Were the NASA moonwalks staged?

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It’s a NASA engineer, not some nut job...

He was talking about the caller it is very easy to understand.
You're right. I let the caption influence the way I perceived it, but after a second viewing, he meant the listener was on the opposite side of the country from where he went to school.
How do you know where they were in orbit?....If you know they weren't over the West Coast, was he confused, or was he talking about where the relay station was, as opposed to his actual location?

As for the tags reading "Nervous now", and such, he looked exactly the same after his interview as he did before it. People love to manufacture evidence to fit their agendas.

Can you explain why they are not at the window when the lights came on??? Also explain why Michael Collins is peeling stuff off the window to make the Earth look fuzzy?
Did you even watch the video or know it’s contents? It’s a video explaining new technology they are working on to get beyond..

Context is king, hyperbole, not so much...
So by my count, in this forum, CF74, timb2, and Keithfansince5 all believe that man has never set foot on the moon or even orbited it.
OK. Duly noted.
Can you explain why they are not at the window when the lights came on??? Also explain why Michael Collins is peeling stuff off the window to make the Earth look fuzzy?

Can you explain why these images are much blurrier than the ones I watched on live TV? That alone is enough to discredit this whole video.

That's a miss also. I know the guy who made A Funny Thing Happened To The Way to the Moon. I use to go to the same church. Bart Sibrel was the guy also who Buzz Aldrin punched out because Sibrel wanted Aldrin to swear on a Bible. Sibrel did the same to Armstrong & Collins none of them would swear on the Bible that they landed on the Moon.
That's a miss also. I know the guy who made A Funny Thing Happened To The Way to the Moon. I use to go to the same church. Bart Sibrel was the guy also who Buzz Aldrin punched out because Sibrel wanted Aldrin to swear on a Bible. Sibrel did the same to Armstrong & Collins none of them would swear on the Bible that they landed on the Moon.
The guy at the Liquor Store told ya.....wow
These cats are either lazy or they are just afraid.. Either way I wish I could go back to not knowing and burying my head, ignorance is truly bliss...
Gatekeepers they will fight to live in their perceived world.
That's a miss also. I know the guy who made A Funny Thing Happened To The Way to the Moon. I use to go to the same church. Bart Sibrel was the guy also who Buzz Aldrin punched out because Sibrel wanted Aldrin to swear on a Bible. Sibrel did the same to Armstrong & Collins none of them would swear on the Bible that they landed on the Moon.
Lions don't concern themselves with the opinions of sheep

If someone called my life's work a lie I would punch them too....people used to get shot for such things
I will say this.

On any topic you can imagine, you can find a countering (and convincing) you-tube vid or 10.

Where there ever dinosaurs?
Is the earth really round?
Are photos of various galaxies make believe artwork?
Was the holocaust made up?
Is Elvis really still alive?
Was John Lennon an alien?
Did we never go to the moon?
Do data collecting missions to the edges of the solar system and beyond not really exist?
Is Barak Obama the true antichrist?
Or maybe its trump?
Do lizard people run our world governments?

Go ahead, look it up. I'm sure you can find some convincing evidence of each of these.

free world. If 1000s say one thing and a handful say otherwise, it's still allowed.
Go for it.
Knock yourself out
The guy at the Liquor Store told ya.....wow
Miss 2,try to use humor to discredit your opponent when you can't give a logical reason for what Armstrong & Collins are doing in that video.... Yes I am a supposed Conspiracy Nut,but I try to use video so you can't just explain away so smear tactics of making your opponent look not credible.....Same tactic they use in politics to discredit the opponent. "Basically Don't believe them,they are crazy,they must believe in Bigfoot,Little Green Men,and the Lochness Monster. They clump you in with others. I do believe in the Government does not tell the people the truth and News has been shown they are just propaganda.
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