Were the NASA moonwalks staged?

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Apollo 1
All three died.

Apollo 13 was supposed to be the 3rd moon landing, but one of the oxygen tanks exploded on the way and they ended up circling the moon and coming home.
Yeah Gus Grissom kept running his mouth so they shut him up. Also remember that NASA investigator gets hit by a train to shut him up.
They were real people.....they exist ....Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, the other guy(Michael Collins)
Yes they exist NO SH@T, but they only went into orbit,nothing else. All 3 of these astronauts only Buzz Aldrin has been vocal about it. Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins pretty well became recluses.

Answer this question then....Why have they not gone back to the Moon in almost 50 years? You would think NASA would like to build a station on the Moon to explore. Maybe drill see if there is some resource,some beneficial resource that Earth could use. See if life was ever on the Moon.. Maybe use the Moon as a port station. Why not???
Yes they exist NO SH@T, but they only went into orbit,nothing else. All 3 of these astronauts only Buzz Aldrin has been vocal about it. Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins pretty well became recluses.

Answer this question then....Why have they not gone back to the Moon in almost 50 years? You would think NASA would like to build a station on the Moon to explore. Maybe drill see if there is some resource,some beneficial resource that Earth could use. See if life was ever on the Moon.. Maybe use the Moon as a port station. Why not???

Dude stop, didn’t you hear what Don Petit said? We tossed that useless technology in the trash brah....
We “Destroyed Technology” that we spent $$$$$Millions on, not to mention thousands of hours of work to create?????

Oh yeah we used to have the capability to land on the moon but uhh, you know, we just threw it in the trash and it would be a real pain in the *** to recreate it... pffffftttt


The explanation as to why we faked it is very very very simple but I’m not going to waste my energy on sheep....
Once they decided they didn't need to go to the moon anymore, there wasn't much reason to keep that stuff, was there?
Once they decided they didn't need to go to the moon anymore, there wasn't much reason to keep that stuff, was there?

So you just throw data into the trash? C’mon man, at the very least you keep boxes of files in a storage.. This isn’t Rocket Science, oh but it is....:facepalm:
So you just throw data into the trash? C’mon man, at the very least you keep boxes of files in a storage.. This isn’t Rocket Science, oh but it is....:facepalm:
Maybe they did keep it, but someone took it. Maybe whoever was in charge of storing it misplaced it. Maybe they sold the information to technology corporations......That would explain the sudden increase in modern technological advancement.
The only thing that gets destroyed in this country is incriminating evidence, not millions of dollars worth of Successful Technology...

And we’re not just talking about Technology to land on the moon, we’re talking about Technology to get past Van Allen’s Radiation Belt to reach further destinations in space, but we threw this Technology in the trash bruh, back in 69 Dude....

NASA Admits This....
OK this is why I believed they faked it. 1969 USA is falling apart from the political assasinations of JFK,RFK,MLK, & Malcolm X. We have the Vietnam War that is unpopular and we also are getting hit by National Debt,The Cold War with the Soviet Union is costing us... NASA could get gutted to cut cost,also we need something to unite the country from the whole 60's decade being a disaster.We also need other countries to invest into the USA and that is a technology bounce for the USA. Several reasons why we faked it......... Armstrong,Aldrin,and Collins probably did it to give the USA an advantage againist the Soviet Union and did it for patriotic reasons and probably only told of this when they got into orbit what was going to happen.... They went to Orbit and lot of people think Stanley Kubrick staged the Moon Landing. 2001 A Space Odessey comes out in 1968. What stood out about this movie is it was way more advanced than any other SCI-FI movie ever made. Kubrick hinted in symbolism like in The Shining with the child DOC wearing a sweater of a spaceship.. Also if you want to get into more conspiracies Stanley Kubrick's last movie before his death was EYES WIDE SHUT which talks of Secret Societies.
Yeah Gus Grissom kept running his mouth so they shut him up. Also remember that NASA investigator gets hit by a train to shut him up.
wow, timb2, I think you actually think we didn't ever go to the moon.
Is that true?
wow, timb2, I think you actually think we didn't ever go to the moon.
Is that true?
Yes, I hate it because Neil Armstrong was one of my Heroes growing up,but something is just fishy why we have not returned. That video I posted with the lights come on the spaceship shows the truth. Acting like the camera was in the window and they are actually on the far side of the spaceship. filming the window. I think they just went to orbit. I believe they probably tested and the Van Allen belts probably fried a monkey or dog before the Apollo 11 mission and the world just doesn't know about it.. Just prior I believe a month before Neil Armstrong had trouble controlling the test landing module on Earth and had to eject and yet one month later we are off to the moon.
except that 100s of other NASA engineers say otherwise.

Did you even watch the video or know it’s contents? It’s a video explaining new technology they are working on to get beyond..

Context is king, hyperbole, not so much...
Here is a NASA engineer explaining about technology they are Currently working on to go beyond that barrier that would make it impossible to get to the moon without it:

Now here is another NASA engineer telling us we threw that technology in the garbage back in 69 bruh’s....

These are two different NASA engineers telling us we Currently don’t have this technology, not some random conspiracy theorists....
Astronauts makes a slip

How do you know where they were in orbit?....If you know they weren't over the West Coast, was he confused, or was he talking about where the relay station was, as opposed to his actual location?

As for the tags reading "Nervous now", and such, he looked exactly the same after his interview as he did before it. People love to manufacture evidence to fit their agendas.
How do you know where they were in orbit?....If you know they weren't over the West Coast, was he confused, or was he talking about where the relay station was, as opposed to his actual location?

As for the tags reading "Nervous now", and such, he looked exactly the same after his interview as he did before it. People love to manufacture evidence to fit their agendas.
He was talking about the caller it is very easy to understand.
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