which one is paid more? Which one can you name 4 to 5 women whom he was romantically attached to by the media? Which one has given out awards at awards shows? Which one has been in movies and on syndicated TV shows? His celebrity from those days hasn't driven this?

Aw come on.

Yes, things are radically different. We are in the Internet age. By your own admission you would absolutely hate the stars of the 90s because of their celebrity status. Please do not try and spin this away from that fact. If you are troubled in your soul about paparazzi, this other stuff would have caused you to hang yourself. CBs in commercials for pizza.

Riddle me this Batman, what player today has a nickname to compare to the glitz of Playmaker or Prime Time?

You have the luxury of looking back fondly because they won. It is a position of softness and fluff as opposed to the one I have taken. In other words, the Internet age has softened you. Cowboyszone has softened you. You are the radical change here as you let your fandom "fade away" after so many years.

Good luck, don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. We don't need lace panties fans in a denim and boots world.

So basically what you are telling me is that you will flatly ignore all other evidence of your fallacies as ideas and blow your trumpet of hate anyway? Then forgive us for not appreciated your skills at blowing.

Teammates laud Tony Romo as the ultimate worker. You now admit you completely ignore this.

Coaches describe him as the first to arrive, last to leave and hardest worker on the team. You now admit you completely ignore this.

Mike Jenkins admitted that last year he showed up to VR at 7:00 in the morning because he know that Tony Romo would be close to wrapping up his 2 hours of film study. Meaning he arrives at VR at 5:00 in the morning while you are still clutching your pillow most likely. Jenkins further commented that he could ask Romo about any QB and WR combo they were facing and he could explain their tendencies to him and he credited Romo with his development last year as a CB. You now admit that you completely ignore this.

Carrie Underwood explained that she broke up with Tony because his life is football, not her. On David Letterman's show Jessica Simpson admitted that Tony is so focused on his job as a QB that it strained their relationship. Candace Crawford recently on the B & D Radio show in Dallas admitted that Tony is so focused to improve that he works constantly. You now admit that you completely ignore this.

Basically what it boils down to is that you have exposed yourself as someone who pays attention to any bit of negative press on this team and you process it as valid. So when the media show Tony Romo playing golf and dating beautiful women you see it as chasing celebrity. I suspect that you live in either New York, Philadelphia, or Washignton, DC and you give heed to the garbage anti-Cowboys media in those cities and these are the voices that form your ideas of what this team is. In other words, the very same radically changed media you decry is the one you pay attention to over all of the evidence posted on this forum.

You may throw up now, this round of the ride is over and I am sure your stomach is queasy.

Good Lord .......



the Dude abides
Reaction score
peplaw06;3512177 said:
Is Romo more of a celebrity QB than Manning, Brady and Brees? Those guys are the gold standard of QBs and have all won Super Bowls despite their endorsement deals, public appearances, etc.

If you think those guys just have greater focus, what do you base that opinion on? My guess, it's wasn't your opinion of those guys (particularly Manning and Brees) before they won their Super Bowls. You really have no idea what those guys do day in and day out that's so different from Romo. You just look at the results and make a snap judgment... "Well Romo must not have the focus needed because he hasn't won a Super Bowl." :rolleyes:

Good questions. I'll admit I haven't studied all of these guys lives in depth. I admitted a few threads back that Brady is definitely an example of a "celebrity athlete" who has remained a great, winning QB. But my idea of "celebrity athletes," which I kind of assumed folks on here would understand without having to define in detail, are those athletes who are treated as celebrities in our culture outside of their sport. They sometimes go to the big celebrity events, are sometimes the focus of tabloid media and internet media, date famous women, etc. Brees and Manning don't really fit that category. Again, I'm not going to do the research to prove this point, but I think everyone can agree that Romo and Brady are much bigger celebrities than Manning or Brees. Manning and Brees are not considered as interesting in popular culture today because they appear to be what one might call "settled." And it wouldn't be a stretch to speculate (yes it is speculation because I don't know them personally nor have I done an in-depth study of their lives) that Manning and Brees are, indeed, more "settled," thus less likely to be distracted.

These are not outrageous claims I am making, nor do the lack substance.