Wentz is better than Dak in some things at this point

Of course you don't remember. Don't worry, I'll remind you when I get off work. You spamming every thread with Dak "dinking and dunking", then I brought out, you know, real numbers unlike this hot air you blow out your backside on a daily basis in your "analysis".

Rule #1. When talking about Dak or Carson, Mattjames will continually tell people how much of the "games" he "watches". Then he'll promptly give an opinion stated as fact that's about as accurate as hearing Billy Bob who's lived off Farm Road 227 his entire life talk about Mergers & Acquisitions.

Leave the analysis to the grown folk, kid.

What was the "real numbers"? Oh wait, wait, wait, you did the "YPA" right, which you had a few people specifically point out to you (One being Fuzzy) letting you know exactly why that is flawed? Like, you know, having receivers with how YAC averages?

You're now just rambling. Once you have an argument, you can return.
I read multiple draft and scouting reports and Daks arm was rarely a question. So i dont know what is going on here.

He's continually bashed Prescott in favor of Carson, most of the team making absolutely no sense. Notice how every post where he gives off his opinion is started with "based on all the games I watched", then he says something stupid and never gives any evidence whatsoever, but will spam the forum continuously. it's kinda funny.
There is every game, outside of the Eagles/Cowboys game, for you guys to watch.

You guys could try at any point now to understand what the scouts/GMs are trying to say here. This "He's dinking and dunking" means nothing, WATCH the kind of throws he makes. He fits them into tight windows, he's fitting balls over defenders heads, he has perfect ball placement on many throws where only his WR can get it. No, not everything is perfect, but he certainly has the look of a prototypical QB any GM would want.

Wentz: Great arm, accurate, mobile, good mechanics
Prescott: Questionable arm and goes noodle arm on throws, bad mechanics, inconsistent footwork, good poise, decent scrambler

This shouldn't be much of a debate as to why they prefer Wentz. Dak "noodle arm" Prescott simply doesn't have the ceiling Wentz has.

Prescott has adequate arm strength.His footwork is letting him down a lot and he is not getting enough on it because of it.I feel this wont be fixed until next year.
No, I don't "remember" that. If it happened, I'm sure i responded to you. Now, moving on.

I have watched the games, both live and watched them over once they were put on that channel. I kinda like to see what NFC East opponents are doing. Moving on

He is better than Dak at the moment in the very importance of the QB position.

There are many factors as to why we are winning games

- Consistent RB this year
- O-line
- WRs getting YAC
- Better offensive playcalling

Having a QB playing better than Weeden, Cassel, and Moore is not a triumph.

If Wentz was better he would have won last game. Wentz has a much better defense and the defense he was playing wasn't nearly as tough as the one Dak went against.

Also, how did Dak beat Wentz in the Senior Bowl? He didn't have the cowboys offense then.
He's continually bashed Prescott in favor of Carson, most of the team making absolutely no sense. Notice how every post where he gives off his opinion is started with "based on all the games I watched", then he says something stupid and never gives any evidence whatsoever, but will spam the forum continuously. it's kinda funny.

No, I have not "continuously based Prescott in favor of Carson" - Actually, I have hardly even discussed Carson on this board. When I do discuss Wentz, it's normally entirely separate discussion.

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about here. I was a critic of Carson coming out of college, I didn't like reports stating he wasn't the brightest guys on his team. Stuff like that makes me believe he may become a QB that will never have it mentally. BUT, when it comes to physical gifts, I have always said Wentz has a very high ceiling, he at times in college looked like a more mobile Tom Brady.

Also, I have over and over given specific examples as to passes I've liked from Prescott and others I've hated. Try again.
First off, I'm not entirely sure how Prescott has the same ceiling Wentz does. Wentz, as of right now, came into this league with his mechanics, footwork being at a near NFL level and has an NFL arm. Prescott has some serious work to do in all of these areas, and will never have the NFL arm you look for in a QB. He just doesn't have that.

As for you pinning dropped balls on Wentz, Matthews has been criticized over this since last year. Nelson is getting more playing time, he has also been criticized for having bad hands. DGB hasn't been great in that area either.

Here is an article from October of last year: http://www.csnphilly.com/philadelphia-eagles/some-ugly-ugly-stats-regarding-eagles-drops

This has been an Eagles issue for a while, but now, they have two other receivers with questionable hands attempting to catch passes from Wentz. Wentz is working with a lot of crap around him right now outside of Sproles.

Also, I actually really disliked Wentz coming out of college. Preferred Prescott, but I see what the scouts were saying now.

