What does your username mean?

Actually mine is a nickname for my son. I'm a JR. and he's a III. I wanted him to be called Charley like me. My wife(ex now) said no because My dad and I was already called Charley and she thought that was to many. So he still carries my name Charles but we call him Trey. I wasnt a fan of that so just to piss her off my buddies and I call him Little Jr.
MichaelWinicki;1461691 said:

Our minds are focused on more important things...



Come'on Jarv help me out here... :)

ConcordCowboy;1461716 said:
My wife and I went skiing in New York (Holiday Valley) and we thought wow look at those mountains.

And we skied reasonably well for not skiing in 13 years.

So then we go out to Colorado a month later and we where like are you kidding me!

Those were mountains. Needless to say our skiing wasn't as good.:D

At Breckenridge almost all of their Blues where Black Diamonds if not Double Black Diamonds at Holiday Valley.:eek:

But it was a blast and I can't wait to go back.

Well, I'll tell everyone now...I absoutely love Columbus, OH. If I had somewhere else to live besides here in Utah, it would be there!

The east has some of the greenest:D growth, it is beautiful...I have been all through that area, from COL, OH, to NY City, down to Richmond, VA...I actually love it up east...I actually loved going to Philly, if you can believe that! Those people are real cool, although I hate eagle fans...

But I love the wide open spaces in the West...not much fog or pollution, lots of open land out here...lots of places to go to get away and reflect...

5Stars;1461730 said:
Well, I'll tell everyone now...I absoutely love Columbus, OH. If I had somewhere else to live besides here in Utah, it would be there!

The east has some of the greenest:D growth, it is beautiful...I have been all through that area, from COL, OH, to NY City, down to Richmond, VA...I actually love it up east...I actually loved going to Philly, if you can believe that! Those people are real cool, although I hate eagle fans...

But I love the wide open spaces in the West...not much fog or pollution, lots of open land out here...lots of places to go to get away and reflect...


We have some beautiful things this way too as you have said.

One of my favorites is the fall and watching the colors....Fantastic.

We went to Maine Oct 2004 and it was gorgeous.

We're going to Vermont this fall...Can't wait.
ConcordCowboy;1461676 said:
I've seen plenty of pics of Utah...Looks awesome.

Wouldn't mind visiting there at all.

:laugh2: We have nothing in the East that even remotely compares to the Mountains you guys have.

We have hills.:D

Hehehe - Hills !!

Here we have some real mountains. Oh there some lil hills in the back to for you hill climbers.

This is Mt. Augustine - one of the man volcanos located around the state.

Alaska !!

Dallas;1461740 said:
Hehehe - Hills !!

Here we have some real mountains. Oh there some lil hills in the back to for you hill climbers.

This is Mt. Augustine - one of the man volcanos located around the state.

Alaska !!


I could ski that!:D

That's amazing!

Do you live near that?

I'm a nature Freak!
"Sultan" = king in Arabic
"Of" = the preposition "of" - duh.
"Six" = reference to a six string on a guitar.

SultanOfSix = A king of the six string.

An alias that is a tribute to all great guitar players out there.
ConcordCowboy;1461759 said:
I could ski that!:D

That's amazing!

Do you live near that?

I'm a nature Freak!

Ive fished in that lil cove up on the left of the island there. Other than that. I don't live near it. It is a popular spot to pick up halibut. Hell of a drive tho in the boat. Yeeesh!

I live in Anchorage. Im surrounded by this kind of stuff.

Here is a story -

Last week (Friday) 2 of my clients set out for a brown bear hunt up near Talkeetna. The bears are just now waking up form that long winter sleep. Anyways - they see this bear coming out of its hole. Not a huge bear but a good lookin one. He's about 4 yrs old and in a full blond coat. I think they said he went about 700lbs. I forget. So they pop this bear and everyone is happy. They take the sleds up to the hole to get him out. They are pullin and a tuggin when all of the sudden.

