We Can And Will Win With Weeden


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If he was starting for any other team, you wouldn't think he'll be okay.

Means nothing. You'd think any QB they'd trot out there would be okay. Your fandom would convince you of it.

I take a more realistic approach. First, I don't bow down to the front office. They could write a series of books on bad decisions they've made over the years. Second, I'll believe the resume. He's given us 21 games of suck as a starter. I won't believe the 22nd will be any different simply because of the jersey colors.

If he can write a new chapter in his career great but my expectations are you'll be able to smell his play a mile away and the Cowboys will have to win these games with defense and special teams.

Way to call out one of the best. While you ignore call outs.

What a punk.


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Yep. Only real bright side is I've wanted Coleman to have a big role since game 1. He's only had 15 snaps in 2 games but now they have no choice but to play him. Let's hope something similar happens with regard to Christine Michael.

I like Coleman in this game a lot, too. Though he's basically replacing T. McClain, who also looked pretty good last week. Michael will get his shot, sooner or later, too. Let's hope he makes the most of it, too.


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If he was starting for any other team, you wouldn't think he'll be okay.

Means nothing. You'd think any QB they'd trot out there would be okay. Your fandom would convince you of it.

I take a more realistic approach. First, I don't bow down to the front office. They could write a series of books on bad decisions they've made over the years. Second, I'll believe the resume. He's given us 21 games of suck as a starter. I won't believe the 22nd will be any different simply because of the jersey colors.

If he can write a new chapter in his career great but my expectations are you'll be able to smell his play a mile away and the Cowboys will have to win these games with defense and special teams.

Honestly you have it all wrong man. I'm obviously rooting for Brandon Weeden because he is the team's starting quarterback as of now. Anyone who is a true fan should root for the guy, but I just look at the situation and compared to Cleveland it's like heaven and hell. We don't need the guy to be special. Sure his career has been disappointing so far, but it's not like we need him to do a complete 180 and be one of the best quarterbacks in the game. All Weeden needs to do is be efficient. Being able to convert on third downs. Being able to take shots when they're available. Not trying to do to much. Putting the ball in a good spot. Getting the ball out and not holding it. Yeah it's been a struggle for Weeden in Cleveland and the one game last year against the Cardinals, but it's just naive to act like it's all his fault. Yes he is partly to blame, but this is a team game and that's why I say as a team we have to collectively help him out and he has to do his part and I fully believe Weeden is capable of just that.


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Well, you know, he's a realist. Except when he's wrong, which is usually. Then he's just absent from the discussion for a few days.

This game, like all the others, comes down to the passing differential. If we're going to win, our defense has to make Ryan look worse than he normally looks. That's not impossible, as evidenced by the line on the game. And, as I said earlier, that second-half-of-a-double-road-game thing is for real.

Yeah, I do think there's a chance Dallas can win this game. That has mostly to do with the defense for me... although Mincey missing is not good.

The secondary is much improved, even with Scandrick out, but Mincey may end up being a bridge too far.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Honestly you have it all wrong man. I'm obviously rooting for Brandon Weeden because he is the team's starting quarterback as of now. Anyone who is a true fan should root for the guy, but I just look at the situation and compared to Cleveland it's like heaven and hell. We don't need the guy to be special. Sure his career has been disappointing so far, but it's not like we need him to do a complete 180 and be one of the best quarterbacks in the game. All Weeden needs to do is be efficient. Being able to convert on third downs. Being able to take shots when they're available. Not trying to do to much. Putting the ball in a good spot. Getting the ball out and not holding it. Yeah it's been a struggle for Weeden in Cleveland and the one game last year against the Cardinals, but it's just naive to act like it's all his fault. Yes he is partly to blame, but this is a team game and that's why I say as a team we have to collectively help him out and he has to do his part and I fully believe Weeden is capable of just that.

I make the often mistake of replying to the coward. I need to learn...
He only replies when he has an opening to victimize you, or go for a like.

