Wells Conclusion: Guilty

Miami Herald is saying a source tells them a Brady suspension could be up to a full year...but that is a divisional rival town, so.

I very much doubt that. Maybe a game or two.

His golden image is now tarnished.
I haven't read through all seventeen pages, but didn't Goodell use the rebuke "ignorance is no excuse" after suspending Sean Peyton for a year? Well Mr. Bellicheat, "ignorance is no excuse."
Sorry two sets of rules in place...
Those who are up Rogers butt.
Those who are not up Rogers butt.
Brady should get more than two games, but he won't because he's Brady, Kraft is Kraft, and Goodell is Goodell.
He won't get more than 2 games because the "crime" does not merit more than 2 games.
Brady not only lied, but refused to cooperate with the investigation. He refused to give up his cell phone even though he would have been allowed to have HIS lawyers remove any communications that were unrelated to the incident(s) in question. In short, he was untruthful and uncooperative in the investigation...Goodell has frowned heavily on that stuff in the past with other players.
As for the two "doofuses" being fired, they were low level employees doing what Brady pressured them to do. They would never have done that on their own. If anybody deserves to be fired in this, it is Brady ...he is the principal instigator. If either of those two guys get fired, shame on the NFL/Pats for making the little guy the scapegoat.
Those guys behaved in a very unprofessional manner. If I wrote "f*** Tom" where Tom was a colleague or boss of mine, and joked about deliberately sabotaging his work, I'd expect to be fired too.
I haven't the slightest knowledge of how Tom is thought of by the media. My guess is that he speaks to them, but only at the absolute minimum required by the NFL. So the media gets what they *need* and he doesn't have to talk to them too much.

He comes off very much like Belichick. Very shady and calculating, but smart enough to know not to not to run your mouth. Running your mouth will draw attention and attention is bad when you're doing shady things. Occasionally, even the best as hiding things get caught if their doing shady things. Belichick and Brady have been caught more than once. The real question is, how much are they actually getting away with?

For some reason I never thought of Tom as doing this type of thing. His skill level is so high he doesn't have to resort to cheating. WTH was he thinking? Doofus.
He won't get more than 2 games because the "crime" does not merit more than 2 games.Those guys behaved in a very unprofessional manner. If I wrote "f*** Tom" where Tom was a colleague or boss of mine, and joked about deliberately sabotaging his work, I'd expect to be fired too.

They said f*** Tom because he was an a**hole. They thought (like any of us would) that what they said about Brady was just between two buddies. It's not like they said it publicly. I would wager to say everyone on this site has said something similar that was meant for private consumption. Those two guys probably will be fired, but they just did what they were told to do by their "boss". The "boss" is the culprit here, not the minions.
Brady and Belichick both should definitely get HoF blacklisted.

The Pro Football Hall of Fame is not owned or run by the NFL and the NFL has no say in who does or doesn't get inducted.
I get what you are saying. But you unequivocally said no one within the Patriots organization did anything wrong. You used all this statistical analysis and summarily threw out the statistical analysis from anyone you didn't agree with (some of which is included and confirmed in the wells report) by discrediting the writers with name calling and innuendo that they knew nothing (including a man with 58 scientific patents and a lifetime dedicated to teaching youth science).

You called anyone on this board who agreed with them an idiot, a hater, and many other things along the way. Anyone on this board who thought the Patriots were guilty were just too jealous to see that they could not possibly have done anything wrong. Then the report comes out and low and behold people within the organization including the QB were found culpable. Yet despite all that, despite all your name calling and the trash talking of experts you didn't agree with, you find it disingenuous that someone does not agree with something an "expert" said?

The irony is so thick a knife couldn't cut it.

Anyway I'm out didn't come to start a discussion, just wanted to point out that your disingenuous comment is exactly how we felt in January/February.

Thanks you are right. I added it above.

He won't get more than 2 games because the "crime" does not merit more than 2 games.Those guys behaved in a very unprofessional manner. If I wrote "f*** Tom" where Tom was a colleague or boss of mine, and joked about deliberately sabotaging his work, I'd expect to be fired too.

You do realize what they were doing, Tom included, was illegal by NFL rules. So all bets are off.

Oh, and it was stated between themselves w/o Tom's knowledge, but that's kinda putting the cart before the horse.

For some reason I never thought of Tom as doing this type of thing. His skill level is so high he doesn't have to resort to cheating. WTH was he thinking? Doofus.

Notice how Brady's career performance increased exponentially since 2007. Same season that the league allowed each team to handle their own footballs.


I'm aware, but that changes nothing. :)

Why blackball them when there have been guys who have been looked at for murder, etc in the Hall. Lawrence Taylor is in and the guy likes underaged girls. I just read an article about how Paul Brown did a lot of the tricky and "to get an edge" stuff Bill does and back then it was considered genius. I'm not excusing cheating but psi levels of a football won't keep people out of the Hall the way they vote.
They said f*** Tom because he was an a**hole. They thought (like any of us would) that what they said about Brady was just between two buddies. It's not like they said it publicly. I would wager to say everyone on this site has said something similar that was meant for private consumption. Those two guys probably will be fired, but they just did what they were told to do by their "boss". The "boss" is the culprit here, not the minions.
I can't imagine Brady told them to send each other texts which say "f*** Tom."
Teams were specifically told prior to the uncapped year that they would not be permitted to front load contracts in order to avoid future salary cap obligations.

The fact that there was no cap in place makes it impossible to violate the cap, doesn't it?
When Sean Payton was suspended for a year, Goodell said "Ignorance is not an excuse."

Not sure why Belichick would be immune here with that precedent established.
Do you not think that somewhere in time That Brady and Billy boy talked about the paper he wrote.
And how it affects the ball. .......

Look are you living under a Patriot rock here on this.
How many times do they have to get caught with doing things wrong...
NFL integrity on the line here...

Well we'll give them another pass as......

Are you incapable of having a conversation without resorting to the hackneyed "You're a Patriots fan" fall back?

Yes, I understand the Patriots have cheated. But that doesn't mean Belichick knew Brady was cheating. Players try to get a competitive advantage all the time. And like Mike Golic and a few other athletes have said, guys don't go up to the coach and say, "Hey, coach, we're thinking about spraying our jerseys with cooking oil, what do you think?"

They just do it.

There is absolutely NO evidence that Belichick knew this was going on. There isn't even any probability that he knew.

But there is probability (and I would say HIGH probability) that Brady knew.
That is collusion. Something the United States forbids.

And you can be sure the Players Union will be hammering that home in the next CBA. That stupid act by Mara and the NFL will end up changing the game as it is now. They will have no problem convincing a judge that the NFL colluded...the NFL foolishly made it easy for them.

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