Wells Conclusion: Guilty

Suspending a player is a lot harder than just taking a draft pick or fining a team. Players actually have more rights to appeal than a team would and they are represented by their union. I expect 1 game but anything more than 2 would be a stretch. I mean, you only get 4 games for PED's. They aren't going to give 8 games for balls being 1 PSI low.

What about the cover up?
Sure 24 hrs would have been enuff. How many people have access to those footballs?

This is not a complicated situation. Nor is it a mystery. And 4 months later nothing is any different as a result of the "independent investigation." Its just as everybody knew it would be. Brady is a liar and cheater and the footballs were who we thot they were. And Mr Krafty still pulls Goodell's strings as the REPORT "wording" clearly indicates.

So if you choose, carry on in your state of denial and delusion. As they say, ignorance is bliss - Enjoy!

I think we did this awhile back but RIF...Reading is Fundamental. I never said they were innocent. In fact I think Brady knew and got caught lying. But your way of being judgmental and a jerk to others who have differing opinions makes you look a) defensive and b) having some kind of complex where you have to put people down. It doesn't show well on a board where people's opinions matter. I've already shown that you can pick apart the report and any of this really thus the reason it's good to get as much info as possible. It's what smart people do...look at all angles before making judgements. Try it with your fellow board members instead of being the "I'm right clown." It makes things a lot more fun here
I think we did this awhile back but RIF...Reading is Fundamental. I never said they were innocent. In fact I think Brady knew and got caught lying. But your way of being judgmental and a jerk to others who have differing opinions makes you look a) defensive and b) having some kind of complex where you have to put people down. It doesn't show well on a board where people's opinions matter. I've already shown that you can pick apart the report and any of this really thus the reason it's good to get as much info as possible. It's what smart people do...look at all angles before making judgements. Try it with your fellow board members instead of being the "I'm right clown." It makes things a lot more fun here

Im a jerk? You mean to those in denial and defenders of the lying cheaters? Ive maintained all along that the Cheaters cheated. Anybody that thinks Ive been judgmental or a jerk on this issue has simply chosen to be in denial on it. Just becuz the truth stated apparently hurts does not make me a jerk. Nor does recognizing the truth and stating it make me judgmental. Its simply the way things are in the real world, forum or no forum.
This is the sort of comment that I can't help but laugh at.

Seriously. The balls were roughly 1 PSI lower than they should have been. Do you honestly see that as comparable to a team putting in place a process by which the players are systematically encouraged and rewarded for deliberately injuring rival players?

Only they had no proof of Sean Payton ever doing that. And had no proof of the Saints purposely injuring anybody and you could reasonably conclude that Gregg Williams was just 'all talk.' Still wouldn't have a problem with Williams being suspended and fined, but pointing to Payton as 'putting in place a process by which the players are systematically encouraged and rewarded for deliberately injuring rival players' is ridiculous.

Im a jerk? You mean to those in denial and defenders of the lying cheaters? Ive maintained all along that the Cheaters cheated. Anybody that thinks Ive been judgmental or a jerk on this issue has simply chosen to be in denial on it. Just becuz the truth stated apparently hurts does not make me a jerk. Nor does recognizing the truth and stating it make me judgmental. Its simply the way things are in the real world, forum or no forum.

Face it, we are now somehow living in the Bizarro World. Everything is backwards.
I think we did this awhile back but RIF...Reading is Fundamental. I never said they were innocent. In fact I think Brady knew and got caught lying. But your way of being judgmental and a jerk to others who have differing opinions makes you look a) defensive and b) having some kind of complex where you have to put people down. It doesn't show well on a board where people's opinions matter. I've already shown that you can pick apart the report and any of this really thus the reason it's good to get as much info as possible. It's what smart people do...look at all angles before making judgements. Try it with your fellow board members instead of being the "I'm right clown." It makes things a lot more fun here

I'm assuming you actually intended to quote a Rogah post here. Amirite?
Rogah cannot gloat as he bragged he was going to do just a few days ago

Been called lame. Been told I was not smart enough to make an intelligent comment regarding NE because well I'm just a jealous hater.

Funny how people forget that for a very long time that was his go to line.

Whatever that cheating team gets they deserve.
Rogah cannot gloat as he bragged he was going to do just a few days ago

Been called lame. Been told I was not smart enough to make an intelligent comment regarding NE because well I'm just a jealous hater.

Funny how people forget that for a very long time that was his go to line.

Whatever that cheating team gets they deserve.

Ragu has been gloating for 4 months.

Time he eats some crow . . . .


Im a jerk? You mean to those in denial and defenders of the lying cheaters? Ive maintained all along that the Cheaters cheated. Anybody that thinks Ive been judgmental or a jerk on this issue has simply chosen to be in denial on it. Just becuz the truth stated apparently hurts does not make me a jerk. Nor does recognizing the truth and stating it make me judgmental. Its simply the way things are in the real world, forum or no forum.

Do you not see what you write? No one is in denial. It's just an ability to see other facts...Colts balls were deflated, other teams like Minny caught doing same, Jerry Rice admitting bending of rules, Brett Favre not turning his phone over in Jen Sterger case and getting $50,000 fine. People see issues but aren't crucifying Pats like he got away with everything, especially considering his stats with regular balls. Nothing in the report is a fact that is a smoking gun, thus circumstantial evidence stacked to say he "probably" knew. So with you saying it was obvious in 24 hours, you are ignoring a ton and being a jerk to Rogah, who had an opinion, waited for the report and then admitted they were caught. So why follow him around belittling him? People know they cheated.

Let me ask you something. In the 90s it was well known fact that Irvin had a nose candy issue, that we had the White House with hookers and drugs and that we were renegade winners under Jimmy. If someone started saying "they did those drugs, I'm sure they cheated and did roids too." And started putting together circumstantial statements that added up would you question them as "fact" because they were your team or just go "yeah we cheated." I'm no Pats fan but all cases have holes and asking questions and waiting on facts isn't something to get ripped about. It's strange that on a message board that people are so black and white and can't discuss things
Stop the personal attacks.

I will close this thread for a bit and open it later. If the attacks continue in this thread, or other related ones... You will get some time off.
Opening this thread now.

Do Not start back with the personal attacks and name calling.

I understand some of you had to deal with an insufferable know it all attitude in previous threads. However enough barbs have been given as payback already and it will not continue from either side.

If you do, you get some days off.. No more chances.
I have not read the prior arguments on this thread, but seems to me that there needs to be some severe punishment here for both the organization and the players involved. This is not the first or second time this team has been found guilty of cheating. Its a habitual behavior that needs to be stopped.

I propose vacating their Superbowl win this year, Brady must miss the first half of the season including training camp and all team events and the team is put on probation, if something similar were to happen in the next 5 years (intentionally cheating) they would be docked draft picks AND salary cap space, basically the death penalty for an NFL team...alas it will never happen. They will get a slap on the wrist, Brady will miss one game max and nothing else will be done and the pats will continue to cheat their way to Superbowls.

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