Week one and Dak Prescott


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Actors and Muscians don't perform depending on a team that surrounds them. Let that stud tackle go over $$$$$, let your top WR leave over $$$$$. While there you are making ridiculous $$$$$. Just something wrong when a guy who isn't even the best in his biz making that kind of $$$$$$.

The Pats won all those SB's because they never had that QB making all the $$$$$$ problem.

He makes 50 mill a year in endorsements. and has no shoes to buy no mouths to feed.

The guy makes too much $$$$$, we all know it.
its the market value of the QBs today....and why are you so unhappy about them making money..... and Brady had a large contracts earlier in his career. but His wife makes 5 times what he does, so money wasn't issue for him.....it became about rings....that's Brady.....all the others are getting high dollars as the market for QBs is what it is today.....

and if you are complaining about his money, then all of them make too much money. the veterans who sit on the bench make 750K a year...that's too much money. TJ watt got too much money. Allen got too much money. Mahomes got too much money.all of them...why do they need that much money...

geez dude.....you sound jealous.


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Cool, so why are we reading about how Zeke isn't worth his $$$$$? You are trying to compare a team sport to Americans? How many play pro sports?

As long as Dak makes his $ nothing else matters, right? Bottom line...me me and me.


Landry Hat
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its the market value of the QBs today....and why are you so unhappy about them making money..... and Brady had a large contracts earlier in his career. but His wife makes 5 times what he does, so money wasn't issue for him.....it became about rings....that's Brady.....all the others are getting high dollars as the market for QBs is what it is today.....

and if you are complaining about his money, then all of them make too much money. the veterans who sit on the bench make 750K a year...that's too much money. TJ watt got too much money. Allen got too much money. Mahomes got too much money.all of them...why do they need that much money...

geez dude.....you sound jealous.
They need all that money so people can complain about it. The next QB contract for a starting Franchise QB will be larger than Daks


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its the market value of the QBs today....and why are you so unhappy about them making money..... and Brady had a large contracts earlier in his career. but His wife makes 5 times what he does, so money wasn't issue for him.....it became about rings....that's Brady.....all the others are getting high dollars as the market for QBs is what it is today.....

and if you are complaining about his money, then all of them make too much money. the veterans who sit on the bench make 750K a year...that's too much money. TJ watt got too much money. Allen got too much money. Mahomes got too much money.all of them...why do they need that much money...

geez dude.....you sound jealous.

I want what is best for the Cowboys, that isn't paying Dak/Zeke how much? That's ridiculous.

Retired insurance sales so $$$$ is not a problem.


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Work with me here amigo.

So many jobs in this country pay for what that job pays, nothing personal about it at all. Not unlike what a QB makes compared to a guard. So cool all that silliness, ok? The manager makes more than the best burger maker in every fast food place.

The more ya pay your QB the less you have to pay the team around him, that is why I care. I care about the Cowboys not Dak.He can't be cool and realize the situation, hell, common sense.

Mahomes, Rodgers, Brady, Wilson. Big Ben have all won a SB, and Dak makes more....huh????
so Dak's cap hit is 22M.....way below market.....in fact his cap hit is not even in the top 10 of the NFL for QBs...

so which player did we want to resign and couldn't? or we wanted to sign and couldn't?

and Allen hasn't won a superbowl and he makes more....and in your opinion, if they don't win a superbowl then they don't deserve a contract? so Peyton manning didn't win one for a long while, should the colts not have made him highest paid QB...I mean he hadn't won a superbowl....same with Brees...it took him a while..

you make zero sense with your lack of logic...at this point you are just *****ing.


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I want what is best for the Cowboys, that isn't paying Dak/Zeke how much? That's ridiculous.

Retired insurance sales so $$$$ is not a problem.
Dak is the best for the cowboys...its easiest path to the superbowl...unless you want to build a defense like the ravens, in which case you need three HOF type players on the defensive side and a bunch of other probowlers, having first to find them, then pay them in order to have a chance at superbowl...

so yeah, Dak is the best path and lowest cost path for us to have a chance to be a good team and be able to build a team to get to the superbowl.


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Cool, so why are we reading about how Zeke isn't worth his $$$$$? You are trying to compare a team sport to Americans? How many play pro sports?

As long as Dak makes his $ nothing else matters, right? Bottom line...me me and me.

That's the American way. It's all about the Benjamins baby. Don't hate the player, hate the game. You know what time it is.


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Well dak wants to eat his cake and have it too.
he wants to make 40 mil a year, do all the commercials he can , and win a SB.
And if he doesnt win a SB then he can sit back and count all his money!

