What does your username mean?

years ago when trying to find a name for J. Reed on AIM, it was quite impossible to simply get jreed or the like unless it was "jreed25308972345"... so I pulled out the creativity and decided to switch some vowels out and see if it could work... the result was 'Jairiid' which when you break it up is kinda 'jai-' (j.) '-riid' (reed)... i've kinda stuck with it
SteveOS;1460818 said:
I've seen some strange ones and was just curious.

Mine? Well, my name is Steve and I run a website called Operation Sports. :D

To the Tlingit Indians, the silver bear is sacred, a symbol of great virility... :D

Naw, that's not true, but it sure SOUNDS good, doesn't it??

The true story is, back in college I picked up the nickname "Bear, Jr.", because I was all but a groupie for UTEP's legendary head coach, Don Haskins, aka the Bear... you know, the guy they made the movie Glory Road about, the one who won the NCAA championship back in 1966 in a stunning upset over Adolph Rupp's all-white Kentucky powerhouse team, starting 5 black guys against them...

I talked about Haskins so much my buddies in the dorm derisively referred to me as "Bear, Jr.", only I LIKED the nickname... LOL...

When I left college, over the next few years I started to develop in my upper body pretty well, until eventually I started to LOOK a little like a bear-- big torso, rather short arms and legs, topped off with a beard that I grew and still have, giving me a rather "wooly" appearance... so even though my new clique didn't know the background of "Bear", the nickname stuck...

Then I came online, and every group I tried to sign up for had a Bear already registered... so I got to thinking, in golf Jack Nicklaus was my idol, and he was widely known as the Golden Bear... well, I was a golf pro too, but of course I couldn't hold a candle to the greatest golfer of my generation... and since silver isn't as valuable as gold, I figured if Jack was the Golden Bear, then I might be the Silver Bear... given my silvery hair and beard, it seemed doubly appropriate...

I'll bet you're sorry you asked, aren't you?? :D
Hostile;1460848 said:
Mine means that I stand for all that is good, kind, friendly, caring, and peaceful in the world. The mere sight of my nickname should invoke pleasant imagery of utopian order and paradisical glory. Admit it, you feel better already.

I do, but I have just about a gallon of Nyquil in me... :D
iceberg;1460932 said:
you come from the land of the bungee jumpers?

Naw, he worships Cornholio...

And believe it or not, this is the first time in my entire life I've EVER made a Beavis and Butthead reference... :D
DallasEast;1460991 said:
Girdle? I thought that it looked like a chasity belt...

Why would he need a chastity belt?? His looks are guaranteed to keep women at a safe distance...
WoodysGirl;1461179 said:
And here I thought it was in honor of a snake. Go figure. :eek::

I figured he was a Sylvester Stallone fan...

Hey, there HAS to be one of 'em SOMEWHERE...
MichaelWinicki;1461680 said:
It's my name.

I was going to use the name "Wayne_Motley" but it was taken. :)

I tried "Dippy_Winicki", and was told the board had a strict limit on the number of Winicki's allowed at any one time...
Well, I'm little...5'2", 98 pounds.

I have red hair.

When I was growing up, I loved NYC, hence the 212.

Lil' Red has always been a nickname of mine.
well Felix is my first name and 360 is just something I started using in my HS days so i stuck both together.

*360* has nothing to do with xbox360 fyi
A wide receiver who never had a pass thrown to him in his entire professional career--until he caught a fourth-quarter TD pass from a Hall of Fame QB in the greatest Super Bowl ever played...

...then never caught another pass again.


IMO, the real #81. :)
percyhoward;1463467 said:
A wide receiver who never had a pass thrown to him in his entire professional career--until he caught a fourth-quarter TD pass from a Hall of Fame QB in the greatest Super Bowl ever played...

...then never caught another pass again.


IMO, the real #81. :)

I think I prefer Super Bowls that we actually won...but I'm not much of a sport about it, I suppose.
tomson75;1463468 said:
I think I prefer Super Bowls that we actually won...but I'm not much of a sport about it, I suppose.
I meant "greatest," as in, well, greatest. Best combination of offense, defense, momentum swings, great players and coaches, and big plays.

But yeah, I can think of 5 other SB outcomes I liked more, mismatches though they were.
Speaking of bees making u run, and snakes making u jump. I've done both many many times. I grew up in the country. I also was almost stung to death as a kid by several hundred bees when steppin in a nest while playing hide and go seek. Stepping in bees nest seem to be a bad habit of mine. Getting to my point, however, nothing ever made me jump as high or run as fast as a couple of bulls. I did a high jump, that I'm sure was a world record,(no Sh@!)! while instinctively doing a complete flip with a half twist while landing on the other side of a really tall enclosure for bulls then looking back at my oppressors nose to nose on the other side of the fence laying on the ground. At that time, I hadn't yet learned how to do those things but man does desperation, instincts, and andrenaline do the trick. hee hee I think this is the reason I have now learned how to do so many dives. :) This particular incident has happened to me twice now. So, I definitely think the world has messed up with the olympics. Think how high, fast, and beautiful the games would be with a little incentive involved! Works for me, I tell ya. Those guys from spain, in the running of the bulls, are on to something guys! Maybe that's the reason our team is named the cowboys. :rolleyes: This next season, let's resolve to help our team out by putting bees, ants and other wildlife in the underwear, pockets, and other places of our favorite players. I'm sure when they win the superbowl and make the probowl that all will be forgiven and our release from prison will be sure. Just a thought. You with me Brainpraint?
Aikbach;1462060 said:
I figured you just liked cats.


I HATE cats. I never really thought the name through and get that all the time. :bang2:
percyhoward;1463467 said:
A wide receiver who never had a pass thrown to him in his entire professional career--until he caught a fourth-quarter TD pass from a Hall of Fame QB in the greatest Super Bowl ever played...

...then never caught another pass again.


IMO, the real #81. :)

The REAL #81.... because of ONE catch??? wow....

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