I always love what scouts say

Good height to see the field. Very poised and composed. Smart and alert. Can read coverages. Good accuracy and touch. Produces in big spots and in big games. Has some Brian Griese in him and is a gamer. Generally plays within himself. Team leader.
Negatives: Poor build. Very skinny and narrow. Ended the ’99 season weighing 195 pounds and still looks like a rail at 211. Looks a little frail and lacks great physical stature and strength. Can get pushed down more easily than you’d like. Lacks mobility and ability to avoid the rush. Lacks a really strong arm. Can’t
drive the ball down the field and does not throw a really tight spiral. System-type player who can get exposed if he must ad-lib and do things on his own.
Summary: Is not what you’re looking for in terms of physical stature, strength, arm strength and mobility, but he has the intangibles and production and showed great Griese-like improvement as a senior. Could make it in the right system but will not be for everyone.

I guess Tom Brady proved them wrong. LOL

If Wentz was better he would have won last game. Wentz has a much better defense and the defense he was playing wasn't nearly as tough as the one Dak went against.

Also, how did Dak beat Wentz in the Senior Bowl? He didn't have the cowboys offense then.

Look, I'm done addressing these kind of arguments. The W-Ls don't matter to me in the context of this discussion. I have said this multiple times on here, even if Dak loses to the Browns and has a low QBR, if he makes the types of throws I like, I'll praise him.

Want to discuss fandom and team stats? Yes, great, I'm glad we are winning. But as a fan, we kinda have the luxury of sitting back while enjoying the win while also debating players. Which I will continue to do.
I always love what scouts say

Good height to see the field. Very poised and composed. Smart and alert. Can read coverages. Good accuracy and touch. Produces in big spots and in big games. Has some Brian Griese in him and is a gamer. Generally plays within himself. Team leader.
Negatives: Poor build. Very skinny and narrow. Ended the ’99 season weighing 195 pounds and still looks like a rail at 211. Looks a little frail and lacks great physical stature and strength. Can get pushed down more easily than you’d like. Lacks mobility and ability to avoid the rush. Lacks a really strong arm. Can’t
drive the ball down the field and does not throw a really tight spiral. System-type player who can get exposed if he must ad-lib and do things on his own.
Summary: Is not what you’re looking for in terms of physical stature, strength, arm strength and mobility, but he has the intangibles and production and showed great Griese-like improvement as a senior. Could make it in the right system but will not be for everyone.

I guess Tom Brady proved them wrong. LOL

Scouts get things wrong. No one thought Brady would be who he is today, lack of playing time for a good portion of college, came into the league looking like someone you'd see behind a desk. But it's not like that scouting report really reads all that bad on Brady. They even mention his intangibles and production.

I would say that's one of the more favorable scouting reports on Brady around that time.
Scouts get things wrong. No one thought Brady would be who he is today, lack of playing time for a good portion of college, came into the league looking like someone you'd see behind a desk. But it's not like that scouting report really reads all that bad on Brady. They even mention his intangibles and production.

I would say that's one of the more favorable scouting reports on Brady around that time.

and the reports on Dak were not bad

Thick, muscular frame. Has proven over last three seasons that he can withstand a pounding. Has enough natural arm strength and hip snap to fit throws into an NFL window. Stands tall and delivers a tight spiral with over-the-top delivery. Very little windup and gets ball out with the flick of a wrist. When pocket is clean, can deliver accurate strikes around the field. Played with improved vision and care for football this season and eliminated many of the ill-fated throws that turned into interceptions in 2014. Still a work in progress, but continues to show a level of growth as a passer. Threat with his legs, scoring 37 rushing touchdowns over last three seasons and had 94 rushes of ten yards or more during that time. Can be used as goal-line rushing option. Willing to extend plays outside of pocket with legs but look to finish the play with his arm. Mentally tough enough to carry a heavy offensive burden for the Bulldogs over last three years. When protected better in 2014, showed an ability to challenge deep and strike with accuracy and touch.

Thing is Dak is not some finished product, he does have a lot to learn but he is showing a lot of poise in his play and is leading a team who was nothing more than a 4 win team last year. Damn you would think the kid could get some love. Every week people here keep waiting for him to fail and even in a bad game as he had this past weekend he made big plays to pull out a big big win.

Feel free to keep doubting him, I'm sure when he suffers his next loss you will be here to tell us how right you were in the meantime Dak has played a big part in this teams turn around
Thing is Dak is not some finished product, he does have a lot to learn but he is showing a lot of poise in his play and is leading a team who was nothing more than a 4 win team last year. Damn you would think the kid could get some love. Every week people here keep waiting for him to fail and even in a bad game as he had this past weekend he made big plays to pull out a big big win.

