What does your username mean?

smarta5150;1461296 said:
10 pages long... no thanks lol.

Can you recap it for me :p:
4 pages for me... and you don't know what you're missing. We learned the definition of g-string and how Brainpaint wears his. :D
WoodysGirl;1461302 said:
4 pages for me... and you don't know what you're missing. We learned the definition of g-string and how Brainpaint wears his. :D

Sorry I asked for a recap, funny, I didnt see a pic of it in the members zone, excuse me for a few :puke:
smarta5150;1461296 said:
10 pages long... no thanks lol.

Can you recap it for me :p:

Page 5 post 5 (I around the 5th post anyways)
mine is because to most members and fans i'm a young gun (19 yrs of age...soon to be 20) and the 5 is because, i was born on the 5th day of octover and my father passed in the 5th month. i forgot what my old name used to be
Hostile;1460848 said:
Mine means that I stand for all that is good, kind, friendly, caring, and peaceful in the world. The mere sight of my nickname should invoke pleasant imagery of utopian order and paradisical glory. Admit it, you feel better already.

Mine is not about the watch.

A zeromaster is somebody that proclaims one thing, and his followers do the exact opposite. :D
DallasEast;1460899 said:
Okay, Wayne, I tried, but I can't take it anymore!

What's a spacesemstress???

hahaha....someone from outer space who takes in sewing...sheesh...you need to get out more often ;)
wayne_motley;1461468 said:
hahaha....someone from outer space who takes in sewing...sheesh...you need to get out more often ;)
SteveOS;1460818 said:
I've seen some strange ones and was just curious.

Mine? Well, my name is Steve and I run a website called Operation Sports. :D

At the breakfast table our kin would say "Just gimme the d**** oatmeal!" "Just gimme the d**** toast!" "Just gimme the d*** tripas!"
Me, I'd shout to the QB on the playground "Just gimme the d*** ball!" And when he did, we'd usually win. Well, that's it.

what up wit SteveOS? Why not SteveOpS? I think it has a nicer ring to it.
I'm a cigar smoking dog that likes to surf the internet for poodle porn.

I have to admit it, it took me 4 tries to just get it right my first one was Romorefic then there was Go cowboys but then I thought it skinssuck but somebody already had it so I caouldn't take so I thought dalboy which is stupid but hey it works with me.
burmafrd;1461181 said:
Yo Scipio- he was not that good of a general. By that time Hannibal was like Napoleon late in his career; just not as good. Of course the fact that his army was not exactly the greatest either did not help. When you look at how really not so good Hannibal's army was, it shows just how bad the Roman generals that usually faced him were. Trying to remember- it was Hannibals brother (Hasbrudal?) that got ambushed with reinforcements that really saved Rome?

Hannibal was screwed at Zama. His veteran troops that he had led throughout his campaigns in Italy were mostly dead or lost and he only had a handful with him. His feared Numidian cavalry had gone over to the Romans in the hopes of being freed from Carthaginian domination (they simply traded it for Roman domination). All Hannibal had left to face Scipio was a handful of veterans, a bunch of raw recruits, and some elephants.

Scipio had dealt with elephants before and was able to open lanes within his ranks to allow them to pass through without doing much harm. Then he annihilated the levies while his cavalry drove the Carthaginian horsemen from the field. The Numidians came back to surround the Carthaginian veterans and basically wiped them out to a man.

Hannibal lived but was driven into exile by his own people and eventually killed himself as an old man in the Middle East.

I agree with you, Scipio was smart but mostly he got lucky. He never would have defeated Hannibal at his prime and with his army of veterans at his command. Hannibal was betrayed by his political enemies who pretty much left him out to dry in Italy. The guy was unbeatable for most of his career.
Mine is from the movie little giants when hot hands says "I wanna be #88 just like Michael Irvin the big 88" plus he's my all time favorite player.

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