I get what you are saying. But you unequivocally said no one within the Patriots organization did anything wrong. You used all this statistical analysis and summarily threw out the statistical analysis from anyone you didn't agree with (some of which is included and confirmed in the wells report) by discrediting the writers with name calling and innuendo that they knew nothing (including a man with 58 scientific patents and a lifetime dedicated to teaching youth science).
You called anyone on this board who agreed with them an idiot, a hater, and many other things along the way. Anyone on this board who thought the Patriots were guilty were just too jealous to see that they could not possibly have done anything wrong. Then the report comes out and low and behold people within the organization including the QB were found culpable. Yet despite all that, despite all your name calling and the trash talking of experts you didn't agree with, you find it disingenuous that someone does not agree with something an "expert" said?
The irony is so thick a knife couldn't cut it.
Anyway I'm out didn't come to start a discussion, just wanted to point out that your disingenuous comment is exactly how we felt in January/February.
Thanks you are right. I added it above.