Wells Conclusion: Guilty

visionary said:
Keep trying to distract from the real issues.

I am reading through the report and coming in here to tell people who don't have access to it what is in it.
If you have a problem with that, feel free to place me in your ignore file.

This guy ran to a computer so fast that he stubbed his toe and spilled his coffee.
Starting the thread was very important to his credibility!

I told you all along about this darn report and now it's here. I bring it to you and I will explain it to you and how I was still right in some way shape or form.

Lol yeah right
@jemelehill: I wouldn't drop $100 for another pay-per-view fight, but I would pay that to be there the next time Brady saw that McNally dude #Awkward
10 games each. They're guilty. Hardy no charged and got 10 games so CHEATERS should get at least 10 games.

this might be a problem,the teams which have to play him after those 10 games will be hard done by,they need to suspended both BB and Brady for the whole season or not at all.
this might be a problem,the teams which have to play him after those 10 games will be hard done by,they need to suspended both BB and Brady for the whole season or not at all.

or suspend them from the post season like when college teams get caught cheating.
This guy ran to a computer so fast that he stubbed his toe and spilled his coffee.
Starting the thread was very important to his credibility!

I told you all along about this darn report and now it's here. I bring it to you and I will explain it to you and how I was still right in some way shape or form.

Lol yeah right

McNally will eventually spill the beans. The pressure from the media to talk and come clean will be immense. He should get a good lawyer to first make sure he has no legal issues and then to negotiate a huge payday to tell the truth. He will, of course, have to relocate because he will be the biggest villain ever in the Boston area.
Here is a little Devil's Advocate...because I'm an attorney and like sifting through these things.

1) We knew Brady liked his balls..hehehe....deflated to 12.5..the lowest level. Nothing I've seen yet in the texts says that they deflated them below 12.5, just that a) they think Brady is an clown and b) they want to inflate them seriously high just to piss him off.

2) Who just hands over their phone willingly when its not a police investigation? Were they Patriot issued phones? Was there pressure? Just wondering legally what the league said or did that made it where personal phones got handed over.

Maybe Wells asked and they complied. That's one possibility.
Kraft saved Goodell and Bellichek via Ted Kennedy when Spectre was on the organization...
It took months for this investigation when we already knew. They were just preparing their own version of the events to make it look as least damaging as possible, including making it not seem organizational after Spygate.

Right! This "investigation" could have concluded 24 hours after the crime took place. Like we've been saying all along.

Ragu looking kinda foolish right now :lmao2:
The p-values of the experiments all fall well below the standard 0.05 threshold:

Scenario p-value
1 0.004
2 0.004
3 0.004
4 0.017
Maybe Wells asked and they complied. That's one possibility.

Completely. Just from a legal standpoint, I don't think they have to unless maybe they were team issued phones. Just trying to see why someone would from a legal perspective.
From what I read on twitter, that "more probable than not" phrase is about as concrete as it gets in the nfl.

So then why didn't they use that language in the Hardy papers? Seems this one comes off much softer.
Right! This "investigation" could have concluded 24 hours after the crime took place. Like we've been saying all along.

Ragu looking kinda foolish right now :lmao2:

I mean it was obvious. The Colts knew from a tip and they reported it. There is no way they would have started investigating balls and calling the Assistant GM if they didn't.

Reporters put it out there when it immediately happened. The NFL just couldn't get to it in time after it blew up.
[SIZE=+0]During the first half Colts intercept a Brady pass. Take the ball to the sidelines. Colts equipment managers check ball.
Ask the NFL to check it out as it’s underinflated.
NFL more concerned.
The NFL secures all game balls at the half and check all Patriots game balls.
This is done in the officials’ locker room. They took measurements watched over by two people and testing done by three people.
They find 12 od 13 Patriot game balls underinflated.
They only had time to check four of the Colt game balls – all were properly inflated.
The officials re-inflate Patriot game balls to league standards.
All information kept and signed off on by the NFL.
After game the information is secured by NFL and signed off on by all concerned.
Deflate gate starts. Patriots get wind of the investigation as reporter starts sending it out.
Lots of conversation between [/SIZE]Jastremski and McNally.
Brady denies the allegations on regular scheduled news talk the next AM.
Conversations start between Jastremski and Brady. They say about Super Bowl ball prep.
More information exchanged between Jastremski and McNally.
The Patriots and Colts say they will provide all information and people to NFL on this – no encumbrances.
Initially Patriots do but deny NFL request to follow up on Questions to McNally.
Brady refuses to release phone and text messages, even though NFL investigator give pre-screening rights to Brady attorney.
Bellichek comes on and says ball rubbing would account for the under inflation. But NFL tests this theory and it does not hold water. Well it works for about a half hour then balls return to their inflated pressure. The game balls are held in officials room for 2 plus hours before game. So that’s out the window. Bellachek knows this as he wrote a paper on this.
Investigation concludes that Jastremski and McNally knew about deflation. Brady directly or indirectly did know.
Kraft release statement to muddy the waters.
What the NFL does next…….
I mean it was obvious. The Colts knew from a tip and they reported it. There is no way they would have started investigating balls and calling the Assistant GM if they didn't.

Reporters put it out there when it immediately happened. The NFL just couldn't get to it in time after it blew up.

The NFL would have loved to squelch it before it got out. Once that cat was out all they could do was stall, stonewall, and drag it out along with constantly changing stories.
Of course Bill knew.

He wrote a physics book about footballs.

Nobody farts in Foxboro until Bill gives the ok.

And you know Bill Belichick knew how? What is your evidence?

Bill doesn't necessarily know what's going on with the balls because he doesn't handle them. Brady, however, would know because he handles them. The ball boy would know because he handles them also.

That's why they're implicated and "probably" knew what happened.

Unless Belichick handles the balls, he wouldn't fall into that category.

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