Now about the taking less to have a better player or 2, The only way I would take less is [ lets say I took 10-15 mil less] would be if I got to spend that
money on the players I wanted.
other wise you could take less money and the jones boys waste it on some goof balls they like.

Brady got to pick the players, he wanted gronk, and AB

People are greedy, they like to stack it up way past the point of need.
Look at Jerry, he has what 8 billion, and he is probably in a room somewhere trying to figure out how he can make more than he is making right now.
which QBs have taken less and won a superbowl...let me start.


and his wife makes 5 times what he makes.....yeah, tell me Brady doesn't care about money

who else? give me names, give players, give me their contracts and how it compared at the tiem with the market.....

and at least you are comparing Dak to Brady.....its a good start.


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so Dak's cap hit is 22M.....way below market.....in fact his cap hit is not even in the top 10 of the NFL for QBs...

so which player did we want to resign and couldn't? or we wanted to sign and couldn't?

and Allen hasn't won a superbowl and he makes more....and in your opinion, if they don't win a superbowl then they don't deserve a contract? so Peyton manning didn't win one for a long while, should the colts not have made him highest paid QB...I mean he hadn't won a superbowl....same with Brees...it took him a while..

you make zero sense with your lack of logic...at this point you are just *****ing.

What makes zero sense is paying Dak Prescott as if he was among the very elite. How is that justified?


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That's the American way. It's all about the Benjamins baby. Don't hate the player, hate the game. You know what time it is.

Well when that player is only worried about....ME...I don't like it, this is a team sport.


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The good: One of the better games he has played against a good team.
The bad: 400 yards on 60 passes isn't that great (not all his fault). less than 7 y/a (6.9). We won't win a lot with those stats. And in the end we lost.
only if the idiot Moore would have told his players to stay in bounds in the last series.....stupid stupid stupid CD catches the ball and runs out of bounds and stops the clock...idiot!!!....and its Moore's fault for not telling the players what to do...the idiot.....


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What makes zero sense is paying Dak Prescott as if he was among the very elite. How is that justified?
he is a top 10 QB, most ranking him 6th or 7th best...there is only three elite QBs right now.....the rest are great and Dak is great and that's how much great QBs get paid...deal with it...


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Well when that player is only worried about....ME...I don't like it, this is a team sport.
how do you know he is only worried about himself? if you can't logically explain that, then you are full of shiet and a dak basher only....


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only if the idiot Moore would have told his players to stay in bounds in the last series.....stupid stupid stupid CD catches the ball and runs out of bounds and stops the clock...idiot!!!....and its Moore's fault for not telling the players what to do...the idiot.....
really its the coaches fault..lmao stupid players maybe but maybe the passes carried them out of bounds..happens


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how do you know he is only worried about himself? if you can't logically explain that, then you are full of shiet and a dak basher only....

When a guy needs to be paid as if he is the best in the NFL at his position when it very obvious he isn't, what does that say?


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really its the coaches fault..lmao stupid players maybe but maybe the passes carried them out of bounds..happens
watch the play again....it wasn't the pass, it was CD running after the catch and running out of bounds....

Ceedee Lamb Highlights vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers - YouTube

watch at the 2:04 mark...CD catches it close to the hash marks at the 40 of the cowboys and runs out of bounds at 40 of the Tampa with only 1:51 left on the clock.... it wasn't the pass it was CDs stupidity...stay in bounds and eat 30 seconds off the clock. we could run a couple of plays, take a shot at the end zone, make a couple of quick completions, take the clock down to less than 30 seconds and kick a field goal.... after he went out of bounds, we used another 20 seconds off the clock before kicking a field goal....that was stupid of CD
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he is a top 10 QB, most ranking him 6th or 7th best...there is only three elite QBs right now.....the rest are great and Dak is great and that's how much great QBs get paid...deal with it...

I don't like it, so deal with that, ok?


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When a guy needs to be paid as if he is the best in the NFL at his position when it very obvious he isn't, what does that say?
he is a top 10 and actually a top 6 QB according to every ranking evaluations done by people who actually understand NFL, run front offices, evaluate players, cover football, played football and their job is to be involved in football and not opinion of a former insurance salesman with an obvious agenda and lack of football knowledge........that's market value of top 6 QB in the league is what it is. you have an issue with it? then write an email to all the GMs and the NFL office and file a formal complaint.....its called free economics.....don't like it...move to Venezuela or Russia or NK where the market is tightly controlled....then players get paid what the government tells them to get paid...perhaps that makes you happy