I have to take issue with that part. You take Joseph Randle and replace him with Zeke and we would not have been a 4 win team. We could easily have beaten both Atlanta and New Orleans just by putting Zeke back there instead of Randle, and then everything would have been different.
and the reports on Dak were not bad

Thick, muscular frame. Has proven over last three seasons that he can withstand a pounding. Has enough natural arm strength and hip snap to fit throws into an NFL window. Stands tall and delivers a tight spiral with over-the-top delivery. Very little windup and gets ball out with the flick of a wrist. When pocket is clean, can deliver accurate strikes around the field. Played with improved vision and care for football this season and eliminated many of the ill-fated throws that turned into interceptions in 2014. Still a work in progress, but continues to show a level of growth as a passer. Threat with his legs, scoring 37 rushing touchdowns over last three seasons and had 94 rushes of ten yards or more during that time. Can be used as goal-line rushing option. Willing to extend plays outside of pocket with legs but look to finish the play with his arm. Mentally tough enough to carry a heavy offensive burden for the Bulldogs over last three years. When protected better in 2014, showed an ability to challenge deep and strike with accuracy and touch.

Thing is Dak is not some finished product, he does have a lot to learn but he is showing a lot of poise in his play and is leading a team who was nothing more than a 4 win team last year. Damn you would think the kid could get some love. Every week people here keep waiting for him to fail and even in a bad game as he had this past weekend he made big plays to pull out a big big win.

Feel free to keep doubting him, I'm sure when he suffers his next loss you will be here to tell us how right you were in the meantime Dak has played a big part in this teams turn around

And I said coming out of college, there were things I liked. Even made a thread about it, on being LSU. My biggest concern with him was his arm strength, while watching the LSU game I saw a pass or two where I thought he could make it consistently. I no longer believe he can at the NFL level.

That's how these things work. You watch some college film on a guy, you see some things you like. They come into the league, and you see far more negatives that were masked by low quality college ball.
I have to take issue with that part. You take Joseph Randle and replace him with Zeke and we would not have been a 4 win team. We could easily have beaten both Atlanta and New Orleans just by putting Zeke back there instead of Randle, and then everything would have been different.

Maybe so but again with the hypotheticals he was not nor do we know what the results would be. You are always right when using hypothetical because it never happened. Life is great when you live by the hypothetical

In the words of Don Meredith given by Jim Parson

Take it away
Maybe so but again with the hypotheticals he was not nor do we know what the results would be. You are always right when using hypothetical because it never happened. Life is great when you live by the hypothetical

In the words of Don Meredith given by Jim Parson

Take it away

Except you said this is the same team that won 4 games. It's not remotely. Not even in the same class. Show me a single DC who was scared of Joseph Randle, show me one who game planned for him.
I have to take issue with that part. You take Joseph Randle and replace him with Zeke and we would not have been a 4 win team. We could easily have beaten both Atlanta and New Orleans just by putting Zeke back there instead of Randle, and then everything would have been different.
I dont agree with that, Randle had 3 touchdowns in the 1st half against atlanta. Our defense lost us that game big time.
And I said coming out of college, there were things I liked. Even made a thread about it, on being LSU. My biggest concern with him was his arm strength, while watching the LSU game I saw a pass or two where I thought he could make it consistently. I no longer believe he can at the NFL level.

That's how these things work. You watch some college film on a guy, you see some things you like. They come into the league, and you see far more negatives that were masked by low quality college ball.

Well who am I to argue with your scouting skills. Meantime Dak seems to be getting the job done and while learning on the job. Game does not seem to big for him.
I dont agree with that, Randle had 3 touchdowns in the 1st half against atlanta. Our defense lost us that game big time.

What did he have in the second half? He was a single half player, he sucked in every second half, and never a guy who anybody game planned to stop.
I have to take issue with that part. You take Joseph Randle and replace him with Zeke and we would not have been a 4 win team. We could easily have beaten both Atlanta and New Orleans just by putting Zeke back there instead of Randle, and then everything would have been different.

Last year, we lost 5-6 games by 7 points or less. Lost to the Bills by 10, closer than the box score indicates and were on our third QB. Having a healthy Dez or a more consistent RB may have tipped the game in our direction in most of those games. While maybe not playoffs, we could have looked at a 7-9 or 8-8 season.
Except you said this is the same team that won 4 games. It's not remotely. Not even in the same class. Show me a single DC who was scared of Joseph Randle, show me one who game planned for him.

Outside of 1 player being Zeke and some of these game without Dez and Tyron Smith.
Well who am I to argue with your scouting skills. Meantime Dak seems to be getting the job done and while learning on the job. Game does not seem to big for him.

Game doesn't seem too big for many players. That's not really the discussion here and not what I'm criticizing.

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