Crapfest reading him anymore.


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Yeah, I do think there's a chance Dallas can win this game. That has mostly to do with the defense for me... although Mincey missing is not good.

The secondary is much improved, even with Scandrick out, but Mincey may end up being a bridge too far.

I kind of feel the same way. If we don't get the pressure, I don't see how we can win. But that ATL line is beatable, at least. You'd just like to see more than Lawrence and Crawford trying to beat it. Coleman does make things interesting, though, if he can continue to get inside pressure alongside Crawford.

At least their running game ought to be compromised this week. And Lee will be mostly uncovered.

And it'll be fun to see if they try to put a LB on Dunbar or go with a DB. Durant might be able to do it. Though I suppose our coaches already have the answer to that question, huh?


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For some reason, I'm a little reluctant to accept the truth from "RunDMC".

I think I liked you better as DwayneGoodrich23.

You don't have to accept anything. Go ahead and think the Cowboys are finished. Everyone has the right to their opinion.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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For some reason, I'm a little reluctant to accept the truth from "RunDMC".

I think I liked you better as DwayneGoodrich23.

See? Victimized. He's praying for likes as I type on this one.

Risen Star

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Yeah, I do think there's a chance Dallas can win this game. That has mostly to do with the defense for me... although Mincey missing is not good.

The secondary is much improved, even with Scandrick out, but Mincey may end up being a bridge too far.

No team has ever lost a game because they didn't have Jeremy Mincey.

"I feel okay with Weeden but I don't know about losing Mincey."

Step away from the computer.


Outta bounds
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I kind of feel the same way. If we don't get the pressure, I don't see how we can win. But that ATL line is beatable, at least. You'd just like to see more than Lawrence and Crawford trying to beat it. Coleman does make things interesting, though, if he can continue to get inside pressure alongside Crawford.

At least their running game ought to be compromised this week. And Lee will be mostly uncovered.

And it'll be fun to see if they try to put a LB on Dunbar or go with a DB. Durant might be able to do it. Though I suppose our coaches already have the answer to that question, huh?

Coleman could make things very interesting. He gives the best inside pass rushing threat that the team has right now next to Crawford with all of the injuries. If Bishop and Hayden can play well on run downs (which I think they will), then Coleman could provide some inside pressure along with T Crawford.

That is my best hope for this week's pass rush.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Coleman could make things very interesting. He gives the best inside pass rushing threat that the team has right now next to Crawford with all of the injuries. If Bishop and Hayden can play well on run downs (which I think they will), then Coleman could provide some inside pressure along with T Crawford.

That is my best hope for this week's pass rush.

Don't respond to dinklepants just above you.


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Coleman could make things very interesting. He gives the best inside pass rushing threat that the team has right now next to Crawford with all of the injuries. If Bishop and Hayden can play well on run downs (which I think they will), then Coleman could provide some inside pressure along with T Crawford.

That is my best hope for this week's pass rush.

Yep. That gives us Jack Crawford and Russell to absorb Mincey's snaps at end, assuming we move Lawrence over to that side and let the other guys substitute there. Not bad as backups to backups go, but hard to get excited about. The pressure will have to come from the inside.


Outta bounds
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No team has ever lost a game because they didn't have Jeremy Mincey.

"I feel okay with Weeden but I don't know about losing Mincey."

Step away from the computer.

And losing Mincey wouldn't concern me either if Randy Gregory and Greg Hardy were playing.

Right now, Mincey not being in there means that they will be down to the 4th option for the weakside DE. That isn't good with an already compromised roster.

With Hardy and Gregory there (not to mention Dez, Romo, etc.), Mincey wouldn't even be missed.

But you knew that already, didn't you? That wasn't even the point of your post.


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It's gonna be a tough game. Our back 7 is strong but our D-line is depleted. We're also relying on our backup QB, don't have a true receiving threat, and have yet to establish a running game. All I can do is hope for a win.