GROWL!!!! (yep there is another bear in the den - its the mama)

She charges out and grabs Lynn and puts a beat down on him. She broke his hand and put all kinds of big bites into his legs/neck/arms/head before his hunting partner Ray was able to dispatch her.

A quick satphone call back to the house and a helicopter was on its way to pick them up.

Imagine something 800+ lbs standing on your back biting down on your head as its claws drill into your backside like they are looking for something to eat. :lmao2:
Dallas;1461801 said:
Ive fished in that lil cove up on the left of the island there. Other than that. I don't live near it. It is a popular spot to pick up halibut. Hell of a drive tho in the boat. Yeeesh!

I live in Anchorage. Im surrounded by this kind of stuff.

Here is a story -

Last week (Friday) 2 of my clients set out for a brown bear hunt up near Talkeetna. The bears are just now waking up form that long winter sleep. Anyways - they see this bear coming out of its hole. Not a huge bear but a good lookin one. He's about 4 yrs old and in a full blond coat. I think they said he went about 700lbs. I forget. So they pop this bear and everyone is happy. They take the sleds up to the hole to get him out. They are pullin and a tuggin when all of the sudden.

GROWL!!!! (yep there is another bear in the den - its the mama)

She charges out and grabs Lynn and puts a beat down on him. She broke his hand and put all kinds of big bites into his legs/neck/arms/head before his hunting partner Ray was able to dispatch her.

A quick satphone call back to the house and a helicopter was on its way to pick them up.

Imagine something 800+ lbs standing on your back biting down on your head as its claws drill into your backside like they are looking for something to eat. :lmao2:

Not a Hunting fan at all...So to me he got off easy.

But you sure do live in a beautiful place.
I joined the board around the time Kobe was up on rape charges. The rest of my name was pretty much wishful thinking.
Hostile and Brain, u guys have kept me entertained for years with ur banter, along with some others. :bow: However, u guys that keep changing ur names always keeps me wondering where the heck have the others gone to! That messes with u after a while.. am I talking to who I think I am? :bang2: So maybe someone could start using the name "changeless" and others "not full of sh!^" lol Different names but the same package!!!! :laugh2: jk However, with that being said after reading so many funny pages maybe we could start a thread, "what would u name ur buddies on the forum if u could". I hope to see Q, hostile, brain, "woody's big disappointment" hee hee get tagged soon!!!!! Too late for thekid since he's on his way to bed. :)
mine's kinda silly...

x=Greek chi (Ch)
p=Greek rho (r)

f= ph
betcha can figure out the rest...
BrAinPaiNt;1461061 said:
Yes...It is amazing how one can jump with the help of a rattlesnake or a swarm of bees after you.

I have been literally almost stung to death twice. The first time I stepped on a hollow log that honeybees had used to make their hive. I broke it open and was stung literally hundreds of times. Since my pants had a loop on the bottom of them from wearing them too long, the loop got around a branch jutting off of the stump/hive and I drug it for several yards before breaking free from the hive. It was about 100+ degrees that day. If my neighbor hadn't been a nurse and given me a shot, it would have probably killed me with minutes.

The second time I got into a hive of bumblebees while taking a gatepost out of the ground. I got stung probably a hundred times on that occasion (a walk in the park compared to the prior time) but I broke a bone in my foot trying to get away.

A single sting is laughable to me at this point, but they still scare the heck out of me.

I derived my screen name because I am a trial lawyer.
AOL gave me mine years ago. I quit trying to find one not taken. So it stuck. Wish I had a cool story but that's it.
I live in Fort Dick, Ca. It was orginal a trappers outpost named Fort Richard. Very near where Jed Smith's company was wiped out back in the early 19th century.

As the area became settled, the locals began calling the area Fort "Dick". Anyway, it stuck and is much less pretentious than Fort Richard.

We have a population of about 450 people.

We seceeded from the state of California a number of years ago, declaring war on the US and hoping for some of that appeasement money that they give every two bit dictator. But, alas, no one cared.

We are currently petitioning to be the capital of the State of Jerrerson once Northern California breaks off. And by Northern California, I don't mean Frisco. That is 450 miles south of here!

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